Deuteronomy 20:14 Cross References - Bishops

14 But the women, and the children, and the cattell, and all that is in the citie, and all the spoyle therof shalt thou take vnto thy selfe, and eate the spoyle of thine enemies, which the Lorde thy God hath geuen thee

Numbers 31:9

9 And the children of Israel toke all the women of Madian prisoners, and their children, and spoyled all their cattel, and all their flockes, and all their goodes

Numbers 31:12

12 And they brought the captiues, and that which they had taken, and the spoyle, vnto Moyses and Eleazar the priest, and vnto the companie of the children of Israel, euen vnto the hoast that were in the fieldes of Moab by Iordane, ouer agaynst Iericho

Numbers 31:18

18 But all the women children that haue not lien with men carnally, kepe alyue for your selues

Numbers 31:35-54

35 And thirtie & two thousande persons in all, of women that had lyen by no man 36 And the halfe, which was the part of them that went out to warre, was in number three hundred thousande, and seuen and thirtie thousande, & fiue hundred, sheepe 37 And the Lordes part of the sheepe, was sixe hundred & threescore & fifteene 38 And the beefes were thirtie and sixe thousande, of which the Lordes part was threescore and twelue 39 And the asses were thirtie thousande and fiue hundred, of which the Lordes part was threescore and one 40 And the persons were sixteene thousande, of which the Lordes part was thirtie and two persons 41 And Moyses gaue the tribute, which was the Lordes heaue offeryng, vnto Eleazar the priest, as the Lorde commaunded Moyses 42 And the other halfe of the children of Israel which Moyses deuided from the men of warre 43 [That is to wit] the halfe that pertayned vnto the congregation, was three hundred thousande, and thirtie & seuen thousande, and fiue hundred, sheepe 44 And thirtie and sixe thousande beefes 45 And thirtie thousande asses, and fiue hundred 46 And sixteene thousande persons 47 And Moyses toke of the halfe that pertayned vnto the children of Israel, one portion of fiftie, both of the persons and of the cattell, and gaue them vnto the Leuites which wayted vpon the charge of the tabernacle of the Lorde, as the Lorde commaundded Moyses 48 And the officers of thousandes of the hoast, ye captaynes ouer the thousandes, and the captaynes ouer the hundredes, came foorth 49 And sayde vnto Moyses: Thy seruauntes haue taken the summe of the men of warre which are vnder our aucthoritie, and there lacketh not one man of vs 50 We haue therfore brought a present vnto the Lord what euery man found, of iewels of golde, bracelets, chaynes, rynges, eare rynges, and spangles, to make an attonement for our soules before the Lorde 51 And Moyses and Eleazar the priest, toke the golde of them, all the wrought iewels 52 And all the golde of the heaue offering that they heaued vp to the Lorde, of the captaynes ouer thousandes & hundredes, was sixteene thousande, seuen hundred and fiftie sicles 53 (For the men of warre had spoyled, euery man for hym selfe. 54 And Moyses and Eleazar the priest toke the golde of the captaynes ouer the thousandes & hundredes, and brought it into the tabernacle of the congregation, for a memoriall of the children of Israel before the Lorde

Joshua 8:2

2 And thou shalt do to Ai and her kyng, as thou dyddest vnto Iericho and her king. Neuerthelesse, the spoyle & cattell thereof, shall ye take vnto your selues: Thou shalt lye in wayte agaynst the citie, on the backside thereof

Joshua 11:14

14 And all the spoyle of the sayde cities & the cattel, the children of Israel caught vnto them selues: But euery ma they smote with the edge of the sword, vntill they had destroyed them, neither left they ought that had breath

Joshua 22:8

8 And sayde vnto them: Returne with much riches vnto your tentes, and with a great multitude of cattell, with syluer and golde, with brasse, and iron, and with much rayment, and deuide the spoyle of your enemies with your brethren

2 Chronicles 14:13-15

13 And Asa & the people that was with him, folowed after them vnto Gerar: And the blacke Moores hoast was ouerthrowen, that there was none of them left, but were destroyed before the Lord and before his hoast: And they caryed away a mightie great pray 14 And they smote all the cities rounde about Gerar, for the feare of the Lorde came vpon them: And they spoyled all the cities, & there was exceeding much spoyle in them 15 They smote also the tentes of cattaile, and caryed away plentie of sheepe and camels, and returned to Hierusalem

2 Chronicles 20:25

25 And when Iehosaphat and his people came to take away the spoyle of them, they founde among them aboundaunce of goods, rayment, & pleasaunt iewels, which they toke for them selues, more then they could cary away: so that they were three dayes in gathering of the spoyle, it was so much

Psalms 68:12

12 Kynges with their armies dyd flee: they dyd flee, and the ornament of an house deuided the spoyle

Romans 8:37

37 Neuerthelesse, in all these thinges we ouercome, through hym that loued vs

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