Bible verses about "breakthrough" | Wycliffe

2 Kings 7:6

6 Forsothe the Lord hadde maad a sown of charis, and of horsis, and of ful myche oost to be herd in the castels of Sirie; and thei seiden togidere, Lo! the kyng of Israel hath hirid bi meede ayens vs the kyngis of Etheis and of Egipcians; and thei camen on vs.

Psalms 100:3

3 I settide not forth bifore myn iyen an vniust thing; Y hatide hem that maden trespassyngis.

Isaiah 54:17

17 Ech vessel which is maad ayens thee, schal not be dressid; and in the doom thou schalt deme ech tunge ayenstondynge thee. This is the eritage of the seruauntis of the Lord, and the riytfulnesse of hem at me, seith the Lord.

Isaiah 55:7-10

7 An vnfeithful man forsake his weie, and a wickid man forsake hise thouytis; and turne he ayen to the Lord, and he schal haue merci on hym, and to oure God, for he is myche to foryyue. 8 For why my thouytis ben not youre thouytis, and my weies ben not youre weies, seith the Lord. 9 For as heuenys ben reisid fro erthe, so my weies ben reisid fro youre weies, and my thouytis fro youre thouytis. 10 And as reyn and snow cometh doun fro heuene, and turneth no more ayen thidur, but it fillith the erthe, and bischedith it, and makith it to buriowne, and yyueth seed to hym that sowith, and breed to hym that etith,

Matthew 13:43

43 Thanne iuste men schulen schyne as the sunne, in the rewme of her fadir. He that hath eeris of heryng, here he.

Ephesians 6:17

17 And take ye the helm of helthe, and the swerd of the Goost, that is, the word of God.

James 1:1-27

1 James, the seruaunt of God, and of oure Lord Jhesu Crist, to the twelue kinredis, that ben in scatering abrood, helthe. 2 My britheren, deme ye al ioye, whanne ye fallen in to diuerse temptaciouns, witynge, 3 that the preuyng of youre feith worchith pacience; 4 and pacience hath a perfit werk, that ye be perfit and hole, and faile in no thing. 5 And if ony of you nedith wisdom, axe he of God, which yyueth to alle men largeli, and vpbreidith not; and it schal be youun to hym. 6 But axe he in feith, and doute no thing; for he that doutith, is lijk to a wawe of the see, which is moued and borun a boute of wynde. 7 Therfor gesse not the ilke man, that he schal take ony thing of the Lord. 8 A man dowble in soule is vnstable in alle hise weies. 9 And a meke brother haue glorie in his enhaunsyng, 10 and a riche man in his lownesse; for as the flour of gras he schal passe. 11 The sunne roos vp with heete, and driede the gras, and the flour of it felde doun, and the fairnesse of his chere perischide; and so a riche man welewith in hise weies. 12 Blessid is the man, that suffrith temptacioun; for whanne he schal be preued, he schal resseyue the coroun of lijf, which God biheyte to men that louen hym. 13 No man whanne he is temptid, seie, that he is temptid of God; for whi God is not a temptere of yuele thingis, for he temptith no man. 14 But ech man is temptid, drawun and stirid of his owne coueiting. 15 Aftirward coueityng, whanne it hath conseyued, bringith forth synne; but synne, whanne it is fillid, gendrith deth. 16 Therfor, my most dereworthe britheren, nyle ye erre. 17 Ech good yifte, and ech perfit yifte is from aboue, and cometh doun fro the fadir of liytis, anentis whom is noon other chaungyng, ne ouerschadewyng of reward. 18 For wilfulli he bigat vs bi the word of treuthe, that we be a bigynnyng of his creature. 19 Wite ye, my britheren moost loued, be ech man swift to here, but slow to speke, and slow to wraththe; 20 for the wraththe of man worchith not the riytwisnesse of God. 21 For which thing caste ye awei al vnclennesse, and plentee of malice, and in myldenesse resseyue ye the word that is plauntid, that may saue youre soulis. 22 But be ye doeris of the word, and not hereris oneli, disseiuynge you silf. 23 For if ony man is an herere of the word, and not a doere, this schal be licned to a man that biholdith the cheer of his birthe in a mirour; 24 for he bihelde hym silf, and wente awei, and anoon he foryat which he was. 25 But he that biholdith in the lawe of perfit fredom, and dwellith in it, and is not maad a foryetful herere, but a doere of werk, this schal be blessid in his dede. 26 And if ony man gessith hym silf to be religiouse, and refreyneth not his tunge, but disseyueth his herte, the religioun of him is veyn. 27 A clene religioun, and an vnwemmed anentis God and the fadir, is this, to visite fadirles and modirles children, and widewis in her tribulacioun, and to kepe hym silf vndefoulid fro this world.

2 Timothy 3:16

16 For al scripture inspirid of God is profitable to teche, to repreue, to chastice, to lerne in riytwisnes, that the man of God be parfit, lerud to al good werk.

Isaiah 53:1-12

1 Who bileuyde to oure heryng? and to whom is the arm of the Lord schewide? 2 And he schal stie as a yerde bifore hym, and as a roote fro thirsti lond. And nether schap nether fairnesse was to hym; and we sien hym, and no biholdyng was; 3 and we desiriden hym, dispisid, and the laste of men, a man of sorewis, and knowynge sikenesse. And his cheer was as hid and dispisid; wherfor and we arettiden not hym. 4 Verili he suffride oure sikenessis, and he bar oure sorewis; and we arettiden hym as a mesel, and smytun of God, and maad low. 5 Forsothe he was woundid for oure wickidnessis, he was defoulid for oure greet trespassis; the lernyng of oure pees was on hym, and we ben maad hool bi his wannesse. 6 Alle we erriden as scheep, ech man bowide in to his owne weie, and the Lord puttide in hym the wickidnesse of vs alle. 7 He was offrid, for he wolde, and he openyde not his mouth; as a scheep he schal be led to sleyng, and he schal be doumb as a lomb bifore hym that clippith it, and he schal not opene his mouth. 8 He is takun awey fro angwisch and fro doom; who schal telle out the generacioun of hym? For he was kit doun fro the lond of lyueris. Y smoot hym for the greet trespas of my puple. 9 And he schal yyue vnfeithful men for biriyng, and riche men for his deth; for he dide not wickidnesse, nether gile was in his mouth; 10 and the Lord wolde defoule hym in sikenesse. If he puttith his lijf for synne, he schal se seed long durynge, and the wille of the Lord schal be dressid in his hond. 11 For that that his soule trauelide, he schal se, and schal be fillid. Thilke my iust seruaunt schal iustifie many men in his kunnyng, and he schal bere the wickidnessis of hem. 12 Therfor Y schal yelde, ethir dele, to hym ful many men, and he schal departe the spuilis of the stronge feendis; for that that he yaf his lijf in to deth, and was arettid with felenouse men; and he dide a wei the synne of many men, and he preiede for trespassouris.

Jeremiah 29:11

11 For Y knowe the thouytis whiche Y thenke on you, seith the Lord, the thouytis of pees, and not of turment, that Y yyue to you an ende and pacience.

Matthew 11:12

12 And fro the daies of Joon Baptist til now the kyngdom of heuenes suffrith violence, and violent men rauyschen it.

Romans 5:1

1 Therfor we, iustified of feith, haue we pees at God bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist.

Ephesians 6:18

18 Bi al preier and bisechyng preie ye al tyme in spirit, and in hym wakinge in al bisynesse, and bisechyng for alle hooli men, and for me;

Hebrews 4:12

12 and spedi in worching, and more able to perse than any tweyne eggid swerd, and stretchith forth to the departynge of the soule and of the spirit, and of the ioynturis and merewis, and demere of thouytis, and of intentis and hertis.

Psalms 118:1-18

1 `The titil of the hundrid and eiytenthe salm. Alleluia. Blessid ben men with out wem in the weie; that gon in the lawe of the Lord. 2 Blessid ben thei, that seken hise witnessingis; seken him in al the herte. 3 For thei that worchen wickidnesse; yeden not in hise weies. 4 Thou hast comaundid; that thin heestis be kept greetly. 5 I wolde that my weies be dressid; to kepe thi iustifiyngis. 6 Thanne Y schal not be schent; whanne Y schal biholde perfitli in alle thin heestis. 7 I schal knouleche to thee in the dressing of herte; in that that Y lernyde the domes of thi riytfulnesse. 8 I schal kepe thi iustifiyngis; forsake thou not me on ech side. 9 In what thing amendith a yong waxinge man his weie? in keping thi wordis. 10 In al myn herte Y souyte thee; putte thou me not awei fro thin heestis. 11 In myn herte Y hidde thi spechis; that Y do not synne ayens thee. 12 Lord, thou art blessid; teche thou me thi iustifiyngis. 13 In my lippis Y haue pronounsid; alle the domes of thi mouth. 14 I delitide in the weie of thi witnessingis; as in alle richessis. 15 I schal be ocupied in thin heestis; and Y schal biholde thi weies. 16 I schal bithenke in thi iustifiyngis; Y schal not foryete thi wordis. 17 Yelde to thi seruaunt; quiken thou me, and Y schal kepe thi wordis. 18 Liytne thou myn iyen; and Y schal biholde the merueils of thi lawe.

Psalms 103:1-22

1 The hundrid and thridde salm. Mi soule, blesse thou the Lord; my Lord God, thou art magnyfied greetli. Thou hast clothid knouleching and fairnesse; and thou art clothid with liyt, 2 as with a cloth. And thou stretchist forth heuene as a skyn; 3 and thou hilist with watris the hiyer partis therof. Which settist a cloude thi stiyng; which goest on the fetheris of wyndis. 4 Which makist spiritis thin aungels; and thi mynystris brennynge fier. 5 Which hast foundid the erthe on his stablenesse; it schal not be bowid in to the world of world. 6 The depthe of watris as a cloth is the clothing therof; watris schulen stonde on hillis. 7 Tho schulen fle fro thi blamyng; men schulen be aferd of the vois of thi thundur. 8 Hillis stien vp, and feeldis goen doun; in to the place which thou hast foundid to tho. 9 Thou hast set a terme, which tho schulen not passe; nether tho schulen be turned, for to hile the erthe. 10 And thou sendist out wellis in grete valeis; watris schulen passe bitwix the myddil of hillis. 11 Alle the beestis of the feeld schulen drynke; wielde assis schulen abide in her thirst. 12 Briddis of the eir schulen dwelle on tho; fro the myddis of stoonys thei schulen yyue voices. 13 And thou moistist hillis of her hiyer thingis; the erthe schal be fillid of the fruyt of thi werkis. 14 And thou bringist forth hei to beestis; and eerbe to the seruyce of men. That thou bringe forth breed of the erthe; 15 and that wiyn make glad the herte of men. That he make glad the face with oile; and that breed make stidefast the herte of man. 16 The trees of the feeld schulen be fillid, and the cedris of the Liban, whiche he plauntide; 17 sparewis schulen make nest there. The hous of the gerfaukun is the leeder of tho; 18 hiye hillis ben refute to hertis; a stoon is refutt to irchouns. 19 He made the moone in to tymes; the sunne knewe his goyng doun. 20 Thou hast set derknessis, and nyyt is maad; alle beestis of the wode schulen go ther ynne. 21 Liouns whelpis rorynge for to rauysche; and to seke of God meete to hem silf. 22 The sunne is risun, and tho ben gaderid togidere; and tho schulen be set in her couchis.

Micah 2:13

13 For he schal stie schewynge weie bifore hem; thei schulen departe, and passe the yate, and schulen go out therbi; and the kyng of hem schal passe bifore hem, and the Lord in the heed of hem.

John 8:31-32

31 Therfor Jhesus seide to the Jewis, that bileueden in hym, If ye dwellen in my word, verili ye schulen be my disciplis; 32 and ye schulen knowe the treuthe, and the treuthe schal make you fre.

Revelation 1:3

3 Blessid is he that redith, and he that herith the wordis of this prophecie, and kepith tho thingis that ben writun in it; for the tyme is niy.

Ephesians 6:12

12 For whi stryuyng is not to vs ayens fleisch and blood, but ayens princis and potestatis, ayens gouernours of the world of these derknessis, ayens spiritual thingis of wickidnesse, in heuenli thingis.

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