Bible verses about "apologizing" | Tyndale

John 3:16-17

16 For God so loveth the worlde yt he hath geven his only sonne that none that beleve in him shuld perisshe: but shuld have everlastinge lyfe. 17 For God sent not his sonne into the worlde to condepne the worlde: but that the worlde through him might be saved.

Matthew 18:15-17

15 Moreover yf thy brother treaspace agenst the. Go and tell him his faute betwene him and the alone. Yf he heare the thou hast wone thy brother: 16 But yf he heare the not then take yet with the one or two that in the mouth of two or thre witnesses all thinges maye be stablisshed. 17 If he heare not them tell it vnto the congregacion. If he heare not ye congregacion take him as an hethen man and as a publican.

1 Corinthians 6:1-20

1 How dare one of you havinge busines with another goo to lawe vnder the wicked and not rather vnder the sainctes? 2 Do ye not know that the sainctes shall iudge the worlde? If the worlde shalbe iudged by you: are ye not good ynough to iudge smale trifles: 3 knowe ye not how that we shall iudge the angles? How moche more maye we iudge thinges that partayne to ye lyfe? 4 If ye have iudgementes of worldely matters take them which are despised in ye congregacio and make them iudges. 5 This I saye to youre shame. Is ther vtterly no wyse man amoge you? What not one at all yt can iudge bitwene brother and brother 6 but one brother goeth to lawe with another: and that vnder the vnbelevers? 7 Now therfore ther is vtterly a faute amonge you because ye goo to lawe one with another. Why rather suffer ye not wronge? why rather suffre ye not youre selves to be robbed? 8 Naye ye youre selves do wronge and robbe: and that the brethren. 9 Do ye not remember how that the vnrighteous shall not inheret the kyngdome of God? Be not deceaved. For nether fornicators nether worshyppers of ymages nether whormongers nether weaklinges nether abusars of them selves with the mankynde 10 nether theves nether the coveteous nether dronkardes nether cursed speakers nether pillers shall inheret the kyngdome of God. 11 And soche ware ye verely: but ye are wesshed: ye are sanctified: ye are iustified by the name of the Lorde Iesus and by the sprete of oure God. 12 All thinges are lawfull vnto me: but all thinges are not proffitable. I maye do all thinges: but I will be brought vnder no mans power. 13 Meates are ordeyned for the belly and the belly for meates: but God shall destroy bothe it and them. Let not the body be applied vnto fornicacion but vnto the Lorde and the Lorde vnto the body. 14 God hath raysed vp the Lorde and shall rayse vs vp by his power. 15 Ether remember ye not that youre bodyes are the members of Christ? Shall I now take the members of Christ and make them the members of an harlot? God forbyd. 16 Do ye not vnderstonde that he which coupleth him selfe with an harlot is become one body? For two (saith he) shalbe one flesshe. 17 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lorde is one sprete. 18 Fle fornicacion. All synnes that a man dothe are with out ye body. But he yt is a fornicator synneth agaynst his awne body. 19 Ether knowe ye not how that youre bodyes are the temple of ye holy goost which is in you who ye have of God and how that ye are not youre awne? 20 For ye are dearly bought. Therfore glorifie ye God in youre bodyes and in youre spretes for they are goddes.

1 John 2:1-29

1 My lytell children these thynges write I vnto you that ye synne not: yf eny man synne yet we have an advocate with ye father Iesus Christ which is righteous: 2 and he it is that obteyneth grace for oure synnes: not for oure synnes only: but also for the synnes of all the worlde. 3 And herby we are sure that we knowe him yf we kepe his comaundementes. 4 He that sayth I knowe him and kepeth not his commaundementes is a lyar and the veritie is not in him. 5 Whosoever kepeth his (worde) in him is the love of god parfect in dede. And therby knowe we that we are in him. 6 He that sayth he bydeth in him ought to walke even as he walked. 7 Brethren I write no newe comaundement vnto you: but that olde comaundemet which ye hearde from the begynnynge. 8 The olde comaundement is the worde which ye hearde from the begynnynge. Agayne a newe comaundement I write vnto you a thynge that is true in him and also in you: for the darknes is past and the true lyght now shyneth. 9 He that sayth how that he is in the light and yet hateth his brother is in darknes even vntyll this tyme. 10 He that loveth his brother abydeth in the light and ther is none occasion of evyll in him. 11 He that hateth his brother is in darknes and walketh in darknes: and cannot tell whither he goeth because that darknes hath blynded his eyes. 12 Babes I write vnto you how that youre synnes are forgeven you for his names sake. 13 I wryte vnto you fathers how that ye have knowen him that was from the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you yonge men how that ye have overcome the wicked. I wryte vnto you lytell children how that ye have knowne the father. 14 I wryte vnto you fathers how that ye have knowe him that was fro the begynnynge. I wryte vnto you youge men how that ye are stronge: and the worde of God abydeth in you and ye have overcome that wicked. 15 Se that ye love not the worlde nether the thynges that are in the worlde. Yf eny man love the worlde the love of the father is not in him. 16 For all that is in ye worlde (as the lust of the flesshe the lust of the eyes and ye pryde of gooddes) is not of the father: but of ye worlde 17 And the worlde vannyssheth awaye and the lust therof: but he that fulfilleth the will of god abydeth ever. 18 Lytell children it is the last tyme and as ye have herde how that Antichrist shall come: even now are there many Antichristes come allredy. Wherby we knowe that it is the last tyme. 19 They went oute from vs but they were not of vs. For yf they had bene of vs they wolde no dout have continued with vs. But that fortuned that yt myght appere that they were not of vs. 20 And ye have an oyntment of ye holy gost and ye knowe all thynges. 21 I wrote not vnto you as though ye knewe not the trueth: but as though ye knewe it and knowe also that no lye commeth of trueth. 22 Who is a lyar: but he that denyeth that Iesus is Christ? The same is the Antichrist that denyeth the father and the sonne. 23 Whosoever denyeth the sonne the same hath not the father. 24 Let therfore abyde in you that same which ye hearde from the begynnynge. Yf that which ye hearde from ye begynnynge shall remayne in you ye also shall continewe in the sonne and in the father 25 And this is the promes yt he hath promysed vs even eternall lyfe. 26 This have I writte vnto you concernynge the yt disceave you. 27 And ye anoyntynge which ye have receaved of him dwelleth in you. And ye nede not that eny man teache you: but as ye annoyntynge teaheth you all thynges and is true and is no lye: and as it taught you even so byde therin. 28 And nowe babes abyde in him that when he shall appere we maye be bolde and not be made a shamed of him at his commynge. 29 Yf ye knowe that he is righteous knowe also that he which foloweth rightewesnes is borne of him.

Hebrews 12:14-15

14 Embrace peace with all men and holynes: with out the which no man shall se the Lorde. 15 And looke to that no man be destitue of the grace of God and that no rote of bitternes springe vp and trouble and therby many be defiled:

Matthew 12:25

25 But Iesus knewe their thoughtes and sayde to the. Every kingdome devided wt in it sylfe shalbe brought to naught. Nether shall eny cite or housholde devyded agest it sylfe cotynue.

Ephesians 4:32

32 Be ye courteouse one to another and mercifull forgevynge one another eve as god for Christes sake forgave you.

1 John 4:7-8

7 Beloved let vs love one another: for love cometh of God. And every one that loveth is borne of God and knoweth God. 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God: for God is love.

Luke 17:3-4

3 Take hede to youre selves. If thy brother trespas agaynst the rebuke him: 4 and yf he repent forgeve him. And though he sinne agest ye .vii. tymes in a daye and seve tymes in a daye tourne agayne to ye sayinge: it repenteth me forgeve him

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4 Love suffreth longe and is corteous. Love envieth not. Love doth not frowardly swelleth not dealeth 5 not dishonestly seketh not her awne is not provoked to anger thynketh not evyll 6 reioyseth not in iniquite: but reioyseth in ye trueth 7 suffreth all thynge beleveth all thynges hopeth all thynges endureth in all thynges.

Matthew 5:23-24

23 Therfore whe thou offrest thy gifte at the altare and their remembrest that thy brother hath ought agaynst the: 24 leue there thyne offrynge before the altre and go thy waye first and be reconcyled to thy brother and then come and offre thy gyfte.

James 5:16

16 knowledge youre fautes one to another: and praye one for another that ye maye be healed. The prayer of a ryghteous ma avayleth moche yf it be fervet.

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