Bible verses about "ordination" | JMNT

Acts 6:3

3 "Thus, brothers (= fellow believers and member of the community), look about carefully upon and inspect so as to select from your [ranks] seven adult men [who are] constantly being attested and certified by witnesses [to be] full of Breath-effect (or: [the] Spirit; Attitude) and of wisdom, whom we will proceed situating (setting or placing down) upon this need.

Acts 14:23

23 So while extending (or: stretching out) their hands to (or: on) them, in accord with the older men in each called-out community, while speaking toward having things be well (or: praying) – along with (or: accompanying) fastings – they committed them to the Lord (or: put them at [their] side, in the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh]; or: deposited them for the Lord; or: set them along [the path] by the Lord) into Whom they had believed and placed their trust, confidence and loyalty.

1 Timothy 1:12

12 I continue holding (or: having) grace and favor by and in the One enabling me (putting ability within me; empowering me): Christ Jesus, our Lord, because He considers me full of faith (or: deems me loyal and faithful), Himself placing [me] into a position of giving attending service,

Hebrews 13:7

7 You folks be habitually mindful of those belonging to, and from, you folks – of those habitually leading the way: whoever has spoken or now speaks God's word (or: the message which is God and has God's character) to and among you – continually gazing upward upon (or: reviewing and making close observation of) the walking-out of [their] behavior (or: conduct), whose faith, trust and loyalty be constantly imitating.

1 Timothy 5:22

22 In practice, place (or: lay) your hands quickly upon no one, neither be habitually having common existence with, partnering with, participating in or sharing in common in the failures (errors; sins; misses of the target; deviations from the goal) belonging to other folks. Constantly keep yourself pure (or: Make it a habit to watch over and guard so as to preserve yourself with propriety).

Ephesians 4:1-32

1 I myself the prisoner (or: bound one; captive) within, and in union with, [the] Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] am therefore repeatedly calling you folks, as it were, alongside: exhorting, admonishing, imploring and entreating youto walk [your path] (= behave; = live your life) worthily pertaining to (or: in a manner suitable to the value of) the callingand invitation in regard to which you folks arecalled (or: from which you were summoned), 2 with all lowliness of attitude (or: humility in frame of mind) and gentle kindness, with longsuffering (forbearance; patience; a long wait before rushing in passion), continuously holding one another up (or: bearing with each other with tolerance) within the sphere of, and in union with, love, 3 repeatedly hurrying to make every effort to constantly keep (watch over to guard and protect) the Spirit's oneness (or: the unity of the Breath-effect and spirit; = agreement of [your] attitude) within the bond (the link, tie and connection that joins two things; the binding conjunction which results in union) of the peace (the harmony and tranquility; the state of untroubled, undisturbed well-being; [= the shalom]), 4 [being] one body and one spirit (attitude and effect of the Breath), according as you folks were (or: are) also called within the midst of one expectation (or: in union with one expectant hope) of your calling (or: invitation), 5 [with] one Lord (or: Owner), one faith (or: loyalty, confidence, assurance, and trust; or: "one belief" - Bultmann), one submersion and envelopment which brings absorption and permeation to the point of saturation, 6 one God and Father of all humans the One upon all people and moving through all people, and within the midst of all humanity and in union with all people and all things. 7 Butto each one of us was given (or: Now in each one of us is imparted and supplied) the grace and favor down from, in accord with and to the level of (or: commensurate to) the measure of the undeserved gift of the Christ (or: the gratuity whose source is the Anointed One; or: the free gift which is the Anointing; or: the gift from the [Messiah]). 8 For this reason He (or: it) is constantly saying, "Going up (or: Stepping up; Ascending) into a height (unto [the] summit) He led (or: leads) captive a captive multitude (or: He led 'captivity' captive). He gave (or: gives) gifts to mankind (or: to, for and in humanity)." [Ps. 68:18] 9 Now (or: Yet) this "He went up (ascended),"what is it if not (or: except) that He also [first] descended (stepped down) into the lower parts (or: the under regions) of the earth (or: land)? 10 The One stepping down (descending) is Himself also the One stepping up (ascending) far above (back up over) all of the heavens (or: atmospheres; skies), to the end that He would at once fill the Whole (permeate and saturate everything; or: make all things full; bring all things to full measure and completion). 11 And He Himself at one point gave (or: gives; [p46: has given and it now exists as a gift]), on the one hand (or: indeed), the folks sent off with a commission (the emissaries; the representatives), yet also those who have light ahead of time andspeak it before others (the prophets), and on the other hand those who announce goodness and well-being and bring good news, and then the shepherds, and finally teachers (or: the shepherds-and-instructors), 12 facing and with a viewtoward the bringing down of the fresh and timely, for the preparation (mending; knitting together; adjusting; fitting; repairing; perfectly adjusting adaptation; equipping; completely furnishing) of the set-apart folks (the saints; the holy ones) untoa work (or: into an action; into the midst of a deed or task) of attending service, [leading] unto (or: into) construction (house-building) of the body which is the Christ (or: whose source, character and quality is from the Anointed One; or: the body formed by the Anointing),

Ephesians 4:14-32

14 to the end that no longer (or: no more) wouldor shouldwe exist beinginfants (immature folks; not-yet-speaking ones), continuously being tossed by (= being caused to fluctuate from) [successive] waves and repeatedly being carried hither and thither (or: around in circles) by every wind of the teaching (or: from what is taught) within the caprice (the throw of the dice; versatile artifice; games of chance; the trickery) of mankind, in readiness to do anything (amoral craftiness; working everything; or: = while stopping at nothing) with a viewtoward and leading to the methodical treatment (or: the systematizing or technical procedure) of The Wandering (the straying; the deception).

Ephesians 4:13-32

13 [to go on] until we the whole of mankind (all people) can (or: would) come downto the goal (or: attain; arrive at; meet accordingly; meet down face-to-face): into the state of oneness fromThe Faithfulness (or: the unity of, that belongs to and which characterizes that which is faith; or: the lack of division which has its source in trust, confidence and reliability, and has the character of being loyal), and of the full, experiential and intimate knowledge (or: recognition; discovery; insight) from (or: of) the Son of God, [growing] into [the] purposed and destined (or: complete; finished; mature; full-grown; perfect; goal-attained) adult man into (or: unto) [the] measure of [the] stature (full age; prime of life) of the entire content which comprises the Anointed One (or: which is the result of the full number which is the Christ; of the effect of the fullness from the [Messiah]; of the effect of that which fills and completes that which pertains to the Christ; of the result of the filling from, and which is, the Christ)

Ephesians 4:15-32

15 But continuously being real and true (living in accord with reality and the facts; holding to, speaking, pursuing and walking in Truth; truthing it) within, and in union with, love, we can grow up (enlarge; increase) into Him the ALL which is the Head: Christ (or: [and] we would in love make all things grow up into Him Who is the head and source: [the] Anointed One)! 16 from out of Whom (or: out from the midst of Which) all the Body (or: the entire body) being continuously fitted and framed together (made a common joint by a word; laid out and closely joined together) and constantly being knit together and caused to mount up united through every fastening (or: joint) of the supply of rich furnishings (or: through every assimilation of the full supply of funds; through every touch {kindling; setting on fire} of the completely supplied requirements) in accord with (or: down from; commensurate to) the operation (operative, effectual energy) within [the] measure of each one part [other MSS: member], is itself continually making (or: is for itself progressively producing and forming) the growth and increase of the Body, [focused on and leading] into house-construction (or: unto building [up] and edification) of itself within the midst of, and in union with, love. 17 This, then, I am continually saying and giving evidence of (or: attesting) within the Lord: no longer are you to be continuously walking [your path] (i.e., conducting yourself; adjusting your behavior) according to the way that the nations (the multitudes; the non-Israelites; the Gentiles; the ethnic or special or pagan groups) are continuously walking around (ordering their behavior) within the emptiness (vanity; frivolity; futility) of their mind (or: intellect), 18 being folks having been, any still yet being, darkened in (or: by) the divided thought and the thing passing through the mind, having been and continuing being alienated (estranged) away from the Life of God (or: God's life; or the life which is God) through the ignorance continuously existing (or: being) within them [and] through the petrifying (becoming stone; callousness; = insensitivity) of their heart, 19 which certain people, being folks having ceased to feel pain (being insensible or callous), gave themselves over (abandoned themselves) to outrageous behavior (excessive indulgence; wantonness; licentiousness), into every unclean performance (work, trade, business or labor of impurity) in greed (always wanting more; covetousness; schemes of extortion; = wanting more than ones due, in disregard for others). 20 But you folks did not learn the Christ in this way, 21 since, indeed, you heard and listen to Him, and within Him as well as in union with Him, you wereand aretaught just as Truth and Reality continuously exist within Jesus 22 to put off from yourselves [as clothing or habits] what accords to the former entangled manner of living (or: twisted up behavior): the old humanity (or: the past, worn-out person) the one continuously in process of being corrupted (spoiled; ruined) down from and in accord with the passionate desires (the full-covering, swelling emotions) of the deceptions (or: seductive desires) 23 and then to be continuously renewed (or: from time to time, or, progressively made young again) by (or: in; with) the spirit (or: attitude; breath-effect) of your mind (or: from the mind which is you), 24 and to enter within (or: clothe yourselves with) the new humanity (or: the person that is new and fresh in kind and quality) the one in accord with and corresponding to God (or: the person at the Divine level) being formed (framed, built, founded and settled from a state of disorder and wildness; created) within the Way pointed out (or: in union with fair and equitable dealings with rightwised relationships, justice and righteousness; also = in covenant participation) and reverent dedication (or: benign relationship with nature) pertaining to the Truth (or: in intrinsic alignment with reality). 25 Wherefore, upon at once putting the false (or: the Lie) away from yourselves [as clothing or habits], be continuously speaking Truth and reality, each one with his associate (the one near him; his neighbor), because we are (we continually exist being) members [as of a body] of one another (or: limbs or body parts belonging to one another and having our source in each other). 26 Be habitually aroused by the internal pulse of life (or: Be constantly impulsive in reaction to your natural disposition and character; or: Continue indignant or even angry), yet be not continuously missing the target (making mistakes; sinning; failing; erring). Do not let sun be repeatedly setting upon your angry mood (exasperation; irritation; embittered anger; vexation; provocation), 27 neither be constantly supplying or giving a place or position (or: so don't go on allowing opportunity or a chance) for (or: to) the one who thrusts things through [folks] (the slanderer; the adversary; the accuser; the devil; or: that which casts [harm] through the midst of folks). 28 Let the person habitually stealing no longer continue stealing, but rather let him be normally spent with labor, constantly working (performing; doing the business of) the good (the profitable; the virtuous; quality) by his own hands, to the end that he can continuously have (or: possess) [something] [in order] to repeatedly share with the one constantly having a need. 29 Do not continue allowing every rotten word (or: putrefied idea; bad quality message) to be proceeding (or: issuing) out of your mouth, but rather if anything [is] good (profitable; virtuous; [having] quality), [speak it] toward house-construction (building [up]; edification) which pertains to the need, to the end that it may impart (or: give) grace and favor to those listening and hearing. 30 Also, don't you folks have the habit of grieving (distressing; giving sorrow or pain to; or: = troubling) God's set-apart Spirit (or: the Holy Breath-effect which is God), within Whom (or: in union with Which) you were (or: are) sealed (at one point stamped with a seal; suddenly marked; imprinted; = personally authorized) into the midst of redemption's Day (or: a Day of and pertaining to a dismissal and a loosing away into freedom because of the ransom that was paid). 31 Let every bitterness, swelling negative emotion (inherent fervor; or: natural propensity, disposition and impulse; or: wrath), enraged impulse, clamorous outcry, and blasphemy (slanderous, abusive or light-hindering speech; malignment; vilifying defamation; harm-averment) be at once lifted up and removed from you folks, together with all worthlessness (that which ought not to be; that which is of bad quality; malice; ugliness; badness; depravity)! 32 Yet keep on becoming kind folks (or: So progressively come to be {or: be birthed to be} useful and obliging ones) unto one another people [who are] tenderly compassionate folks constantly dealing graciously, extending favoramong yourselves (or: forgiving yourselves), according as God also, within and in union with the Christ, was and isgracious (or: deals favorably) to and with (or: freely forgives) you folks [other MSS: us].

John 15:16

16 "You yourselves did not choose Me, but to the contrary I, Myself, selected and picked out (or: chose) you folks and placed (or: set) you, to the end that you would (or: can; may) progressively lead and bring [situations] under control (or: humbly go your way) and would (or: can; should) be constantly bearing (bringing forth) fruit, and your fruit may continuously remain (stay; abide), so that whatever you may seek in petition from the Father – in My Name – He at a certain point would (or: may suddenly; [other MSS: will proceed to]) give [it] to you.

2 Timothy 2:15

15 Make haste, with earnest endeavor and diligence, to place yourself alongside as an approved and qualified workman, in and by God (or: to hand yourself over to and for God, as a tried and approved workman), one without cause for shame, consistently cutting a straight and direct [path {cf Prov. 3:6 and 11:5, LXX} in, to, or with] the Word of the Truth (or: habitually cutting an upright and erect [line through] the Word of Truth; continually cutting with the message of reality in a straight direction; constantly making a straight cut {or: wound} with the speech of this Reality; also: = dealing straightforwardly with the discourse of Reality; or: repeatedly dividing and marking out straight [boundaries] by the Reason which is Truth).

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