Bible verses about "magicians" | Coverdale

Daniel 1:20

20 which in all wisdome and matters off vnderstodinge, that he enquered off them, founde them ten tymes better, the all the soythsayers and charmers, that were in all his realme.

Daniel 2:27

27 Daniel answered the kynge to his face, and sayde: As for this secrete, for the which the kinge maketh inquisicion: it is nether the wyse, the sorcerer, the charmer ner the deuell coniurer, that can certifie the kynge off it:

2 Corinthians 11:14

14 And that is no maruell: for Sathan himfelfe is chaunged in to ye fashion of an angell of light.

Leviticus 20:27

27 Yf a man or woman be a soythsayer or an expounder of tokens, the same shall dye the death: they shalbe stoned, their bloude be vpon them.

Leviticus 19:31

31 Ye shal not turne yor selues to ye Soythsayers, and axe nothinge at the expounders of tokes, that ye be not defyled by them: for I am the LORDE youre God.

Deuteronomy 18:9-12

9 Whan thou commest in to ye londe which the LORDE thy God shal geue ye, thou shalt not lerne to do ye abhominacions of these nacions, 10 that there be not founde amonge you, yt maketh his sonne or doughter go thorow the fyre, or a prophecier, or a choser out of dayes, or that regardeth the foules cryenge, 11 or a witch, or a coniurer, or soythsayer, or an expounder of tokens, or yt axeth eny thinge of the deed. 12 For who so euer doth soch, is abhominacion vnto the LORDE: and because of soch abhominacions doth the LORDE yi God dryue the out before the.

Acts 8:9-13

9 But afore there was in ye same cite a certayne ma, called Simon, which vsed witche craft, and bewitched ye people of Samaria, sayenge, that he was a man which coulde do greate thinges. 10 And they all regarded him from the leest vnto ye greatest, & sayde: This is the power of God which is greate. 11 But they regarded him, because that of longe tyme he had bewitched them with his sorcery. 12 Howbeit whan they beleued Philips preachinge of ye kyngdome of God, and of the name of Iesu Christ, they were baptysed both me & weme. 13 Then Symon himself beleued also, and was baptysed, and cleued vnto Philippe. And wha he sawe the dedes and tokens that were done, he wondred.

Revelation 22:15

15 For without are dogges and inchaunters and whormongers, and mortherers, and ydolaters, and whosoeuer loueth or maketh lesinges.

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