Search the Bible for tiraunt in Bishops

15 results for tiraunt

Exodus 22:25 (Bishops)
If thou lende money to any of my people that is poore by thee, thou shalt not be as a tiraunt vnto him, neither shalt thou lay vpon him vsurie
Job 15:20 (Bishops)
The vngodly soroweth all the dayes of his lyfe as it were a woman with childe, and the number of a tirauntes yeres is vnknowen
Job 35:12 (Bishops)
If any such complaine, no man geueth aunswere, and that because of the wickednesse of proude tirauntes
Psalms 52:1 (Bishops)
Why boastest thy self thou tiraunt of mischiefe? the goodnes of God dayly endureth
Psalms 54:3 (Bishops)
For straungers are rysen vp against me: and tirauntes whiche haue not the Lorde before their eyes, seeke after my soule. Selah
Proverbs 11:17 (Bishops)
He that is mercifull, doth hym selfe a benefite: but who so hurteth his neyghbour, is a tiraunt
Isaiah 13:11 (Bishops)
And I wyll visite the wickednesse of the worlde, and the sinnes of the vngodlye. The high stomakes of the proude wyll I take away, and will lay downe the boasting of the tiraunt
Isaiah 16:4 (Bishops)
Let my persecuted people dwell among you, Moab be thou their refuge against the destroyer: for the aduersarie is brought to naught, the robber is vndone, the tiraunt is wasted out of the lande
Isaiah 25:5 (Bishops)
Like as the heate in a drye place wasteth all thinges: so shalt thou suppresse the noyse of aliantes, the heate [is abated] with the shadowe of the cloude, [euen so shall God] asswage the noyse of the cruel tirauntes
Isaiah 29:5 (Bishops)
Moreouer, the noyse of the straunge enemies shalbe like thinne dust, and the multitude of tirauntes shalbe as drye strawe that can not tary: euen sodenly and in haste shall their blast go
Jeremiah 15:21 (Bishops)
And I will rid thee out of the handes of the wicked, and deliuer thee out of the handes of tirauntes
Nahum 1:15 (Bishops)
Behold vpon the mountaynes the feete of him that bringeth good tidinges, that preacheth peace: kepe thy festiual dayes O Iuda, paye thy vowes: for the wicked [tiraunt] shal hereafter passe no more through thee, he is vtterly cut of