27 When your fear cometh as destruction, And your calamity as a hurricane doth come, When on you come adversity and distress.
Proverbs 1:27 Cross References - YLT
Psalms 58:9
9 Before your pots discern the bramble, As well the raw as the heated He whirleth away.
Psalms 69:22-28
22 Their table before them is for a snare, And for a recompence—for a trap.
23 Darkened are their eyes from seeing, And their loins continually shake Thou.
24 Pour upon them Thine indignation, And the fierceness of Thine anger doth seize them.
25 Their tower is desolated, In their tents there is no dweller.
26 For they have pursued him Thou hast smitten, And recount of the pain of Thy pierced ones.
27 Give punishment for their iniquity, And they enter not into Thy righteousness.
28 They are blotted out of the book of life, And with the righteous are not written.
Proverbs 3:25-26
Proverbs 10:24-25
Isaiah 17:13
13 Nations as the wasting of many waters are wasted, And He hath pushed against it, And it hath fled afar off, And been pursued as chaff of hills before wind, And as a rolling thing before a hurricane.
Nahum 1:3
3 Jehovah is slow to anger, and great in power, And Jehovah doth not entirely acquit, In a hurricane and in a tempest is His way, And a cloud is the dust of His feet.
Luke 21:23-26
23 `And woe to those with child, and to those giving suck, in those days; for there shall be great distress on the land, and wrath on this people;
24 and they shall fall by the mouth of the sword, and shall be led captive to all the nations, and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by nations, till the times of nations be fulfilled.
25 `And there shall be signs in sun, and moon, and stars, and on the land is distress of nations with perplexity, sea and billow roaring;
26 men fainting at heart from fear, and expectation of the things coming on the world, for the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.
Luke 21:34-35
Romans 2:9
9 tribulation and distress, upon every soul of man that is working the evil, both of Jew first, and of Greek;
1 Thessalonians 5:3
3 for when they may say, Peace and surety, then sudden destruction doth stand by them, as the travail doth her who is with child, and they shall not escape;
Revelation 6:15-17
15 and the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich, and the chiefs of thousands, and the mighty, and every servant, and every freeman, hid themselves in the dens, and in the rocks of the mountains,
16 and they say to the mountains and to the rocks, `Fall upon us, and hide us from the face of Him who is sitting upon the throne, and from the anger of the Lamb,'
17 because come did the great day of His anger, and who is able to stand?