18 And Abraham saith unto God, `O that Ishmael may live before Thee;'
Genesis 17:18 Cross References - YLT
Genesis 4:12
12 when thou tillest the ground, it doth not add to give its strength to thee—a wanderer, even a trembling one, thou art in the earth.'
Genesis 4:14
14 lo, Thou hast driven me to-day from off the face of the ground, and from Thy face I am hid; and I have been a wanderer, even a trembling one, in the earth, and it hath been—every one finding me doth slay me.'
Psalms 4:6
6 Many are saying, `Who doth show us good?' Lift on us the light of Thy face, O Jehovah,
Psalms 41:12
12 As to me, in mine integrity, Thou hast taken hold upon me, And causest me to stand before Thee to the age.
Isaiah 59:2
2 But your iniquities have been separating Between you and your God, And your sins have hidden The Presence from you—from hearing.
Jeremiah 32:39
39 and I have given to them one heart, and one way, to fear Me all the days, for good to them, and to their sons after them:
Acts 2:39
39 for to you is the promise, and to your children, and to all those afar off, as many as the Lord our God shall call.'