Psalms 119:99 Cross References - Wycliffe

Deuteronomy 4:6-8

6 and ye schulen kepe, and schulen fille in werk. For this is youre wisdom and vndurstondyng bifor puplis, that alle men here these comaundementis, and seie, Lo! a wise puple and vnderstondynge! a greet folk! 7 Noon other nacioun is so greet, `not in noumbre ether in bodili quantite, but in dignite, that hath Goddis neiyynge to it silf, as oure God is redi to alle oure bisechyngis. 8 For whi what other folk is so noble, that it hath cerymonyes and iust domes, and al the lawe which Y schal `sette forth to dai bifor youre iyen?

2 Samuel 15:24-26

24 Forsothe and Sadoch the preest cam, and alle the dekenes with hym, and thei baren the arke of boond of pees of God, and thei diden doun the arke of God; and Abiathar stiede, til al the puple was passid that yede out of the citee. 25 And the kyng seide to Sadoch, Bere ayen the arke of God in to the citee; if Y schal fynde grace in the iyen of the Lord, he schal lede me ayen, and he schal schewe to me that arke and his tabernacle. 26 Sotheli if the Lord seith, Thou plesist not me; Y am redi, do he that, that is good bifor hym silf.

1 Chronicles 15:11-13

11 And Dauid clepide Sadoch and Abiathar preestis, and the dekenes Vriel, Asaie, Johel, Semeie, Eliel, and Amynadab; and seide to hem, 12 Ye that ben princes of the meynees of Leuy, be halewid with youre britheren, and brynge ye the arke of the Lord God of Israel to the place, which is maad redi to it; 13 lest, as at the bigynnyng, for ye weren not present, the Lord smoot vs, and now it be don, if we don ony vnleueful thing.

2 Chronicles 29:15-36

15 And thei gaderiden to gidere her britheren, and weren halewid; and thei entriden bi comaundement of the kyng, and bi comaundement of the Lord, for to clense the hows of the Lord. 16 Also preestis entriden in to the temple of the Lord, for to halewe it, and thei baren out al vnclennesse, which thei founden ther ynne in the porche, `ethir large place, of the hows of the Lord; which vnclennesse the dekenes token, and baren out to the stronde of Cedron with outforth. 17 Sotheli thei bigunnen to clense in the firste dai of the firste monethe, and in the eiyte dai of the same monethe thei entriden in to the porche of the hows of the Lord, and thei clensiden the temple eiyte daies; and in the sixtenthe dai of the same monethe thei filliden that, that thei hadden bigunne. 18 And thei entriden to Ezechie, the king, and seiden to hym, We han halewid al the hows of the Lord, and the auter of brent sacrifice therof, and the vessels therof, also and the boord of settyngforth with alle hise vessels, 19 and al the purtenaunce of the temple, `which purtenaunce king Achaz hadde defoulid in his rewme, aftir that he brak the lawe; and lo! alle thingis ben set forth bifor the auter of the Lord. 20 And Ezechie, the kyng, roos in the morwetid, and gaderide togidere alle the princes of the citee, and stiede in to the hows of the Lord; 21 and thei offriden togidere seuene bolis, and seuene rammes, seuene lambren, and seuene buckis of geet, for synne, for the rewme, for the seyntuarye, and for Juda. And he seide to preestis, the sones of Aaron, that thei schulden offre on the auter of the Lord. 22 Therfor thei killiden bolis, and `the preestis tooken the blood, and schedden it on the auter; also thei killiden rammes, and `the preestis schedden the blood of tho on the auter; thei offriden lambren, and `the preestis schedden the blood on the auter. 23 And thei brouyten buckis of geet `for synne bifor the kyng and al the multitude, and thei settiden her hondis on tho; 24 and the preestis offriden tho, and spreynten the blood of tho bifor the auter, for the clensyng of al Israel. For the king comaundide, that brent sacrifice shulde be made for al Israel, and for synne. 25 Also he ordeynede dekenes in the hows of the Lord, with cymbalis, and sawtrees, and harpis, bi the ordenaunce of `Dauid the kyng, and of Gad, the profete, and of Nathan, the profete; for it was the comaundement of the Lord bi the hond of hise prophetis. 26 And the dekenes stoden, and helden the orguns of Dauid; and preestis helden trumpis. 27 And Ezechie comaundide, that thei schulden offre brent sacrifices on the auter; and whanne brent sacrifices weren offrid, thei bigunnen to synge preisyngis to the Lord, and to sowne with trumpis, and in dyuerse orguns, whiche Dauid, the kyng of Israel, hadde maad redi for to sowne. 28 Forsothe whanne al the cumpenye worschipide, syngeris and thei that helden trumpis weren in her office, til the brent sacrifice was fillid. 29 And whanne the offryng was endid, the kyng was bowid, and alle that weren with hym, and thei worschipiden God. 30 And Ezechie and the princes comaundiden to the dekenes, that thei schulden preise the Lord with the wordis of Dauith, and of Asaph, the profete; whiche preisiden hym with greet gladnesse, and kneliden, and worschipiden. 31 Sothely Ezechie addide also these thingis, Ye han fillid youre hondis to the Lord; neiye ye, and offre sacrifices and preisyngis in the hows of the Lord. 32 Therfor al the multitude offride with deuoute soule sacrifices, and preisyngis, and brent sacrifices. Sotheli this was the noumbre of brent sacrifices, whiche the multitude offride; seuenti bolis, and an hundrid rammes, two hundrid lambren. 33 Also thei halewiden to the Lord sixe hundrid oxis, and thre thousynde sheep. 34 Forsothe the preestis weren fewe, and myyten not suffice for to `drawe awei the skynnes of brent sacrifices; wherfor and the dekenes her britheren helpiden hem, til the werk was fillid, and the preestis weren halewid; for the dekenes ben halewid bi liytere custom than the preestis. 35 Therfor there weren ful many brent sacrifices, ynnere fatnessis of pesible sacrifices, and the moyste sacrifices of brent sacrifices, and the worschip, `ethir ournyng, of the `Lordis hows was fillid. 36 And Ezechie was glad, and al the puple, for the seruyce of the Lord was fillid; for it pleside, that this was doon sodeynly.

2 Chronicles 30:22

22 And Ezechie spak to the herte of alle the dekenes, that hadden good vndurstondyng of the Lord; and thei eeten bi seuene daies of the solempnyte, offrynge sacrifices of pesible thingis, and heriynge the Lord God of her fadris.

Jeremiah 2:8

8 Preestis seiden not, Where is the Lord? and thei that helden the lawe, knewen not me; and scheepherdis trespassiden ayens me, and profetis profesieden in Baal, and sueden idols.

Jeremiah 8:8-9

8 Hou seien ye, We ben wise men, and the lawe of the Lord is with vs? Verili the fals writyng of scribis wrouyte leesyng. 9 Wise men ben schent, ben maad aferd and takun. For thei castiden awei the word of the Lord, and no wisdom is in hem.

Matthew 11:25

25 In thilke tyme Jhesus answeride, and seide, Y knowleche to thee, fadir, lord of heuene and of erthe, for thou hast hid these thingis fro wijse men, and redi, and hast schewid hem to litle children;

Matthew 13:11

11 And he answeride, and seide to hem, `For to you it is youun to knowe the priuytees of the kyngdom of heuenes; but it is not youun to hem.

Matthew 15:6-9

6 and he hath not worschipid his fadir or his modir; and ye han maad the maundement of God voide for youre tradicioun. 7 Ypocritis, Isaie, the prophete, prophesiede wel of you, 8 and seide, This puple honourith me with lippis, but her herte is fer fro me; 9 and thei worschipen me `with outen cause, techynge the doctrines and maundementis of men.

Matthew 15:14

14 Suffre ye hem; thei ben blynde, and leederis of blynde men. And if a blynd man lede a blynd man, bothe fallen doun in to the diche.

Matthew 23:24-36

24 Blynde lederis, clensinge a gnatte, but swolewynge a camel. 25 Woo to you, scribis and Farisees, ypocritis, that clensen the cuppe and the plater with outforth; but with ynne ye ben ful of raueyne and vnclennesse. 26 Thou blynde Farisee, clense the cuppe and the plater with ynneforth, that that that is with outforth be maad clene. 27 Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that ben lijk to sepulcris whitid, whiche with outforth semen faire to men; but with ynne thei ben fulle of boonus of deed men, and of al filthe. 28 So ye with outforth semen iust to men; but with ynne ye ben ful of ypocrisy and wickidnesse. 29 Wo to you, scribis and Farisees, ipocritis, that bilden sepulcris of profetis, and maken faire the birielis of iust men, 30 and seien, If we hadden be in the daies of oure fadris, we schulden not haue be her felowis in the blood of prophetis. 31 And so ye ben in witnessyng to you silf, that ye ben the sones of hem that slowen the prophetis. 32 And fulfille ye the mesure of youre fadris. 33 Ye eddris, and eddris briddis, hou schulen ye fle fro the doom of helle? 34 Therfor lo! Y sende to you profetis, and wise men, and scribis; and of hem ye schulen sle and crucifie, and of hem ye schulen scourge in youre sinagogis, and schulen pursue fro cite in to citee; 35 that al the iust blood come on you, that was sched on the erthe, fro the blood of iust Abel to the blood of Zacarie, the sone of Barachie, whom ye slowen bitwixe the temple and the auter. 36 Treuli Y seie to you, alle these thingis schulen come on this generacioun.

2 Timothy 3:15-17

15 for thou hast knowun hooli lettris fro thi youthe, whiche moun lerne thee to heelthe, bi feith that is in Crist Jhesu. 16 For al scripture inspirid of God is profitable to teche, to repreue, to chastice, to lerne in riytwisnes, that the man of God be parfit, lerud to al good werk.

Hebrews 5:12

12 For whanne ye ouyten to be maistris for tyme, eftsoone ye neden that ye be tauyt, whiche ben the lettris of the bigynnyng of Goddis wordis. And ye ben maad thilke, to whiche is nede of mylk, and not sad mete.

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