John 3:26 Cross References - Wycliffe

26 And thei camen to Joon, and seiden `to hym, Maister, he that was with thee biyonde Jordan, to whom thou hast borun witnessyng, lo! he baptisith, and alle men comen to hym.

Numbers 11:26-29

26 Forsothe twei men dwelliden stille in the tentis, of whiche men oon was clepid Heldad, and the tothir Medad, on whiche the spirit restide; for also thei weren descryued, and thei yeden not out to the tabernacle. 27 And whanne thei profesieden in the tentis, a child ran, and teld to Moises, and seide, Heldad and Medad profecien in the tentis. 28 Anoon Josue, the sone of Nun, the `mynystre of Moises, and chosun of manye, seide, My lord Moises, forbede thou hem. 29 And he seide, What hast thou enuye for me? who yyueth that al the puple profesie, and that God yyue his spirit to hem?

Psalms 65:2

2 Al the erthe, make ye ioie hertli to God, seie ye salm to his name; yyue ye glorie to his heriyng.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 Eft Y bihelde alle the trauelis of men, and bisynesses; and Y perseyuede that tho ben opyn to the enuye of neiybore; and therfor in this is vanyte, and superflu bisynesse.

Ecclesiastes 4:4

4 and it is myche betere to make not a vowe, than aftir a vowe to yelde not biheestis.

Isaiah 45:23

23 Y swoor in my silf, a word of riytfulnesse schal go out of my mouth, and it schal not turne ayen;

Matthew 23:7

7 and salutaciouns in chepyng, and to be clepid of men maystir.

John 1:7

7 This man cam in to witnessyng, that he schulde bere witnessing of the liyt, that alle men schulden bileue bi hym.

John 1:9

9 There was a very liyt, which liytneth ech man that cometh in to this world.

John 1:15

15 Joon berith witnessyng of hym, and crieth, and seith, This is, whom Y seide, He that schal come aftir me, is maad bifore me, for he was tofor me;

John 1:26-36

26 Joon answeride to hem, and seide, Y baptise in watir, but in the myddil of you hath stonde oon, that ye knowen not; 27 he it is, that schal come aftir me, that was maad bifor me, of whom Y am not worthi to louse the thwong of his schoo. 28 These thingis weren don in Bethanye biyende Jordan, where Joon was baptisyng. 29 Anothir day Joon say Jhesu comynge to hym, and he seide, Lo! the lomb of God; lo! he that doith awei the synnes of the world. 30 This is he, that Y seide of, Aftir me is comun a man, which was maad bifor me; for he was rather than Y. 31 And Y knew hym not, but that he be schewid in Israel, therfor Y cam baptisynge in watir. 32 And Joon bar witnessyng, and seide, That Y saiy the spirit comynge doun as a culuer fro heuene, and dwellide on hym. 33 And Y knew hym not; but he that sente me to baptise in watir, seide to me, On whom thou seest the Spirit comynge doun, and dwellynge on hym, this is he, that baptisith in the Hooli Goost. 34 And Y say, and bar witnessyng, that this is the sone of God. 35 Anothir dai Joon stood, and tweyne of hise disciplis; 36 and he biheeld Jhesu walkinge, and seith, Lo! the lomb of God.

John 3:2

2 And he cam to Jhesu bi niyt, and seide to hym, Rabi, we witen, that thou art comun fro God maister; for no man may do these signes, that thou doist, but God be with hym.

John 11:48

48 If we leeue hym thus, alle men schulen bileue in hym; and Romayns schulen come, and schulen take our place and oure folk.

John 12:19

19 Therfor the Farisees seiden to hem silf, Ye seen, that we profiten no thing; lo! al the world wente aftir hym.

Acts 19:26-27

26 and ye seen and heren, that this Poul counseilith and turneth awei myche puple, not oonli of Effesie, but almest of al Asie, and seith, that thei ben not goddis, that ben maad with hoondis. 27 And not oonli this part schal be in perel to vs, to come in to repreef, but also the temple of the greet Dian schal be acountid in to nouyt; yhe, and the maieste of hir schal bigynne to be destried, whom al Asie and the world worschipith.

1 Corinthians 3:3-5

3 For while strijf is among you, whether ye ben not fleischli, and ye gon aftir man? 4 For whanne summe seith, Y am of Poul, another, But Y am of Apollo, whethir ye ben not men? What therfor is Apollo, and what Poul? 5 Thei ben mynystris of hym, to whom ye han bileuyd; and to ech man as God hath youun.

Galatians 5:20-21

20 witchecraftis, enmytees, striuyngis, indignaciouns, wraththis, chidingis, discenciouns, sectis, enuyes, 21 manslauytris, dronkennessis, vnmesurable etyngis, and thingis lijk to these, whiche Y seie to you, as Y haue told to you `to fore, for thei that doon suche thingis, schulen not haue the kyngdom of God.

Galatians 6:12-13

12 For who euere wole plese in the fleisch, `this constreyneth you to be circumcidid, oonli that thei suffren not the persecucioun of Cristis crosse. 13 For nether thei that ben circumcidid kepen the lawe; but thei wolen that ye be circumcidid, that thei haue glorie in youre fleisch.

James 3:14-18

14 That if ye han bitter enuye, and stryuyngis ben in youre hertis, nyle ye haue glorye, and be lyeris ayens the treuthe. 15 For this wisdom is not fro aboue comynge doun, but ertheli, and beestli, and feendli. 16 For where is enuye and strijf, there is vnstidfastnesse and al schrewid werk. 17 But wisdom that is from aboue, first it is chast, aftirward pesible, mylde, able to be counseilid, consentinge to goode thingis, ful of merci and of goode fruytis, demynge with out feynyng. 18 And the fruyt of riytwisnesse is sowun in pees, to men that maken pees.

James 4:5-6

5 Whether ye gessen, that the scripture seith veynli, The spirit that dwellith in you, coueitith to enuye? 6 But he yyueth the more grace; for which thing he seith, God withstondith proude men, but to meke men he yyueth grace.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.