Job 35:2 Cross References - Wycliffe

2 `ether riytful, to thee, that thou schuldist seie, Y am riytfulere than God?

Job 16:17

17 But yit the while he spak, also anothir cam, and seide, Caldeis maden thre cumpenyes, and assailiden the camels, and token tho awei, and thei smytiden `also the children with swerd; and Y aloone ascapide to telle to thee.

Job 9:17

17 For in a whirlewynd he schal al to-breke me, and he schal multiplie my woundis, yhe, without cause.

Job 10:7

7 And wite, that Y haue do no `wickid thing; sithen no man is, that may delyuere fro thin hond?

Job 16:17

17 My face bolnyde of wepynge, and myn iyeliddis wexiden derke.

Job 19:6-7

6 Nameli now vndurstonde ye, that God hath turmentid me not bi euene doom, and hath cumpassid me with hise betyngis. 7 Lo! Y suffrynge violence schal crye, and no man schal here; Y schal crye loude, and `noon is that demeth.

Job 27:2-6

2 God lyueth, that hath take awey my doom, and Almyyti God, that hath brouyt my soule to bitternesse. 3 For as long as breeth is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nose thirlis, 4 my lippis schulen not speke wickidnesse, nether my tunge schal thenke a leesyng. 5 Fer be it fro me, that Y deme you iust; til Y faile, Y schal not go awei fro myn innocence. 6 Y schal not forsake my iustifiyng, which Y bigan to holde; for myn herte repreueth me not in al my lijf.

Job 34:5

5 For Job seide, Y am iust, and God hath distried my doom.

Job 40:8

8 Hide thou hem in dust togidere, and drenche doun her faces in to a diche.

Matthew 12:36-37

36 And Y seie to you, that of euery idel word, that men speken, thei schulen yelde resoun therof in the dai of doom; 37 for of thi wordis thou schalt be iustified, and of thi wordis thou shalt be dampned.

Luke 19:22

22 He seith to hym, Wickid seruaunt, of thi mouth Y deme thee. Wistist thou, that Y am `a sterne man, takynge awei that thing that Y settide not, and repyng ethat thing that Y sewe not?

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.