Jeremiah 24:9 Cross References - Wycliffe

9 And Y schal yyue hem into trauelyng and turment in alle rewmes of erthe, in to schenschipe, and in to parable, and in to a prouerbe, and in to cursyng, in alle places to whiche Y castide hem out.

Deuteronomy 28:25

25 The Lord yyue thee fallynge bifor thin enemyes; bi o weie go thou ayens hem, and bi seuene weies fle thou, and be thou scaterid bi alle the rewmes of erthe;

Deuteronomy 28:37

37 And thou schalt be lost in to prouerbe, and fable to alle puplis, to whiche the Lord schal brynge thee yn.

Deuteronomy 28:65-67

65 Also thou schalt not reste in tho folkis, nether rest schal be to the step of thi foot. For the Lord schal yyue to thee there a ferdful herte, and iyen failynge, and lijf waastyd with morenyng. 66 And thi lijf schal be as hangynge bifore thee; thou schalt drede in nyyt and dai, and thou schal not bileue to thi lijf. 67 In the morewtid thou schalt seie, Who schal yyue the euentid to me? and in the euentid `thou schalt seie, Who schal yyue the morewtid to me? for the drede of thin herte, bi which thou schalt be maad aferd, and for tho thingis whiche thou schalt see with thin iyen.

1 Kings 9:7

7 Y schal do awei Israel fro the face of the lond which Y yaue to hem; and Y schal caste awei fro my siyt the temple, which Y halewid to my name; and Israel schal be in to a prouerbe and in to a fable, to alle puplis.

2 Chronicles 7:20

20 Y schal drawe you awey fro my lond, which Y yaf to you, and Y schal caste awey fro my face this hows which Y haue bildid to my name, and Y schal yyue it in to a parable, and in to ensaumple to alle puplis.

Psalms 44:13-14

13 And the douytris of Tire in yiftis; alle the riche men of the puple schulen biseche thi cheer. 14 Al the glorye of that douyter of the kyng is with ynne in goldun hemmes;

Isaiah 65:15

15 And ye schulen leeue youre name in to an ooth to my chosun men; and the Lord God schal sle thee, and he schal clepe hise seruauntis bi another name.

Jeremiah 15:4

4 And Y schal yyue hem in to feruour to alle rewmes of erthe, for Manasses, the sone of Ezechie, king of Juda, on alle thingis whiche he dide in Jerusalem.

Jeremiah 19:8

8 And Y schal sette this citee in to wondring, and in to hissing; ech that passith bi it, schal wondre, and hisse on al the veniaunce therof.

Jeremiah 25:18

18 to Jerusalem, and to alle the citees of Juda, and to the kyngis therof, and to the princes therof; that Y schulde yyue hem in to wildirnesse, and in to wondring, and in to hissyng, and in to cursing, as this dai is; to Farao,

Jeremiah 26:6

6 Y schal yyue this hous as Silo, and Y schal yyue this citee in to cursyng to alle folkis of erthe.

Jeremiah 29:18

18 And Y schal pursue hem in swerd, and in hungur, and in pestilence; and Y schal yyue hem in to trauelyng in alle rewmes of erthe, in to cursyng, and in to wondryng, and in to scornyng, and in to schenschipe to alle folkis, to whiche Y castide hem out.

Jeremiah 29:22

22 And cursyng schal be takun of hem to al the passyng ouer of Juda, which is in Babiloyne, of men seiynge, The Lord sette thee as Sedechie, and as Achab, whiche the kyng of Babiloyne friede in fier,

Jeremiah 34:17

17 Therfor the Lord seith thes thingis, Ye herden not me, that ye prechiden fredom, ech man to his brothir, and ech man to his freend; lo! Y preeche to you fredom, seith the Lord, and to swerd, and to hungur, and to pestilence, and Y schal yyue you in to stiryng to alle rewmes of erthe.

Jeremiah 42:18

18 For why the Lord of oostis, God of Israel, seith these thingis, As my strong veniaunce and myn indignacioun is wellid togidere on the dwelleris of Jerusalem, so myn indignacioun schal be wellid togidere on you, whanne ye han entrid in to Egipt; and ye schulen be in to sweryng, and in to wondring, and in to cursyng, and in to schenschipe; and ye schulen no more se this place.

Jeremiah 44:12

12 and Y schal leese al Juda, and Y schal take the remenauntis of Juda, that settiden her faces, to go in to the lond of Egipt, and to dwelle there; and alle schulen be waastid in the lond of Egipt, thei schulen falle doun bi swerd, and schulen be wastid in hungur, fro the leeste `til to the mooste, thei schulen die bi swerd and hungur, and schulen be in to swering, and in to myracle, and in to cursyng, and in to schenschipe.

Jeremiah 44:22

22 and the Lord myyte no more bere, for the malice of youre studies, and for abhomynaciouns whiche ye diden. And youre lond is maad in to desolacioun, and in to wondryng, and in to curs, for no dwellere is, as this dai is.

Lamentations 2:15-17

15 Sameth. Alle men passynge on the weie flappiden with hondis on thee; thei hissiden, and mouyden her heed on the douyter of Jerusalem; and seiden, This is the citee of perfit fairnesse, the ioie of al erthe. 16 Ayn. Alle thin enemyes openyden her mouth on thee; thei hissiden, and gnaistiden with her teeth, and seiden, We schulen deuoure; lo! this is the dai which we abididen, we founden, we sien. 17 Phe. The Lord dide tho thingis whiche he thouyte, he fillide hise word which he hadde comaundid fro elde daies; he distriede, and sparide not; and made glad the enemy on thee, and enhaunside the horn of thin enemyes.

Ezekiel 5:1-2

1 And thou, sone of man, take to thee a scharp swerd, schauynge heeris; and thou schalt take it, and schalt leede it bi thin heed, and bi thi berd. And thou schalt take to thee a balaunce of weiyte, and thou schalt departe tho. 2 Thou schalt brenne the thridde part with fier in the myddis of the citee, bi the fillyng of daies of bisegyng. And thou schalt take the thridde part, and schalt kitte bi swerd in the cumpas therof. But thou schalt scatere `the tother thridde part in to the wynd; and Y schal make nakid a swerd aftir hem.

Ezekiel 5:12-13

12 The thridde part of thee schal die bi pestilence, and schal be wastid bi hungur in the middis of thee; and the thridde part of thee schal falle doun bi swerd in thi cumpas; forsothe Y schal scatere thi thridde part in to ech wynd, and Y schal drawe out a swerd after hem. 13 And Y schal fille my stronge veniaunce, and Y schal make myn indignacioun to reste in hem, and Y schal be coumfortid. And thei schulen wite, that Y the Lord spak in my feruent loue, whanne Y schal fille al myn indignacioun in hem.

Ezekiel 25:3

3 And thou schalt seie to the sones of Amon, Here ye the word of the Lord God; the Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye seiden, Wel! wel! on my seyntuarie, for it is defoulid, and on the lond of Israel, for it is maad desolat, and on the hous of Juda, for thei ben led in to to caitifte; lo!

Ezekiel 26:2

2 Thou, sone of man, for that that Tire seide of Jerusalem, Wel! the yatis of puplis ben brokun, it is turned to me; Y schal be fillid, it is forsakun;

Ezekiel 36:2-3

2 The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that the enemy seide of you, Wel! euerlastyng hiynessis ben youun to vs in to eritage; 3 therefore profesie thou, and seie, The Lord God seith these thingis, For that that ye ben maad desolat, and defoulid bi cumpas, and ben maad in to eritage to othere folkis, and ye stieden on the lippe of tunge, and on the schenschipe of puple;

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