Isaiah 29:13 Cross References - Wycliffe

13 And the Lord seide, For that this puple neiyeth with her mouth, and glorifieth me with her lippis, but her herte is fer fro me; and thei dredden me for the comaundement and techyngis of men, therfor lo!

2 Chronicles 29:1-31

1 Therfor Ezechie bigan to regne, whanne he was of fyue and twenti yeer, and he regnede in Jerusalem nyne and twenti yeer; the name of his modir was Abia, the douytir of Zacharie. 2 And he dide that, that was pleasaunt in the siyt of the Lord, bi alle thingis whiche Dauid, his fadir, hadde do. 3 In that yeer and the firste monethe of his rewme he openyde the yatis of the hows of the Lord, and restoride tho; 4 and he brouyte the preestis and dekenes, and gaderide hem in to the eest strete, 5 and seide to hem, Sones of Leuy, here ye me, and be ye halewid; clense ye the hows of the Lord God of youre fadris; do ye awei al vnclennesse fro the seyntuarie. 6 Oure fadris synneden, and diden yuel in the siyt of `oure Lord God, and forsoken hym; thei turneden awei her faces fro the tabernacle of `oure Lord God, and yauen the bak. 7 Thei closiden the doris that weren in the porche, and quenchiden the lanternes; and thei brenten not encense, and thei offriden not brent sacrifices in the seyntuarie of God of Israel. 8 Therfor the stronge veniaunce of the Lord was reisid on Juda and Jerusalem; and he yaf hem in to stiryng, and in to perischyng, and in to `hisshing, ether scornyng, as ye seen with youre iyen. 9 Lo! oure fadris felden doun bi swerdis; oure sones, and oure douytris, and wyues ben led prisouneris for this greet trespas. 10 Now therfor it plesith me, that we make a boond of pees with the Lord God of Israel, and that he turne fro vs the stronge veniaunce of his ire. 11 My sones, nyle ye be reccheles; the Lord hath chose you, that ye stonde bifor hym, and serue hym, that ye herie hym, and brenne encense to hym. 12 Therfor the dekenes risiden, Mahat, the sone of Amasie, and Johel, the sone of Azarie, of the sones of Caath; sotheli of the sones of Merarye, Cys, the sone of Abdai, and Azarie, the sone of Jelaleel; forsothe of the sones of Jerson, Joha, the sone of Zemma, and Hedem, the sone of Johaa; 13 and sotheli of the sones of Elisaphan, Samri, and Jahiel; and of the sones of Asaph, Zacharie, and Mathanye; 14 also of the sones of Heman, Jahiel, and Semei; but also of the sones of Iditum, Semei, and Oziel. 15 And thei gaderiden to gidere her britheren, and weren halewid; and thei entriden bi comaundement of the kyng, and bi comaundement of the Lord, for to clense the hows of the Lord. 16 Also preestis entriden in to the temple of the Lord, for to halewe it, and thei baren out al vnclennesse, which thei founden ther ynne in the porche, `ethir large place, of the hows of the Lord; which vnclennesse the dekenes token, and baren out to the stronde of Cedron with outforth. 17 Sotheli thei bigunnen to clense in the firste dai of the firste monethe, and in the eiyte dai of the same monethe thei entriden in to the porche of the hows of the Lord, and thei clensiden the temple eiyte daies; and in the sixtenthe dai of the same monethe thei filliden that, that thei hadden bigunne. 18 And thei entriden to Ezechie, the king, and seiden to hym, We han halewid al the hows of the Lord, and the auter of brent sacrifice therof, and the vessels therof, also and the boord of settyngforth with alle hise vessels, 19 and al the purtenaunce of the temple, `which purtenaunce king Achaz hadde defoulid in his rewme, aftir that he brak the lawe; and lo! alle thingis ben set forth bifor the auter of the Lord. 20 And Ezechie, the kyng, roos in the morwetid, and gaderide togidere alle the princes of the citee, and stiede in to the hows of the Lord; 21 and thei offriden togidere seuene bolis, and seuene rammes, seuene lambren, and seuene buckis of geet, for synne, for the rewme, for the seyntuarye, and for Juda. And he seide to preestis, the sones of Aaron, that thei schulden offre on the auter of the Lord. 22 Therfor thei killiden bolis, and `the preestis tooken the blood, and schedden it on the auter; also thei killiden rammes, and `the preestis schedden the blood of tho on the auter; thei offriden lambren, and `the preestis schedden the blood on the auter. 23 And thei brouyten buckis of geet `for synne bifor the kyng and al the multitude, and thei settiden her hondis on tho; 24 and the preestis offriden tho, and spreynten the blood of tho bifor the auter, for the clensyng of al Israel. For the king comaundide, that brent sacrifice shulde be made for al Israel, and for synne. 25 Also he ordeynede dekenes in the hows of the Lord, with cymbalis, and sawtrees, and harpis, bi the ordenaunce of `Dauid the kyng, and of Gad, the profete, and of Nathan, the profete; for it was the comaundement of the Lord bi the hond of hise prophetis. 26 And the dekenes stoden, and helden the orguns of Dauid; and preestis helden trumpis. 27 And Ezechie comaundide, that thei schulden offre brent sacrifices on the auter; and whanne brent sacrifices weren offrid, thei bigunnen to synge preisyngis to the Lord, and to sowne with trumpis, and in dyuerse orguns, whiche Dauid, the kyng of Israel, hadde maad redi for to sowne. 28 Forsothe whanne al the cumpenye worschipide, syngeris and thei that helden trumpis weren in her office, til the brent sacrifice was fillid. 29 And whanne the offryng was endid, the kyng was bowid, and alle that weren with hym, and thei worschipiden God. 30 And Ezechie and the princes comaundiden to the dekenes, that thei schulden preise the Lord with the wordis of Dauith, and of Asaph, the profete; whiche preisiden hym with greet gladnesse, and kneliden, and worschipiden. 31 Sothely Ezechie addide also these thingis, Ye han fillid youre hondis to the Lord; neiye ye, and offre sacrifices and preisyngis in the hows of the Lord.

Psalms 17:1

1 The title of the seuenetenthe salm. To victorie, the word of the Lord to Dauid; which spak the wordis of this song, in the dai in which the Lord delyuerede hym fro the hond of alle hise enemyes, and fro the hond of Saul; and he seide:

Proverbs 30:6

6 Adde thou not ony thing to the wordis of hym, and thou be repreued, and be foundun a liere.

Isaiah 10:6

6 Y schal send hym to a fals folk, and Y schal comaunde to hym ayens the puple of my strong veniaunce; that he take awei the spuylis, and departe prey, and that he sette that puple in to defouling, as the fen of stretis.

Isaiah 48:1-2

1 The hows of Jacob, that ben clepid bi the name of Israel, and yeden out of the watris of Juda, here these thingis, whiche sweren in the name of the Lord, and han mynde on God of Israel, not in treuthe, nether in riytfulnesse. 2 For thei ben clepid of the hooli citee, and ben stablischid on the God of Israel, the Lord of oostis is his name.

Isaiah 58:2-3

2 For thei seken me fro dai in to dai, and thei wolen knowe my weies; as a folk, that hath do riytfulnesse, and that hath not forsake the doom of her God; thei preien me domes of riytfulnesse, and wolen neiy to God. 3 Whi fastiden we, and thou biheldist not; we mekiden oure soulis, and thou knewist not? Lo! youre wille is foundun in the dai of youre fastyng, and ye axen alle youre dettouris.

Jeremiah 3:10

10 And in alle these thingis hir sistir, Juda, brekere of the lawe, turnede not ayen to me, in al hir herte, but in a leesyng, seith the Lord God.

Jeremiah 5:2

2 That if also thei seien, The Lord lyueth, yhe, thei schulen swere this falsli.

Jeremiah 12:2

2 Thou hast plauntid hem, and thei senten roote; thei encreessen, and maken fruyt; thou art niy to the mouth of hem, and fer fro the reynes of hem.

Jeremiah 42:2-4

2 And thei seiden to Jeremye, the profete, Oure preier falle in thi siyt, and preie thou for vs to thi Lord God, for alle these remenauntis; for we ben left a fewe of manye, as thin iyen biholden vs; and thi Lord God telle to vs the weie, 3 bi which we schulen go, and the word which we schulen do. 4 Forsothe Jeremye, the profete, seide to hem, Y haue herd; lo! Y preye to oure Lord God, bi youre wordis; Y schal schewe to you ech word, what euere word the Lord schal answere to me, nether Y schal hide ony thing fro you.

Jeremiah 42:20

20 for ye han disseyued youre soulis, for ye senten me to youre Lord God, and seiden, Preye thou for vs to oure Lord God, and bi alle thingis what euer thingis oure Lord schal seie to thee, so telle thou to vs, and we schulen do.

Ezekiel 33:31-33

31 and thei comen to thee, as if my puple entrith, and my puple sitten bifore thee, and thei heren thi wordis, and doon not tho; for thei turnen tho in to the song of her mouth, and her herte sueth her auerice; 32 and it is to hem as a song of musik, which is songun bi soft and swete sown; and thei heren thi wordis, and thei doon not tho; 33 and whanne that that is bifore seide cometh, for lo! it cometh, thanne thei schulen wite, that `profetis weren among hem.

Matthew 15:2-9

2 Whi breken thi disciplis the tradiciouns of eldere men? for thei waisschen not her hondis, whanne thei eten breed. 3 He answeride, and seide to hem, Whi breken ye the maundement of God for youre tradicioun? 4 For God seide, Honoure thi fadir and thi modir, and he that cursith fadir or modir, die bi deeth. 5 But ye seien, Who euer seith to fadir or modir, What euere yifte is of me, it schal profite to thee; 6 and he hath not worschipid his fadir or his modir; and ye han maad the maundement of God voide for youre tradicioun. 7 Ypocritis, Isaie, the prophete, prophesiede wel of you, 8 and seide, This puple honourith me with lippis, but her herte is fer fro me; 9 and thei worschipen me `with outen cause, techynge the doctrines and maundementis of men.

Mark 7:2-13

2 And whanne thei hadden seen summe of hise disciplis ete breed with vnwaisschen hoondis, thei blameden. 3 The Farisees and alle the Jewis eten not, but thei waisschen ofte her hoondis, holdynge the tradiciouns of eldere men. 4 And whanne thei turnen ayen fro chepyng, thei eten not, but thei ben waisschen; and many other thingis ben, `that ben taken `to hem to kepe, wasschyngis of cuppis, and of watir vessels, and of vessels of bras, and of beddis. 5 And Farisees and scribis axiden hym, and seiden, Whi gon not thi disciplis aftir the tradicioun of eldere men, but with vnwasschen hondis thei eten breed? 6 And he answeride, and seide to hem, Ysaie prophesiede wel of you, ypocritis, as it is writun, This puple worschipith me with lippis, but her herte is fer fro me; 7 and in veyn thei worschipen me, techinge the doctrines and the heestis of men. 8 For ye leeuen the maundement of God, and holden the tradiciouns of men, wasschyngis of watir vessels, and of cuppis; and many othir thingis lijk to these ye doon. 9 And he seide to hem, Wel ye han maad the maundement of God voide, `to kepe youre tradicioun. 10 For Moyses seide, Worschipe thi fadir and thi modir; and he that cursith fadir or modir, die he by deeth. 11 But ye seien, If a man seie to fadir or modir, Corban, that is, What euer yifte is of me, it schal profite to thee; 12 and ouer ye suffren not hym do ony thing to fadir or modir, 13 and ye breken the word of God bi youre tradicioun, that ye han youun; and ye don many suche thingis.

Colossians 2:22

22 nether trete with hoondis tho thingis, whiche alle ben in to deth bi the ilke vss, aftir the comaundementis and the techingis of men;

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