Isaiah 26:8 Cross References - Wycliffe

8 And in the weie of thi domes, Lord, we suffriden thee; thi name, and thi memorial is in desir of soule.

Exodus 3:15

15 And eft God seide to Moises, Thou schalt seie these thingis to the sones of Israel, The Lord God of youre fadris, God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, sente me to you; this name is to me with outen ende, and this is my memorial in generacioun and in to generacioun.

Numbers 36:13

13 These ben the comaundementis and domes, whiche the Lord comaundide, bi the hond of Moyses, to the sones of Israel, in the feeldi places of Moab, aboue Jordan, ayens Jericho.

2 Samuel 23:5

5 And myn hows is not so greet anentis God, that he schulde make with me euerlastynge couenaunt, stidefast and maad strong in alle thingis; for al myn helthe hangith of him, and al the wille `that is, al my desir, goith in to hym, and no thing is therof, that makith not fruyt.

Job 23:10-12

10 But he knowith my weie, and he schal preue me as gold, that passith thorouy fier. 11 My foot suede hise steppis; Y kepte his weie, and Y bowide not awey fro it. 12 Y yede not awei fro the comaundementis of hise lippis; and Y hidde in my bosum the wordis of his mouth.

Psalms 13:1-2

1 The `title of the threttenthe salm. To the victorie of Dauid. 2 The Lord bihelde fro heuene on the sones of men; that he se, if ony is vndurstondynge, ethir sekynge God.

Psalms 37:3-7

3 For thin arowis ben fitchid in me; and thou hast confermed thin hond on me. 4 Noon helthe is in my fleisch fro the face of thin ire; no pees is to my boonys fro the face of my synnes. 5 For my wickidnessis ben goon ouer myn heed; as an heuy birthun, tho ben maad heuy on me. 6 Myn heelid woundis weren rotun, and ben brokun; fro the face of myn vnwisdom. 7 I am maad a wretche, and Y am bowid doun til in to the ende; al dai Y entride sorewful.

Psalms 44:17-18

17 Sones ben borun to thee, for thi fadris; thou schalt ordeyne hem princes on al erthe. 18 Lord, thei schulen be myndeful of thi name; in ech generacioun, and in to generacioun. Therfor puplis schulen knouleche to thee withouten ende; and in to the world of world.

Psalms 63:1-3

1 The titil of the thre and sixtithe salm. `In Ebrewe thus, To the victorie, the salm of Dauid. `In Jerom `thus, To the ouercomer, the song of Dauid. 2 God, here thou my preier, whanne Y biseche; delyuere thou my soule fro the drede of the enemy. 3 Thou hast defendid me fro the couent of yuele doers; fro the multitude of hem that worchen wickidnesse.

Psalms 65:6

6 Which turnede the see in to drie lond; in the flood thei schulen passe with foot, there we schulen be glad in hym.

Psalms 77:10-12

10 Thei kepten not the testament of God; and thei nolden go in his lawe. 11 And thei foryaten hise benefices; and hise merueils, whiche he schewide to hem. 12 He dide merueils bifore the fadris of hem in the loond of Egipt; in the feeld of Taphneos.

Psalms 84:2

2 Lord, thou hast blessid thi lond; thou hast turned awei the caitifte of Jacob.

Psalms 106:3

3 Fro the risyng of the sunne, and fro the goyng doun; fro the north, and fro the see.

Psalms 143:5-6

5 Lord, bowe doun thin heuenes, and come thou doun; touche thou hillis, and thei schulen make smoke. 6 Leite thou schynyng, and thou schalt scatere hem; sende thou out thin arowis, and thou schalt disturble hem.

Song of Songs 1:2-4

2 For thi tetis ben betere than wyn, and yyuen odour with beste oynementis. Thi name is oile sched out; therfor yonge damesels loueden thee. 3 Drawe thou me after thee; we schulen renne in to the odour of thin oynementis. The kyng ledde me in to hise celeris; we myndeful of thi teetis aboue wyn, schulen make ful out ioye, and schulen be glad in thee; riytful men louen thee. 4 Ye douytris of Jerusalem, Y am blak, but fair, as the tabernaclis of Cedar, as the skynnes of Salomon.

Song of Songs 1:2-4

2 As a lilie among thornes, so is my frendesse among douytris. 3 As an apple tre among the trees of wodis, so my derlyng among sones.

Song of Songs 2:4-5

4 The king ledde me in to the wyn celer; he ordeynede charite in me. 5 Bisette ye me with flouris, cumpasse ye me with applis; for Y am sijk for loue.

Song of Songs 5:8

8 Ye douytris of Jerusalem, Y biseche you bi an hooli thing, if ye han founde my derlyng, that ye telle to hym, that Y am sijk for loue.

Isaiah 12:4

4 And ye schulen seie in that dai, Knouleche ye to the Lord, and clepe ye his name in to help; make ye knowun hise fyndyngis among puplis; haue ye mynde, that his name is hiy.

Isaiah 25:9

9 And thei schulen seie in that dai, Lo! this is oure God; we abididen hym, and he schal saue vs; this is the Lord; we suffriden him, and we schulen make ful out ioie, and schulen be glad in his helthe.

Isaiah 30:18

18 Therfor the Lord abidith, that he haue mercy on you, and therfor he schal be enhaunsid sparynge you; for whi God is Lord of doom, blessid ben alle thei that abiden hym.

Isaiah 33:2

2 Lord, haue thou merci on vs, for we abiden thee; be thou oure arm in the morewtid, and oure helthe in the tyme of tribulacioun.

Isaiah 56:1

1 The Lord seith these thingis, Kepe ye doom, and do ye riytfulnesse, for whi myn helthe is niy, that it come, and my riytfulnesse, that it be schewid.

Isaiah 64:4-5

4 Fro the world thei herden not, nethir perseyueden with eeris; God, non iye siy, withouten thee, what thingis thou hast maad redi to hem that abiden thee. 5 Thou mettist hym that is glad, and doith riytfulnesse; in thi weies thei schulen bithenke on thee. Lo! thou art wrooth, and we synneden; in tho synnes we weren euere, and we schulen be saued.

Micah 7:7

7 Forsothe Y schal biholde to the Lord, Y schal abide God my sauyour; the Lord my God schal here me.

Malachi 4:4

4 Bithenke ye on the lawe of my seruaunt Moises, which Y comaundide to hym in Oreb, to al Israel comaundementis and domes.

Luke 1:6

6 And bothe weren iust bifor God, goynge in alle the maundementis and iustifiyngis of the Lord, withouten pleynt.

Acts 1:4

4 And he ete with hem, and comaundide, that thei schulden not departe fro Jerusalem, but abide the biheest of the fadir, which ye herden, he seide, bi my mouth;

Romans 8:25

25 And if we hopen that thing that we seen not, we abiden bi pacience.

2 Thessalonians 3:5

5 And the Lord dresse youre hertis, in the charite of God, and in the pacience of Crist.

James 5:7-11

7 Therfor, britheren, be ye pacient, til to the comyng of the Lord. Lo! an erthetilier abidith preciouse fruyt of the erthe, paciently suffrynge, til he resseyue `tymeful and lateful fruyt. 8 And be ye pacient, and conferme ye youre hertis, for the comyng of the Lord schal neiye. 9 Britheren, nyle ye be sorewful ech to other, that ye be not demed. Lo! the iuge stondith niy bifor the yate. 10 Britheren, take ye ensaumple of yuel goyng out, and of long abidyng, and trauel, and of pacience, the prophetis, that speken to you in the name of the Lord. 11 Lo! we blessen hem that suffriden. Ye herden the `suffring, ethir pacience, of Joob, and ye sayn the ende of the Lord, for the Lord is merciful, and doynge merci.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.