Deuteronomy 32:3 Cross References - Wycliffe

3 For Y schal inwardli clepe the name of the Lord; yyue ye glorie to oure God.

Exodus 3:13-16

13 Moises seide to God, Lo! Y schal go to the sones of Israel, and Y schal seie to hem, God of youre fadris sente me to you; if thei schulen seie to me, what is his name, what schal Y seie to hem? 14 The Lord seide to Moises, Y am that am. The Lord seide, Thus thou schalt seie to the sones of Israel, He that is sente me to you. 15 And eft God seide to Moises, Thou schalt seie these thingis to the sones of Israel, The Lord God of youre fadris, God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, sente me to you; this name is to me with outen ende, and this is my memorial in generacioun and in to generacioun. 16 Go thou, gadere thou the eldere men, that is, iugis, of Israel, and thou schalt seie to hem, The Lord God of youre fadris apperide to me, God of Abraham, and God of Ysaac, and God of Jacob, and seide, Y visitynge haue visitid you, and Y seiy alle thingis that bifelden to you in Egipt;

Exodus 6:3

3 and seide, Y am the Lord, that apperide to Abraham, and to Isaac, and to Jacob in Almyyti God; and Y schewide not to hem my greet name Adonai;

Exodus 20:24

24 Ye schulen make an auter of erthe to me, and ye schulen offre theronne youre brent sacrifices, and pesible sacrifices, youre scheep, and oxun, in ech place in which the mynde of my name schal be; Y schal come to thee, and Y schal blesse thee.

Exodus 33:19

19 God answeride, Y schal schewe al good to thee, and Y schal clepe in the `name of the Lord bifor thee, and Y schal do merci to whom Y wole, and Y schal be merciful on whom it plesith to me.

Exodus 34:5-7

5 And whanne the Lord hadde come doun bi a cloude, Moises stood with hym, and clepide inwardli `the name of the Lord; 6 and whanne the Lord passide bifore hym, he seide, Lordschipere, Lord God, mercyful, and pitouse, pacient, and of myche mersiful doyng, and sothefast, 7 which kepist couenaunt and mercy in to `a thousande, which doist awey wickidnesse, and trespassis, and synnes, and noon bi hym silf is innocent anentis thee, which yeldist the wickidnesse of fadris to sones and to sones of sones, into the thridde and fourthe generacioun.

Deuteronomy 3:24

24 for noon other God is ether in heuene, ether in erthe, that mai do thi werkis, and may be comparisound to thi strengthe.

Deuteronomy 5:24

24 oure Lord God schewide to vs his maieste and greetnesse; we herden his vois fro the myddis of fier, and we preueden to day that a man lyuede, `while God spak with man.

1 Chronicles 17:19

19 Lord, for thi seruaunt thou hast do bi thin herte al this grete doyng, and woldist that alle grete thingis be knowun.

1 Chronicles 29:11

11 Lord, worthi doyng is thin, and power, and glorie, and victorie, and heriyng is to thee; for alle thingis that ben in heuene and in erthe ben thine; Lord, the rewme is thin, and thou art ouer alle princes; ritchessis ben thin, and glorie is thin;

Psalms 29:1-2

1 The title of the nyne and twentithe salm. The salm of song, for the halewyng of the hows of Dauid. 2 Lord, Y schal enhaunse thee, for thou hast vp take me; and thou delitidist not myn enemyes on me.

Psalms 89:16-18

16 Lord, biholde thou into thi seruauntis, and in to thi werkis; and dresse thou the sones of hem. 17 And the schynyng of oure Lord God be on vs; and dresse thou the werkis of oure hondis on vs, and dresse thou the werk of oure hondis.

Psalms 105:1-5

1 The `title of the hundrid and fifthe salm. Alleluya. Kouleche ye to the Lord, for he is good; for his mercy is with outen ende. 2 Who schal speke the powers of the Lord; schal make knowun alle hise preisyngis? 3 Blessid ben thei that kepen dom; and doon riytfulnesse in al tyme. 4 Lord, haue thou mynde on vs in the good plesaunce of thi puple; visite thou vs in thin heelthe. 5 To se in the goodnesse of thi chosun men, to be glad in the gladnes of thi folk; that thou be heried with thin eritage.

Psalms 145:1-10

1 The `title of the hundred and fyue and fourtithe `salm. Alleluya. 2 Mi soule, herie thou the Lord; Y schal herie the Lord in my lijf, Y schal synge to my God as longe as Y schal be. Nile ye triste in princis; 3 nether in the sones of men, in whiche is noon helthe. 4 The spirit of hym schal go out, and he schal turne ayen in to his erthe; in that dai alle the thouytis of hem schulen perische. 5 He is blessid, of whom the God of Jacob is his helpere, his hope is in his Lord God, that made heuene and erthe; 6 the see, and alle thingis that ben in tho. 7 Which kepith treuthe in to the world, makith dom to hem that suffren wrong; yyueth mete to hem that ben hungri. The Lord vnbyndith feterid men; 8 the Lord liytneth blynde men. The Lord reisith men hurtlid doun; the Lord loueth iust men. 9 The Lord kepith comelyngis, he schal take vp a modirles child, and widewe; and he schal distrie the weies of synners. 10 The Lord schal regne in to the worldis; Syon, thi God schal regne in generacioun and in to generacioun.

Psalms 150:2

2 Herie ye hym in hise vertues; herie ye hym bi the multitude of his greetnesse.

Jeremiah 10:6

6 Lord, noon is lijk thee; thou art greet, and thi name is greet in strengthe.

Jeremiah 23:6

6 In tho daies Juda schal be sauid, and Israel schal dwelle tristili; and this is the name which thei schulen clepe hym, The Lord oure riytful.

Matthew 1:23

23 a virgyn shal haue in wombe, and she schal bere a sone, and thei schulen clepe his name Emanuel, that is to seie, God with vs.

John 17:6

6 Y haue schewid thi name to tho men, whiche thou hast youun to me of the world; thei weren thine, and thou hast youun hem to me, and thei han kept thi word.

John 17:26

26 And Y haue maad thi name knowun to hem, and schal make knowun; that the loue bi which thou `hast loued me, be in hem, and Y in hem.

Ephesians 1:19

19 and whych is the excellent greetnesse of his vertu in to vs that han bileuyd, bi the worchyng of the myyt of his vertu,

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.