35 but in eche folk he that dredith God, and worchith riytwisnesse, is accept to hym.
Acts 10:35 Cross References - Wycliffe
Genesis 4:5-7
5 sotheli he bihelde not to Cayn and to hise yiftis. And Cayn was wrooth greetli, and his cheer felde doun.
6 And the Lord seide to hym, Whi art thou wrooth, and whi felde doun thi face?
7 Whether not if thou schalt do wel, thou schalt resseyue; but if thou doist yuele, thi synne schal be present anoon in the yatis? but the desir therof schal be vndur thee, and thou schalt be lord therof.
Job 28:28
28 And he seide to man, Lo! the drede of the Lord, thilke is wisdom; and to go awei fro yuel, is vndurstondyng.
Psalms 19:9
9 Thei ben boundun, and felden doun; but we han rise, and ben reisid.
Psalms 85:9
9 Lord, alle folkis, whiche euere thou madist, schulen come, and worschipe bifore thee; and thei schulen glorifie thi name.
Psalms 111:10
10 A synner schal se, and schal be wrooth; he schal gnaste with hise teeth, and schal faile; the desijr of synneris schal perische.
Proverbs 1:7
7 The drede of the Lord is the bigynning of wisdom; foolis dispisen wisdom and teching.
Proverbs 2:5
5 thanne thou schalt vndirstonde the drede of the Lord, and schalt fynde the kunnyng of God.
Proverbs 3:7
7 Be thou not wijs anentis thi silf; drede thou God, and go awei fro yuel.
Proverbs 16:6
6 Wickidnesse is ayen bouyt bi merci and treuthe; and me bowith awei fro yuel bi the drede of the Lord.
Ecclesiastes 12:13
13 Alle we here togydere the ende of spekyng. Drede thou God, and kepe hise heestis; `that is to seie, ech man.
Isaiah 56:3-8
3 And seie not the sone of a comelyng, that cleueth faste to the Lord, seiynge, Bi departyng the Lord schal departe me fro his puple; and a geldyng, ether a chast man, seie not, Lo! Y am a drie tree.
4 For the Lord seith these thingis to geldingis, that kepen my sabatis, and chesen what thingis Y wolde, and holden my boond of pees.
5 Y schal yyue to hem a place in myn hous, and in my wallis, and the beste name of sones and douytris; Y schal yyue to hem a name euerlastynge, that schal not perische.
6 And Y schal brynge in to blis the sones of a comelyng, that cleuen faste to the Lord, that thei worschipe hym, and loue his name, that thei be to hym in to seruauntis; ech man kepynge the sabat, that he defoule it not, and holdynge my boond of pees;
7 Y schal brynge hem in to myn hooli hil, and Y schal make hem glad in the hous of my preier; her brent sacrifices and her slayn sacrifices schulen plese me on my auter; for whi myn hous schal be clepid an hous of preier to alle puplis,
8 seith the Lord God, that gaderith togidere the scaterid men of Israel. Yit Y schal gadere togidere to hym alle the gaderid men therof.
Hosea 8:13
13 Thei schulen brynge sacrifices, thei shulen offre, and ete fleischis; and the Lord schal not resseyue tho. Now he schal haue mynde on the wickidnessis of hem, and he schal visite the synnes of hem; thei schulen turne in to Egipt.
Luke 1:28
28 And the aungel entride to hir, and seide, Heil, ful of grace; the Lord be with thee; blessid be thou among wymmen.
Acts 9:31
31 And the chirche bi al Judee, and Galilee, and Samarie, hadde pees, and was edefied, and walkide in the drede of the Lord, and was fillid with coumfort of the Hooli Goost.
Acts 10:2
2 a religious man, and dredinge the Lord, with al his meyne; doynge many almessis to the puple, and preynge the Lord euere more.
Acts 15:9
9 and no thing diuerside bitwixe vs and hem, `and clenside the hertis of hem bi feith.
Romans 2:13
13 For the hereris of lawe ben not iust anentis God, but the doeris of the lawe schulen be maad iust.
Romans 2:25-29
25 For circumcisioun profitith, if thou kepe the lawe; but if thou be a trespassour ayens the lawe, thi circumsicioun is maad prepucie.
26 Therfor if prepucie kepe the riytwisnessis of the lawe, whethir his prepucie schal not be arettid in to circumcisioun?
27 And the prepucie of kynde that fulfillith the lawe, schal deme thee, that bi lettre and circumcisioun art trespassour ayens the lawe.
28 For he that is in opene is not a Jew, nether it is circumsicioun that is openli in the fleisch;
29 but he that is a Jew in hid, and the circumcisioun of herte, in spirit, not bi the lettre, whos preisyng is not of men, but of God.
Romans 3:22
22 And the riytwisnesse of God is bi the feith of Jhesu Crist in to alle men and on alle men that bileuen in hym; for ther is no departyng.
Romans 3:29-30
Romans 10:12-13
1 Corinthians 12:13
13 For in o spirit alle we ben baptisid `in to o bodi, ether Jewis, ether hethene, ether seruauntis, ether free; and alle we ben fillid with drink in o spirit.
2 Corinthians 7:1
1 Therfor, most dereworthe britheren, we that han these biheestis, clense we vs fro al filthe of the fleische and of the spirit, doynge holynesse in the drede of God.
Galatians 3:28
28 Ther is no Jewe, ne Greke, ne bond man, ne fre man, ne male, ne female; for alle ye ben oon in `Jhesu Crist.
Ephesians 1:6
6 in to the heriyng of the glorie of his grace;
Ephesians 2:13-18
13 But now in Crist Jhesu ye that weren sum tyme fer, ben maad nyy in the blood of Crist.
14 For he is oure pees, that made bothe oon, and vnbyndynge the myddil wal of a wal with out morter, enmytees in his fleisch;
15 and auoidide the lawe of maundementis bi domes, that he make twei in hym silf in to a newe man,
16 makynge pees, to recounsele bothe in o bodi to God bi the cros, sleynge the enemytees in hym silf.
17 And he comynge prechide pees to you that weren fer, and pees to hem that weren niy;
18 for bi hym we bothe han niy comyng in o spirit to the fadir.
Ephesians 3:6-8
6 that hethene men ben euen eiris, and of oo bodi, and parteneris togidere of his biheest in Crist Jhesu bi the euangelie;
7 whos mynystre Y am maad, bi the yifte of Goddis grace, which is youun to me bi the worchyng of his vertu.
8 To me, leeste of alle seyntis, this grace is youun to preche among hethene men the vnserchable richessis of Crist, and to liytne alle men,
Ephesians 5:21
21 Be ye suget togidere in the drede of Crist.
Philippians 3:3
3 For we ben circumcisioun, which bi spirit seruen to God, and glorien in Crist Jhesu, and han not trist in the fleisch,
Colossians 1:6
6 that cam to you, as also it is in al the world, and makith fruyt, and wexith, as in you, fro that dai in which ye herden and knewen the grace of God in treuthe.
Colossians 1:23-27
23 If netheles ye dwellen in the feith, foundid, and stable, and vnmouable fro the hope of the gospel that ye han herd, which is prechid in al creature that is vndur heuene. Of which Y Poul am maad mynystre,
24 and now Y haue ioye in passioun for you, and Y fille tho thingis that failen of the passiouns of Crist in my fleisch, for his bodi, that is the chirche.
25 Of which Y Poul am maad mynystre bi the dispensacioun of God, that is youun to me in you,
26 that Y fille the word of God, the priuyte, that was hid fro worldis and generaciouns. But now it is schewid to his seyntis,
27 to whiche God wold make knowun the richessis of the glorie of this sacrament in hethene men, which is Crist in you, the hope of glorie.
Colossians 3:11
11 where is not male and female, hethene man and Jew, circumcisioun and prepucie, barbarus and Scita, bonde man and fre man, but alle thingis and in alle thingis Crist.
Hebrews 11:4-6
4 Bi feith Abel offride a myche more sacrifice than Caym to God, bi which he gat witnessyng to be iust, for God bar witnessyng to hise yiftis; and bi that feith he deed spekith yit.
5 Bi feith Ennok was translatid, that he schulde not se deth; and he was not foundun, for the Lord translatide him. For bifore translacioun he hadde witnessing that he pleside God.
6 And it is impossible to plese God without feith. For it bihoueth that a man comynge to God, bileue that he is, and that he is rewardere to men that seken hym.
1 John 2:29
29 If ye witen that he is iust, wite ye that also ech that doith riytwisnesse, is borun of hym.