Matthew 19:14 Cross References - WestSaxon990

14 Þa cwæð se hælend lætað þa lytlingas & nelle ge hig for-beödan cuman to me; Swylcra ys heofena rice.

Matthew 11:25

25 [Note: Ðys sceal on wodnes-dæg on þære syxtan wucan ofer pentecosten. Respondens iesus dixit. Confiteor tibi domine pater cæli & terre quia abscondisti. A. ] Se hælynd cwæð &swariende; Ic andytte þe drihten heofenes & eorþan þü þe be-hyddyst þas þing fram wisun & gleawun. & onwruge þa lytlingun;

Matthew 18:3

3 & cwæþ; Soðlice ic secge eow. buton ge beon gecyrrede & gewordene swa swa lytlingas. ne ga ge on heofena rice;

Mark 10:14

14 Þa se hælend hi ge-seah unwurðlice he hit for-bead & sæde him; Lætaþ þa lytlingas to me cuman & ne for-beode ge him; Soðlice swylcera is heofona rïce;

Luke 18:16-17

16 Ða clypode se hælend hig to him. & cwæð; Lætað þa lytlingas to me cuman & ne for-beode ge hig swylcera ys godes rïce; 17 Soðlice ic eow secge swa hwylc swa ne on-fehð godes rïce swa swa cild. ne gæð he on godes rïce;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.