Mark 3:16 Cross References - WestSaxon990

16 & he nemde simon petrum

Matthew 10:2-4

2 Ðis synt soðlice þæra twelf apostola naman; Se forma ys simon þe ys genemned Petrus & Andreas hys broðor. Iacobus zebedei. & Iohannes hys broður. 3 Philippus. & Bartholomeus. Thomäs. & Matheus. Puplicanus & Iacobus alphei & Taddeus. 4 Simon chananeus. & Iudas scarioth þe hyne belæwde;

Matthew 16:16-18

16 Ða &swarode him petrus; Ðu eart þæs lyfigendes godes sunu 17 þa &swarode him se hælend. eadig eart þu simon culfran bearn. forþam hit þë ne onwreah flæsc ne blod. ac min fæder þe on heofenum ys. 18 & ic secge þe þt þu eart petrus & ofer þisne stan ic timbrige mine cyricean & helle gatu ne magon. ongen þa.

Mark 1:16

16 [Note: Et preteriens secus mare galileæ. A. ] & þa he ferde wið þa galileiscan sæ. he geseah simonem & andream his broðor hyra nett on þa sæ lætende. Soðlice hi wæron fisceras;

Luke 6:14-16

14 Simonem þæne he nemde Petrus & his broðor andreas. Iacobum & Iohannem. Filippum. & Bartholomeum. 15 & Thomäm. & Matheum. & Iacobum. alfei. & simonem. se is genemned zelotes. 16 Iudam. Iacobi. & iudam scarioð se wæs læwa;

John 1:42

42 & hig læddon hine to þam hælende; Ða beheold se hælend hyne & cwæþ. þu eart sïmon iönan sunu þu bist genemned cephäs. þt is gereht petrus;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.