Luke 5:31 Cross References - WestSaxon990

31 Ða &swarude se hælend & cwæþ to him; Ne beþurfon læces þa ðe hale sÿnd. ac þa ðe unhælþe habbaþ;

Matthew 9:12-13

12 & se hælend cwæð þis gehyrende; Nys halum læces nan þearf ac seocum. 13 gað soðlice & leornigeaþ hwæt is. ic wylle mildheortnesse næs onsægdnesse; Soþlice ne com ic rihtwise to gecigeanne. ac þa synnfullan;

Mark 2:17

17 Þa se hælend þis ge-hyrde he sæde him. ne beþurfon na ða halan læces. ac ða þe untrume synt; Ne com ic na þt ic clypode riht-wise ac synfulle.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.