38 Soþlice he aras of heora gesamnunge & ferde on simones hus; Ða wæs simones sweger geswenced on mycelum feferum. & hig hyne for hyre bædon.
Luke 4:38 Cross References - WestSaxon990
Matthew 8:14-15
Matthew 15:23
23 þa ne ge-andswarode he hyre þa genealæhton hys leorning-cnihtas & him to cwæedon; Forlæt hig forþam heo clypað æfter us;
Mark 1:29-31
29 [Note: Et protinus egredientes de sinagoga uenerunt in domum symonis et andreæ. A. ] Hrædlice of hyra gesamnunge hi comon on simonis & andreas hus. mid iacobe & Iohanne;
30 Soðlice þa sæt simonis swegr hriðigende & hi him be hyre sædon.
31 & ge-nealæcende he hi up ahöf hyre handa ge-gripenre. & hrædlice se fefor hi forlet. & heo þenode him;
Luke 7:3-4
John 11:3
3 his swustra sendon to him & cwædon drïhten. nu is seoc se ðe þu lufast.
John 11:22
22 & ec ic wat nu þa þt god þe sylð swa hwæt swa ðu hyne bitst;