John 5:44 Cross References - WestSaxon990

44 hu mage ge gelyfan. þe eow betweonan wuldor under-foð & ne seceaþ þt wuldor þe is fram gode syluum.

Matthew 23:5

5 Ealle heora worc hig doð þt menn hi geseon; Hig to-brædað hyra heals-bæc & mærsiað heora reafa fnadu;

Matthew 25:21-23

21 Ða cwæþ hys hlaford to hym; Beo bliþe þu goda þeow & getrywa forþam ðe þu wære getrywe ofer lytle þing ic gesette þe ofer mycle. ga into þines hlafordes blisse; 22 Þa com seþe þa twa pund underfeng & cwæð; Hlaford twa pund þu me sealdest. nu ic hæbbe gestrynyd oðre twa; 23 Ða cwæðhys hlaford to hym; Geblissa þu goda þeowa & getrywa. forþam ðe þu wære getrywe. ofer feawa. Ofer fela ic ðe gesette. ga on þines hlafordes gefean;

Luke 19:17

17 Þa cwæð së hläford geblissa þü göda þeowa. forþam þe ðu wære on lytlum getrywe. þu byst and-weald hæbbende ofer tyn ceastra;

John 3:20

20 ælc ðara þe yfele. deð hatað þt leoht. & he ne cymþ to leohte þt his weorc ne syn gerihtlæhte;

John 8:43

43 Hwi ne gecnawe ge mine spræce. [forþam þe ge ne magon gehyran mine spæce.]

John 12:43

43 Hi lufodon manna wuldor swiðor þonne godes wuldor.

John 17:3

3 Ðis ys soðlice ëce lïf þt hi oncnawon þt þu eart än soþ god. & se ðe þu sendest hælynde crist;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.