John 21:16 Cross References - WestSaxon990

16 He cwæð eft to him; Simön iohannis lufast ðu me. he cwæð to him gea drihten þu wast þt ic ðe lufige; Ða cwæð he to him heald mine lamb;

Matthew 2:6

6 And þu bethleem iudea-land. witodlice ne eart þu læst on iuda ealdrum. of ðe forðgæð se here-toga se þe recð min folc israhel;

Matthew 25:32

32 & ealle þeoda beoþ toforan hym gegaderude. & hë asyndrað hï hym betwynan swa swa se hyrde asyndraþ ða scep fram tyccenum

Matthew 26:72

72 & he wiðsöc eft mid äþe þt he hys nan þing ne cuðe;

Luke 15:3-7

3 Þa cwæþ he þis big-spel to þam; 4 Hwylc man is of eow þe hæfð hund sceapa. & gif he for-lyst än of þam. hu ne for-læt he þonne nigon & hund-nigontig on þam westene. & gæð to þam þe for-wearð oð he hit fint. 5 & þonne he hit fint he hitt set on his exla geblissiende. 6 & þonne he ham cymð he to-somne clypað hys frynd & his nehheburas. & cwyð; Blissiað mid me for-þam ic funde min scep þe for-wearð; 7 Ic secge eow þt swa byð on heofone blis be anum synfullum þe dædbote deð. ma þonne ofer nigon & nigontigum riht-wisra þe dæd-bote ne beðurfon;

Luke 19:10

10 Mannes sunu com secean & hal dön þt forwearð;

John 10:11-16

11 [Note:Ego sum pastor bonus. Cp. Ðys sceal on sunnan dæg feowertyne nyht uppan eastron. Ego sum pastor bonus. A. Ego sum pastor bonus. bonus pastor animam suam dat pro ouibus suis. B.] Ic eom god hÿrde. god hyrde sylþ his lif for his sceapon; 12 Se hÿra se þe nis hyrde. & se þe nah þa sceap. þonne he þone wulf gesyhþ þonne flyhð he & forlæt þa sceap. & se wulf nimð & todrif[ð] ða sceap; 13 Se hÿra flyhþ forþam þe he bið ahÿrod. & him ne gebyrað to þam sceapum; 14 Ic eom god hyrde & ic gecnawe mine sceap & hig gecnawað me; 15 Swa min fæder can me. ic can minne fæder. 16 & ic hæbbe oðre sceap þa ne synt of ðisse heorde. & hit gebyrað þt ic læde þæge & hig gehyrað mine stefne & hyt byþ an heord & an hyrde

John 10:26-27

26 ac ge ne gelyfað. forþam þe ge [ne] synt of minum sceapum; 27 mine sceap gehyraþ mine stefne. & ic gecnawe hig. & hig folgiað me.

John 18:17

17 Ða cwæð seo duru-ðinen to petre. cwyst ðu. eart ðu of ðyses leorning-cnihtum; Ða cwæð he. nicc ne eom ic;

John 18:25

25 & symön petrus stod & wyrmde hyne; Ða cwædon hi to him. cwyst þu. eart þu of his leorning-cnihton; He wið-söc & cwæð ic ne eom;

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.