41 Þanne sægð he þan þe beoð on hys winstren healfe. Ge-witeð aweregede fram me. on þæt eche fyr þe ys deofle & hys englen ge-garewað.
Matthew 25:41 Cross References - WestSaxon1175
Matthew 3:12
12 Ðas fann ys on hande & he afermeð hys þyrscel-flore. & he gadereð [Note: MS. gadered. ] hys hwæte on his bearn. þa chefu he forberneð on unadwæscendlice fyre.
Matthew 5:22
22 Ic segge eow soðlice. þt ælch þe yrseð his breðer byeð domes scyldig. Soðlice se ðe saigð his breðer þu aworðene. he beoð geþeahte scyldig. Se þe saigð þu stunta. he byoð sceldig helle feres.
Matthew 7:23
23 Þanne cweðe ich to heom. þæt ich eow næfre ne cuðe. Ge-wïtoð fram me. ge þe worhten un-rihtwisnysse.
Matthew 13:40
40 Eornostlice swa swa se coccel byð ge-gadered & mid fere for-berned [Note: MS. forberneð. ] swa beoð on werolde ændunge.
Matthew 13:42
42 & asendeð hyo on fyres ofen þær byð wop & toðe gritbitung (sic)
Matthew 13:50
50 & a-wurpeð hyo on þas feres ofen. þær byð wop & toke (sic) gristbyting.
Matthew 18:8
8 Gyf þin hand oððe þin fot þe swikeð. acherf hine of. & awurp hine aweig fram þe. Betere þe is þt þu gä wan-hal oððe halt to lyfe þanne þu hæbbe twa hande & tweige fet. & syo on eche fer ge-sent.
Matthew 25:46
46 And þanne fareð hyo on ece [Note: The word susle is written over ece. ] pine. & þa riht-wise on ece lyf.
Mark 9:43-48
43 And gyf þin hand þe swiced ceorf hyo of. Betere þe is þæt þu wan-hælðe leofie. þanne þu twa hande hæbbe & fare to helle. & on un-cwæncedlic fyr.
44 þær hire wyrm ne swellt & fer ne beoð acwenced.
45 Ænd gyf þin fot swiceð þe cerf hine of. Betere þe is þæt þu halt ga on eche lyf. þanne þu hæbbe twege fet. & syo aworpen on helle un-acwencedlices fyres
46 þær heora wyrm ne swelt ne fyr ne beoð adwesced.
47 Gyf þin eage þe swiceð wyrp hit ut. betere þe is mid anen eage gan on godes riche þanne twa eagen hæbbende syo aworpen on helle fyr
48 þær heora wyrm ne swelt. ne fer ne beoð acwenced.
Luke 13:27
27 þanne saið he eow ne can ic hwanen ge synde. ge-witeð fram me ealle unriht-wyrhten.
Luke 16:24
24 ---
John 8:44
44 Ge synd deofles barn. & ge willað wyrchan eowres fader willen. he wæs fram fremdþe man-slage. ænd he ne wunede on sodfæstnysse. for-þam þe soðfæstnysse nis on hym. Ðanne he spræcð leasinge he spræcd of hym sylfum. for-þan he ys leas & hys fader ëac.