Matthew 13:34 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

34 Ealle þas þing se hælend spæc mid byspellen to þam weredum. & nan þing ne spæc he buton byspellen.

Matthew 13:13

13 For-þam ic spece to heom mid byspellen. for-þam þe lokiende hyo ne geseoð. & ge-herende hyo ne ge-hereð. ne ne on-geteð

Mark 4:33-34

33 & manigen swilcen byspellen he spæc to heom þt hyo mihten ge-heran. 34 Ne spæc he na buton byspellen ealle he his leorning-cnihten asundren rehte.

John 16:25

25 Ðas þing ic eow saigde on bispellan. Syo tid cymð þanne ic eow ne spræce on bispellan. ac ic keðe eow openlice; be minan fader.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.