Mark 9:17 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

17 Hym andswerede an of þare manigeo. Lareow ich brohte minne sune dumbne gast hæbbende

Matthew 12:22

22 Þa wæs him broht an deofel-seoc man se wæs blind & dumb & he hine hælde swa þæt he spæc & geseah.

Matthew 17:15

15 Drihten gemiltse minne sune. for-þan þe he ys wel-seoc. & yfel þoleð. oft he falð on fyr. & gelomlice on wætere.

Mark 5:23

23 & hine swiðe ge-bæð. & he cwæð. Min dohter is on ytemesten siðe. cum & sete þine hand ofer hyo þt hye hal sige & libbe.

Mark 7:26

26 Soðlice þt wif wæs hæðene sye-rofeniscas cynnes. & bæd hine. þæt he þane deofel of hire dohter adrife.

Mark 9:25

25 And se hælend ge-seah þa to-eornenden manigeo. He be-bead þam unclænan gaste þus cweðende. Eale deafe and dumbe gast ic beode þe ga of him & ne ga þu leng on hine.

Mark 10:13

13 Ænd hyo brohten him heore litlenges þt he his æt-rine. þa cyddan his leorning-cnihtes þam þe hyo brohten.

Luke 9:38

38 þa cleopede an wer of þare manigeo & cwæð. Lareow ic hælsige þe ge-seoh minne sune. for-þan he ys min anliche sune.

Luke 11:14

14 Þa wæs se hælende ut-adrifende sume deofel-seocnysse. & seo wæs dumb. And þa he ut-adraf þa deofel-seocnisse. þa spræc se dumbe. & þa manega wundreden.

John 4:47

47 Ða ða se ge-hyrde þæt se hælend for fram iudea to galilea he com to hym. & bed hine þæt he fore ænd hælde hys sune. Soðlice he læg æt forð-fore.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.