Mark 15:35 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

35 & sume þe þær abuton stoden & þis ge-hyrdon hyo cwæðen. nu þes clyped heliam.

Matthew 17:11-13

11 Þa andswerede he heom. Witodlice helias ys toward & he ge-edniwað ealle þing. 12 Soðlice ich eow segge þæt helïas com & hyo hine ne ge-cneowen. Ac hyo dyden embe hine swa hwæt swa hyo wolden. & swa ys mannes sune eac fram heom to þrowienne. 13 Þa on-geaten hys leorning-cnihtes þæt he hit saigde be iohanne þam fulluhtere.

Matthew 27:47-49

47 Soðlice sume þe þær stoden & þis ge-herden cwæðen. Nu he clypað heliam. 48 Ða rædlice arn an heora. & genam ænne spongen. & fylde hyo mid echede. & ä-sette an reod þær-on. & sealde hym drinken. 49 Witodlice þa oðre cwæðen læt uten ge-seon hwæðer helias cume & wylle hyne alysan.

Mark 9:11-13

11 And hyo hine axoden þa; hwæt segged farisei & þa bokeres þæt ge-byrað ærest helias cume. 12 Ða saigde he heom andsweriende. Helias ealle þing edniwieð þanne he cymð. Swa beo mannes sune awriten is. þt he feole þolie & sie ofer-huged. 13 Ac ic segge eow þt helias com & hyo dyden hym swa hwæt swa hyo wolden. swa by hym awriten is.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.