Mark 13:26 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

26 Ðanne ge-syeð hyo mannes suna cumende on ge-nipum mid mycelen maigne & wuldre.

Matthew 16:17

17 þa andswerede hym se hælend. eadig ert þu simon culfran bearn. for-þan hyt þe ne openeð ne un-wreag flæsc ne blod ac min fader þe on heofene ys.

Matthew 16:27

27 witodlice mannes sunu ys to cumene on his fæder wuldre mid hys ænglen. & þanne agelt he æig-hwilcan be his agenen mede.

Matthew 24:30

30 & þanne ateweð [Note: MS. atewed. ] mannes sune tacnen on heofenen. & þanne wepað ealle eorðan mægða. & ge-seoð mannes sune cumende on heofenan genïpod mid mycele mægna & mægðrimna (sic).

Matthew 25:31

31 [Note: Cum uenerit filius hominis in maiestate eius et omnes angeli eius cum eo. H. R. ] Witodlice þanne mannes sune kymð on hys mægen-þrimme. & ealle ængles mid hym. þanne syt he ofer his mægen-þrimmes setel.

Mark 8:38

38 Soðlice se þe me for-sihð & mine word on þisre unriht-hameðen & synfullen cneorysse. þane mannes sune for-sihð. þanne he cemð on his fader wulder mid his halgen ænglen.

Mark 14:62

62 Þa sæde se hælend ic eom. & ge ge-seoð mannes sune on swiðren healfe sitten. his maignes. & cumende mid heofenes ge-nipen.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.