6 Ðys hyo cwæðen hys fandiende þæt hyo hyne awrehton. Se hælend abeah nyðer & wrat mid hys fringre (sic) on þare eorðan.
John 8:6 Cross References - WestSaxon1175
Matthew 10:16
16 Nu ich eow sænde swa scep onmang wulfen. beoð eornestlice gleawe swa næddren. & bylehwitte swa culfren.
Matthew 15:23
23 Þa ne ge-andswerede he hire. ða ge-neahlahton his leorning-cnihtas ænd hym to cwæðen. for-læt hyo for-þan hyo clypað æfter us.
Matthew 16:1
1 & þa ge-nehlahten him to pharisei & saducei. & costned & beedden hine [Note: MS. beed hine den (over erasure). ] þt he heom sum taken of heofene äteawede.
Matthew 19:3
3 Ða genehlacten hym to farisei hine costniende. & cwæðen. is alyfd anigen men his wif to for-latenn. for anigen þingen.
Matthew 22:18
18 þa se hælend heora facne ge-hyrde þa cwæð he. la lickeres hwi fandige min.
Matthew 22:35
35 & an þe wæs þare lage lareow axode hine. & fandede hine þus cweðende.
Matthew 26:63
63 Se hælend swigede. Þa. se ealdor þare sacerda cwæð. Ic hælsige þe þurh þanne lifiende god þæt þu segge us gyf þu ert crist godes sune.
Mark 8:11
11 & þa ferden þa farisei & on-gunnen mid hym smeagen. & tacne of hefene sohten & his fandeden.
Mark 10:2
2 Ða ge-neahlacten hym farisej. & him axsoden hwæðer alyfð anigen men his wif to læten. his þus fandiende.
Mark 12:15
15 hwæðer þe we ne syllað. Þa cwæð he & heora lotwrences wyste. hwi fandige min. bringeð me þanne panig þt ich hine ge-seo.
Luke 10:25
25 Ða aras sum ægleow man & fandede his & cwæð. Lareow hwæt do ic þæt ich eche lif hæbbe.
Luke 11:16
16 And sume his fandedon & geornden of heofene tacnys of him.
Luke 11:53-54
Luke 20:20-23
20 Þa senden hyo mid searwun þa þe hyo rithwise læten þt hyo hine ge-scyldeden. & þt hyo hine sealden þan ealdren to dome & to þas deman anwealde to for-demænne.
21 Ða axoden hyo hine & cwæðen. Lareow we wite þt þu rihte specst. & lærst. & for nanen men ne wandest. ac godes weig on soðfæstnysse lærst.
22 is hit riht þt man þam caisere gafol sylle þe na.
23 Ða cwæð he to heom. þa he heore facen on-geat. Hwy fandige min.
John 8:2
2 & com eft on daigred to þam temple. & all þt folc com to hym. & he sæt & lærde hyo.