Ephesians 6:24 Cross References - WestSaxon1175

Matthew 6:13

13 & ne læd þu us on costnunge. ac ales us of yfele soðlice.

Matthew 22:37

37 Ða cwæð se hælend. Lufe drihten þinne god on ealre þinre heorten. & on alre þinre sawle. & on eallen þine mode.

Matthew 28:20

20 & læreð þæt hyo healden ealle þa þing. þe ich eow be-bead. & ich beo mid eow ealle dages oððe worulde ændenge. Amen.

John 21:15-17

15 Ða hye æten þa cwæð se hælend to symone petre. [Note: Dixit iesus symon petro. Simon diligis me plus his. ] Symon Iohannis lufest þu me swuþra þanne þas. He cwæð to him. gea. drihten þu wast þæt ic þe lufie. He cwæð to him. heald mine lamb. 16 He cwæð to him eft. Symon Iohannis lufast þu me; he cwæð to hym. gea drihtan þu wast þæt ich þe lufie. Ða cwæð he to him. heald mine lamb. 17 He cwæð þridde siðe to him. Symon Iohannis lufest þu me. Ða wæs petrus sarig. for-þan þe he sægde þridde siðe to him lufest þu me. Ænd he cwæð. Drihten þu wast ealle þing; þu wast þæt ic þe lufie. Þa cwæð he to hym. heald mine scep.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.