33 They will scourge Him and put Him to death, and on the third day He will rise to life again."
Luke 18:33 Cross References - WNT
Matthew 16:21
21 From this time Jesus began to explain to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer much cruelty from the Elders and the High Priests and the Scribes, and be put to death, and on the third day be raised to life again.
Matthew 27:63
63 "Sir," they said, "we recollect that during his lifetime that impostor pretended that after two days he was to rise to life again.
Luke 24:7
7 when He told you that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again."
Luke 24:21
21 But we were hoping that it was He who was about to ransom Israel. Yes, and moreover it was the day before yesterday that these things happened.