1 Corinthians 16:11 Cross References - WNT

11 Therefore let no one slight him, but all of you should help him forward in peace to join me; for I am waiting for him and others of the brethren.

Luke 10:16

16 "He who listens to you listens to me; and he who disregards you disregards me, and he who disregards me disregards Him who sent me."

Acts 15:33

33 After spending some time there they received an affectionate farewell from the brethren to return to those who had sent them.

1 Corinthians 16:6

6 and I shall make some stay with you perhaps, or even spend the winter with you, in order that you may help me forward, whichever way I travel.

1 Corinthians 16:10

10 If Timothy pays you a visit, see that he is free from fear in his relations with you; for he is engaged in the Master's work just as I am.

1 Thessalonians 4:8

8 Therefore a defiant spirit in such a case provokes not man but God, who puts His Holy Spirit into your hearts.

1 Timothy 4:12

12 Let no one think slightingly of you because you are a young man; but in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, be an example for your fellow Christians to imitate.

Titus 2:15

15 Thus speak, exhort, reprove, with all impressiveness. Let no one make light of your authority.

3 John 1:6

6 They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.