Zechariah 13:2 Cross References - Tyndale
Exodus 22:13
13 Yf it be torne with wylde beestes, the let him bringe recorde of the teerynge: and he shall not make it good.
Exodus 23:13
13 And in all thinges that I haue sayde vnto you be circumspecte.And make no rehersall of the names of straunge goddes, nether let any man heare the out of youre mouthes.
Deuteronomy 12:3
3 Ouerthrowe their alters and breake their pylers and burne their groues with fyre and hewdowne the ymages off theyr goddes, and brynge the names of them to noughte out of that place.
Matthew 7:15
15 Ye shall knowe them by their frutes. Do men gaddre grapes of thornes? or figges of bryres?
Matthew 12:43
43 When the vnclene sprite is gone out of a man he walketh throughout dry places seking reest and fyndeth none.
Luke 11:20
20 But if I with ye finger of God cast out devyls noo doute the kyngdome of God is come vpon you.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
13 For these falce apostles are disceatefull workers and fassion them selves lyke vnto ye apostles of Christ.
14 And no marvayle for satan him silfe is chaunged into the fassion of an angell of light.
15 Therfore it is no great thynge though his ministers fassion them selves as though they were the ministers of rightewesnes: whose ende shalbe acordynge to their dedes.
2 Peter 2:1-3
1 Ther were falce prophetes amonge the people even as ther shalbe falce teachers amonge you: wich prevely shall brynge in damnable sectes even denyinge the Lorde that hath bought them and brynge vpon them selves swyft damnacion
2 and many shall folowe their damnable wayes by which the waye of trueth shalbe evyll spoken of
3 and thorow coveteousnes shall they with fayned wordes make marchandyse of you whose iudgement is not farre of and their dampnacion slepeth not.
2 Peter 2:15-19
15 and have forsaken the right waye and are gone astraye folowinge ye waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor which loved the rewarde of vnrightewesnes:
16 but was rebuked of his iniquitie. The tame and dome beast speakinge with manes voyce forbade the folisshnes of the Prophete.
17 These are welles without water and cloudes caried about of a tepest to whome the myst of darcknes is reserved for ever.
18 For when they have spoke the swellinge wordes of vanytie they begyle wt wantanes thorowe yt lustes of the flesshe them that were clene escaped: but now are wrapped in errours.
19 They promys them libertye and are them selves ye bonde servauntes of corrupcion. For of whom soever a man is over come vnto ye same is he in bondage.
1 John 4:1-2
Revelation 16:13-14
13 And I sawe thre vnclene sprettes lyke frogges come out of the mouthe of the dragon and out of the mouthe of the beeste and out of the mouthe of the falce prophett.
14 For they are the sprettes of devyls workynge myracles to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole worlde to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmyghty.
Revelation 18:2
2 And he cryed myghtyly with a stronge voyce sayinge: Great Babilon is fallen ys fallen and ys become the habitation of devels and the holde of all fowle sprettes and a cage of all vnclene and hatefull byrdes
Revelation 19:20
20 And the beste was take and with him that falce prophett that wrought myracles before him with which he desceaved the that receaved ye beestes marke and them that worshipped his ymage. These both were cast into a pode of fyre burnyge with brymstone:
Revelation 20:1-3
1 And I sawe an angell come doune from heven havinge the kaye of the bottomlesse pyt and a gret chayne in his honde.
2 And he toke the drago that olde serpet which is the devyll and Satanas and he bounde him a thousand yeares:
3 and cast him into the bottomlesse pit and he bounde him and set a seale on him yt he shuld desceaue the people no moare tyll the .M. yeares were fulfilled. And after yt he muste be loosed for a litell season.