10 that in the name of Iesus shuld every knee bowe bothe of thinges in heve and thinges in erth and thinges vnder erth
Philippians 2:10 Cross References - Tyndale
Genesis 41:43
43 and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte.
Matthew 12:40
40 For as Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the whales belly: soo shall ye sonne of man be thre dayes and thre nyghtes in ye hert of ye erth.
Matthew 27:29
29 and platted a croune of thornes and put vpon his heed and a rede in his ryght honde: and bowed their knees before him and mocked him saying: hayle kinge of the Iewes:
Matthew 28:18
18 And Iesus came and spake vnto them sayinge: All power ys geve vnto me in heve and in erth.
John 5:28-29
Romans 11:4
4 But what sayth the answer of god to him agayne? I have reserved vnto me seven thousande men which have not bowed the knee to Baal.
Romans 14:10-11
Ephesians 1:10
10 to have it declared when the tyme were full come yt all thynges bothe ye thynges which are in heven and also the thynges which are in erthe shuld be gaddered togedder even in Christ:
Ephesians 3:14
14 For this cause I bowe my knees vnto the father of oure lorde Iesus Christ
Ephesians 4:9
9 That he ascended: what meaneth it but that he also descended fyrst into the lowest parties of the erth?
Hebrews 1:6
6 And agayne whe he bringeth in the fyrst begotten sonne in to the worlde he sayth: And all the angels of God shall worshippe him.
Revelation 4:10
10 the xxiiii. elders fell doune before him that sat on the trone and worshipped him that lyveth for ever and caste their crounes before the trone sayinge:
Revelation 5:13-14
13 And all creatures which are in heven and on the erth and vnder the erth and in the see and all that are in them herd I sayinge: blyssinge honour glory and power be vnto hym that sytteth apon the seate and vnto the lambe for ever more.
14 And the .iiii. bestes sayd: Ame. And the .xxiiii. elders fell apon their faces and worshypped him that lyveth for ever more.
Revelation 20:13
13 and the see gave vp her deed which were in her and deth and hell delyvered vp the deed which were in them: and they were iudged every man accordinge to his dedes.