16 Euen soo every good tree bryngeth forthe good frute. But a corrupte tree bryngethe forthe evyll frute.
Matthew 7:16 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 7:20
20 Not all they that saye vnto me Master Master shall enter in to the kyngdome of heven: but he that dothe my fathers will which ys in heven.
Matthew 12:33
33 Ether make ye tree good and his frute good also: or els make ye tree evyll and his frute evyll also. For ye tree is knowe by his frute.
Luke 6:43-45
43 It is not a good tree that bringeth forthe evyll frute: nether is that an evyll tree that bringeth forthe good frute
44 For every tree is knowen by his frute. Nether of thornes gader men fygges nor of busshes gader they grapes.
45 A good man out of the good treasure of his hert bringeth forthe that which is good. And an evyll man out of the evyll treasure of his hert bringeth forthe that which ys evyll. For of the aboundaunce of ye her his mouthe speakethe.
James 3:12
12 Can the fygge tree my Brethren beare olive beries: other a vyne beare fygges?
2 Peter 2:10-18
10 namely them that walke after the flesshe in the lust of vnclennes and despyse the rulars. Presumpteous are they and stubborne and feare not to speake evyll of them that are in auctorite.
11 When ye angels which are greater bothe in power and myght receave not of ye lorde raylynge iudgement agaynst them.
12 But these as brute beastes naturally made to betaken and destroyed speake evyll of that they knowe not and shall perisshe through their awne destruccion
13 and receave the rewarde of vnrightewesnes.They count it pleasure to live deliciously for a season. Spottes they are and filthines livinge at pleasure and in disceaveable wayes feastynge with you:
14 havinge eyes full of advoutrie and that canot cease to synne begylynge vnstable soules. Hertes they have exercised wt coveteousnes. They are cursed chyldren
15 and have forsaken the right waye and are gone astraye folowinge ye waye of Balam the sonne of Bosor which loved the rewarde of vnrightewesnes:
16 but was rebuked of his iniquitie. The tame and dome beast speakinge with manes voyce forbade the folisshnes of the Prophete.
17 These are welles without water and cloudes caried about of a tepest to whome the myst of darcknes is reserved for ever.
18 For when they have spoke the swellinge wordes of vanytie they begyle wt wantanes thorowe yt lustes of the flesshe them that were clene escaped: but now are wrapped in errours.
Jude 1:10-19
10 But these speake evyll of those thinges which they knowe not: and what thinges they knowe naturally as beastes which are without reason in tho thinges they corrupte them selves.
11 Wo be vnto them for they have folowed ye waye of Cayn and are vtterly geven to the erroure of Balam for lukers sake and perysshe in the treason of Core.
12 These are spottes which of youre kindnes feast to gedder with out feare fedynge them selves. Cloudes they are with outen water caried about of wyndes and trees with out frute at gadringe tyme twyse deed and plucked vp by the rotes.
13 They are the ragynge waves of ye see fominge out their awne shame. They are wandrynge starres to whom is reserved the myst of darcknes for ever.
14 Enoch the seventh from Adam prophesied before of suche saying: Beholde ye lorde shall come with thousandes of sayntes
15 to geve iudgement agaynst all men and to rebuke all that are vngodly amonge them of all their vngodly dedes which they have vngodly comitted and of all their cruell speakynges which vngodly sinners have spoken agaynst him.
16 These are murmurers complayners walkynge after their awne lustes whose mouthes speake proude thynges. They have men in greate reverence be cause of a vauntage.
17 But ye beloved remember the wordes which were spoken before of the Apostles of oure lorde Iesus Christ
18 how that they tolde you that ther shulde be begylers in the last tyme which shuld walke after ther awne vngodly lustes.
19 These are makers of sectes fleshlie havynge no sprete.