9 And yf also thyne eye offende the plucke him oute and caste him from the. It is better for the to enter into lyfe with one eye then havyng two eyes to be cast into hell fyre.
Matthew 18:9 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 5:22
22 But I say vnto you whosoever is angre with hys brother shalbe in daunger of iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother Racha shalbe in dauger of a cousell. But whosoeuer sayeth thou fole shalbe in dauger of hell fyre.
Matthew 5:29
29 Wherfore yf thy right eye offende ye plucke hym out and caste him from the. Better it is for the yt one of thy membres perisshe then that thy hole bodye shuld be cast into hell.
Matthew 16:26
26 What shall it proffet a man though he shulde wynne all the whoole worlde: yf he loose his owne soule? Or els what shall a man geve to redeme his soule agayne with all?
Matthew 18:8
8 Wherfore yf thy honde or thy fote offende the cut him of and cast him from the. It ys better for the to enter into lyfe halt or maymed rather then thou shuldest havinge two hondes or two fete be cast into everlasting fyre.
Matthew 19:17
17 He sayde vnto him: why callest thou me good? there is none good but one and that is God. But yf thou wylt entre in to lyfe kepe the commaundementes.
Matthew 19:23-24
Mark 9:47
47 where there worme dyeth not and the fyre never goeth oute.
Luke 9:24-25
Acts 14:22
22 and strengthed the disciples soules exhortinge them to continue in the faith affyrminge yt we must thorowe moche tribulacion entre into the kyngdome of God.
Hebrews 4:11
11 Let vs study therfore to entre into that rest lest eny man faule after the same ensample in to vnbelefe.