Mark 7:20 Cross References - Tyndale

20 And he sayde: yt defileth a ma which cometh oute of a man.

Matthew 12:34-37

34 O generacio of viperes how can ye saye well whe ye youre selves are evyll? For of ye aboundace of the hert ye mouthe speaketh. 35 A good ma oute of ye good treasure of his hert bringeth forth good thynges. And an evyll man out of his evyll treasure bringeth forth evyll thinges. 36 But I say vnto you that of every ydell worde that men shall have spoken: they shall geve acountes at the daye of iudgement. 37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be iustifyed: and by thy wordes thou shalt be condemned.

Mark 7:15

15 There is no thinge with out a man that can defyle him when it entreth into him: but thoo thinges which procede out of him are those which defyle ye man.

Hebrews 7:6

6 But he whose kynred is not counted amonge them receaved tythes of Abraham and blessed him that had the promyses.

James 1:14-15

14 But every ma is tepted drawne awaye and entysed of his awne concupiscece. 15 Then when lust hath coceaved she bringeth forth synne and synne whe it is fynisshed bringeth forthe deeth.

James 3:6

6 and the tonge is fyre and a worlde of wyckednes. So is the tonge set amonge oure members that it defileth the whole body and setteth a fyre all that we have of nature and is it selfe set a fyre even of hell.

James 4:1

1 From whence commeth warre and fighttynge amonge you: come they not here hence? even of youre volupteousnes that rayne in youre members.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.