Malachi 2:9 Cross References - Tyndale
Deuteronomy 1:17
17 Se that ye knowe no man in Iudgement: but heare the small as well as the greate and be afrayed of no man, for the lawe is Gods. And the cause that is to harde for you, brynge vnto me and I will heare it.
Matthew 5:21-22
21 Ye have herde howe it was sayd vnto the of ye olde tyme: Thou shalt not kyll. For whoso ever kylleth shall be in daunger of iudgemet.
22 But I say vnto you whosoever is angre with hys brother shalbe in daunger of iudgement. Whosoeuer sayeth vnto his brother Racha shalbe in dauger of a cousell. But whosoeuer sayeth thou fole shalbe in dauger of hell fyre.
Matthew 5:27-28
Matthew 5:33-37
33 Agayne ye haue hearde how it was sayd to the of olde tyme thou shalt not forsuere thy selfe but shalt performe thyne othe to God.
34 But I saye vnto you swere not at all nether by heue for it ys Goddes seate:
35 nor yet by the erth for it is his fote stole: nether by Ierusalem for it ys ye cyte of yt greate kynge:
36 nether shalt thou sweare by thy heed because thou canst not make one white heer or blacke:
37 But your comunicacion shalbe ye ye: nay nay. For whatsoeuer is more then yt cometh of yvell.
Matthew 5:43-44
Matthew 19:17-18
Matthew 23:16-24
16 Wo be vnto you blynd gides which saye whosoever sweare by the teple it is no thinge: but whosoever sweare by the golde of the temple he offendeth.
17 Ye foles and blinde? whether is greater the golde or the teple that sanctifieth ye golde.
18 And whosoever sweareth by the aulter it is nothinge: but whosoever sweareth by ye offeringe yt lyeth on ye aultre offendeth.
19 Ye foles and blinde: whether is greater ye offeringe or ye aultre which sanctifieth ye offeringe?
20 Whosoever therfore sweareth by ye aultre sweareth by it and by all yt there on is.
21 And whosoever sweareth by the teple sweareth by it and by hym yt dwelleth therin.
22 And he that sweareth by heve swereth by the seate of God and by hym that sytteth theron.
23 Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises ypocrites which tythe mynt annyse and comen and leave the waygthtyer mattres of ye lawe vndone: iudgemet mercy and fayth. These ought ye to have done and not to have left the othre vndone.
24 Ye blinde gydes which strayne out a gnat and swalowe a cammyll.
Mark 7:8-14
8 For ye laye the commaundement of God aparte and observe the tradicions of men as the wesshinge of cruses and of cuppes and many other suche lyke thinges ye do.
9 And he sayde vnto them: well ye cast asyde the comaundement of God to mayntayne youre owne tradicios.
10 For Moses sayde: Honoure thy father and thy mother: and whosoever cursseth father or mother let him dye for it.
11 But ye saye: a man shall saye to father or mother Corban: which is: that thou desyrest of me to helpe the with is geven God.
12 And so ye soffre him no more to do ought for his father or his mother
13 makinge the worde of God of none effecte through youre awne tradicions which ye have ordeyned. And many soche thinges ye do.
14 And he called all the people vnto him and sayde vnto them: Herken vnto me every one of you and vnderstonde.
Luke 10:29
29 He willinge to iustifie him silfe sayde vnto Iesus: Who is then my neghbour?
Luke 11:42
42 But wo be to you Pharises for ye tithe the mynt and rewe and all manner erbes and passe over iudgment and the love of God. These ought ye to have done and yet not to have left the other vndone.
Luke 20:45-47
45 Then in the audience of all the people he sayde vnto his disciples
46 beware of the Scribes which desyre to goo in longe clothinge: and love gretynges in the markets and the hyest seates in the synagoges and chefe roumes at feastes
47 which devoure widdowes houses and that vnder a coloure of longe prayinge: the same shall receave greater damnacion.
Romans 7:7-10
7 What shall we saye then? is ye lawe synne? God forbid: but I knewe not what synne meant but by the lawe. For I had not knowne what lust had meant excepte the lawe had sayde thou shalt not lust.
8 But synne toke an occasion by the meanes of the commaundement and wrought in me all manner of concupiscece. For with out the lawe synne was deed.
9 I once lived with out lawe. But when the commaundement came synne revyved and I was deed.
10 And the very same comaundement which was ordeyned vnto lyfe was founde to be vnto me an occasion of deeth.
Galatians 2:6
6 Of the which seme to be great (what they were in tyme passed it maketh no matter to me: God loketh on no mans person) neverthelesse they which seme great added nothynge to me.