Jonah 3:3 Cross References - Tyndale

3 And he arose and wet to Niniue at ye lordes comaundmet. Niniue was a greate citie vn to god coteynige .iij. dayes iourney

Genesis 22:3

3 Than Abraham rose vp early in the mornynge and sadled his asse and toke two of his meyny wyth him and Isaac his sonne: ad clove wod for the sacrifyce and rose vp and gott him to the place which God had appoynted him.

Genesis 30:8

8 And Rahel sayde. God is turned and I haue made achaunge with my sister and haue gote ye vpper hade. And she called his name Nepthali

Matthew 21:28-29

28 What saye ye to this? A certayne man had two sonnes and came to ye elder and sayde: sonne go and worke to daye in my vineyarde. 29 He answered and sayde I will not: but afterwarde repented and went.

2 Timothy 4:11

11 Only Lucas is with me. Take Marke and bringe him with the for he is necessary vnto me forto minister.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.