John 18:12 Cross References - Tyndale

12 Then the copany and the captayne and the ministres of of the Iewes toke Iesus and bounde him

Genesis 22:9

9 And when they came vnto the place which God shewed him Abraha made an aulter there and dressed the wodd ad bownde Isaac his sonne and layde him on the aulter aboue apon the wodd.

Genesis 40:3

3 euen in ye preson where Ioseph was bownd.

Matthew 26:57

57 Then all the disciples forsoke him and fleed. And they toke Iesus and leed him to Cayphas the hye preeste where the Scribes and the Elders where assembled.

Matthew 27:2

2 and brought him bounde and delivered him vnto Poncius Pilate the debite.

Mark 14:53

53 And they leed Iesus awaye to ye hyest preste of all and to him came all the hye prestes and the elders and the scribes.

Mark 15:1

1 And anone in ye dawnynge the hye prestes helde counsell wt ye elders and ye scribes and ye whoole cogregacion and bounde Iesus and ledde him awaye and delivered him to Pilate.

Luke 22:54

54 Then toke they him and ledde him and brought him to the hye prestes housse. And peter folowed a farre of.

John 18:3

3 Iudas then after he had receaved abonde of men and ministres of the hye Prestes and Pharises came thyther with lanterns and fyerbrondes and wepens.

Acts 21:31

31 As they went about to kyll him tydinges came vnto the hye captayne of the soudiers that all Ierusalem was moved.

Acts 21:37

37 And as Paul shuld have bene caryed into the castle he sayde vnto the hye Captayne: maye I speake vnto the? Which sayde: canst thou speake Greke?

Acts 22:24-28

24 ye captayne bade him to be brought into the castle and commaunded him to be scourged and to be examined that he myght knowe wherfore they cryed on him. 25 And as they bounde him with thoges Paul sayde vnto the Centurion that stode by: Ys it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romain and vncondempned? 26 When the Centurion hearde that he went and tolde the vpper captayne sayinge: What intendest thou to do? This man is a Romayne. 27 Then the vpper captayne came and sayde to him: tell me art thou a Romayne? He sayde: Yee. 28 And the captayne answered: with a greate some obtayned I this fredome. And Paul sayde: I was fre borne.

Acts 23:10

10 And when ther arose greate debate the captayne fearynge lest Paul shuld have bene pluckt asondre of them comaunded the soudiers to goo doune and to take him from amonge them and to bringe him into the castle.

Acts 23:17-22

17 And Paul called one of ye vnder captaynes vnto him and sayde: bringe this younge man vnto ye hye captayne: for he hath a certayne thinge to shewe him. 18 And he toke him and sayd: Paul ye presoner called me vnto him and prayed me to brige this youge ma vnto ye which hath a certayne matter to shewe ye. 19 The hye captayne toke him by the hond and wet a parte with him out of the waye: and axed him: what hast thou to saye vnto me? 20 And he sayd: the Iewes are determined to desyre the yt thou woldest brynge forth Paul to morowe into the counsell as though they wolde enquyre somwhat of him more parfectly. 21 But folowe not their mindes: for ther lyein wayte for him of the moo then .xl. men which have boude the selves wt a vowe that they will nether eate ner drinke till they have killed him. And now are they redy and loke for thy promes. 22 The vpper captayne let ye yoge man departe and charged: se thou tell it out to no man that thou hast shewed these thinges to me.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.