12 Verely verely I saye vnto you: he that beleveth on me the workes that I doo the same shall he do and greater workes then these shall he do because I go vnto my father.
John 14:12 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 21:21
21 Iesus answered and sayde vnto the: Verely I saye vnto you yf ye shall have faith and shall not dout ye shall not only do that which I have done to the fygge tree: but also yf ye shall saye vnto this moutayne take thy silfe awaye and cast thy silfe into the see it shalbe done.
Mark 11:13
13 and spyed a fygge tree a farre of havinge leves and wet to se whether he myght finde eny thinge ther on. But when he came therto he foude no thinge but leves: for the tyme of fygges was not yet.
Mark 16:17
17 And these signes shall folowe them that beleve: In my name they shall cast oute devyls and shall speake with newe tonges
Luke 10:17-19
17 And the sevetie returned agayne with ioye sayinge: Lorde even the very devyls are subdued to vs thorowe thy name.
18 And he sayde vnto them: I sawe satan as it had bene lightenyng faule doune fro heave.
19 Beholde I geve vnto you power to treade on serpetes and scorpions and over all maner power of the enimye and no thinge shall hurte you.
John 7:33
33 Then sayde Iesus vnto the: Yet am I a lytell whyle with you and then goo I vnto him that sent me.
John 7:39
39 This spak he of the sprete which they that beleved on him shuld receave. For the holy goost was not yet there because that Iesus was not yet glorifyed.
John 14:28
28 Ye have hearde how I sayde vnto you: I go and come agayne vnto you. If ye loved me ye wolde verely reioyce because I sayde I go vnto ye father. For ye father is greater then I
John 16:7
7 Neverthelesse I tell you the trueth it is expedient for you that I goo awaye. For yf I goo not awaye that comforter will not come vnto you. But yf I departe I will sende him vnto you.
Acts 2:4-11
4 and they were all filled with the holy goost and beganne to speake with other tonges even as the sprete gave them vtteraunce.
5 And ther were dwellinge at Ierusalem Iewes devoute men which were of all nacions vnder heaven.
6 When this was noysed aboute the multitude came to gether and were astonyed because that every man hearde the speake his awne touge.
7 They wondred all and marveyled sayinge amoge them selves: Beholde are not all these which speake of Galile?
8 And how heare we every man his awne touge wherein we were boren?
9 Parthians Medes and Elamytes and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia of Iury and of Capadocia of Ponthus and Asia
10 Phrigia Pamphilia and of Egypte and of the parties of Libia which is besyde Syrene and straungers of Rome Iewes and convertes
11 Grekes and Arabians: we have herde them speake with oure awne tonges the greate workes of God.
Acts 2:33
33 Sence now that he by the right honde of God exalted is and hath receaved of the father the promyse of the holy goost he hath sheed forthe that which ye nowe se and heare.
Acts 2:41
41 Then they that gladly receaved his preachynge were baptised: and the same daye ther were added vnto them aboute thre thousande soules.
Acts 3:6-8
6 Then sayd Peter: Silver and golde have I none suche as I have geve I the. In the name of Iesu Christ of Nazareth ryse vp and walke.
7 And he toke him by the right honde and lifte him vp. And immediatly his fete and ancle bones receaved strenght.
8 And he sprage stode and also walked and entred with them into the temple walkinge and leapinge and laudynge God.
Acts 4:4
4 How be it many of them which hearde the wordes beleved and the noumbre of the men was aboute fyve thousande.
Acts 4:9-12
9 yf we this daye are examined of the good dede done to the sycke man by what meanes he is made whoale:
10 be yt knowen vnto you all and to the people of Israel that in the name of Iesus Christ of Nazareth whom ye crucified and whom God raysed agayne from deeth: even by him doth this man stonde here present before you whoale.
11 This is ye stone cast a syde of you bylders which is set in the chefe place of the corner.
12 Nether is ther salvacio in eny other. Nor yet also is ther eny other name geven to men wherin we must be saved.
Acts 4:16
16 sayinge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifest signe is done by the and is openly knowen to all them that dwell in Ierusalem and we canot denye it.
Acts 4:33
33 And with greate power gave the Apostles witnes of the resurreccion of the Lorde Iesu. And greate grace was with them all.
Acts 5:15
15 in so moche that they brought the sicke into the strettes and layde them on beddes and palettes that at the lest waye the shadowe of Peter when he came by myght shadowe some of them.
Acts 6:7
7 And the worde of God encreased and the noubre of the disciples multiplied in Ierusalem greatly and a great company of the prestes were obedient to the faythe.
Acts 8:7
7 For vnclene spretes cryinge with loude voyce came out of many that were possessed of them. And manye taken with palsies and many yt halted were healed
Acts 9:34
34 Then sayde Peter vnto hym: Eneas Iesus Christ make ye whole. Aryse and make thy beed. And he arose immedyatly.
Acts 9:40
40 And Peter put the all forth and kneled doune and prayde and turned him to ye body and sayde: Tabitha aryse. And she opened her eyes and whe she sawe Peter she sat vp.
Acts 10:46
46 For they hearde them speake with tonges and magnify God. Then answered Peter:
Acts 16:18
18 And this dyd she many dayes. But Paul not cotent turned about and sayd to the sprete: I commaunde the in the name of Iesu Christ that thou come out of her. And he came out the same houre.
Acts 19:12
12 so that from his body were brought vnto the sicke napkyns or partlettes and the diseases departed from the and the evyll spretes went out of them.
Romans 15:19
19 in myghty signes and wonders by the power of the sprete of God: so that from Ierusalem and the costes rounde aboute vnto Illyricum I have fylled all countres with the gladde tydynges of Christ.