Isaiah 6:2 Cross References - Tyndale

Genesis 17:3

3 And Abra fell on his face. And God talked moreover with hym saynge:

Exodus 3:6

6 And he sayde: I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Iacob And Moses hyd his face, for he was afrayde to loke vpon God.

Exodus 25:20

20 And the cherubyns shall stretch their wynges abrode ouer an hye, ad couer the mercy seate with their wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: eue to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubyns be.

Exodus 37:9

9 And the cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered the mercyseate therewith, And their faces were one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, were the faces of the cherubins.

Luke 1:10

10 And wet into ye teple of ye Lorde and the whoale multitude of ye people were with out in prayer whill the incense was aburnynge.

Hebrews 1:7

7 And of the angels he sayth: He maketh his angels spretes and his ministres flammes of fyre.

Revelation 4:8

8 And the iiii. bestes had eche one of them vi. wynges aboute him and they were full of eyes with in. And they had noo reste daye nether nyght sayinge: holy holy holy lorde god almyghty which was and is and is to come.

Revelation 7:11

11 And all the angelles stode in the compase of the seate and of the elders and of the iiii. bestes and fel before the seat on their faces and worshipped god

Revelation 8:13

13 And I behelde and herd an angell flyinge thorowe the myddes of heven sayinge with a lowde voyce: Woo wo to the inhabiters of the erth because of the voyces to come of the trompe of the .iii. angells which were yet to blowe.

Revelation 14:6

6 And I sawe an angell flye in the myddes of heven havynge an everlastynge gospell to preache vnto them that sytt and dwell on the erth and to all nacions kinreddes and tonges and people

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.