4 beynge one body and one sprete eve as ye are called in one hope of youre callynge.
Ephesians 4:4 Cross References - Tyndale
Matthew 28:19
19 Go therfore and teache all nacions baptysinge them in the name of the father and the sonne and the holy goost:
Acts 15:11
11 But we beleve that thorowe the grace of the Lorde Iesu Christ we shalbe saved as they doo.
Romans 12:4-5
1 Corinthians 10:17
17 because that we (though we be many) yet are one breed and one bodye in as moch as we all are partetakers of one breed.
1 Corinthians 12:4-13
4 Ther are diversities of gyftes verely yet but one sprete.
5 And ther are differences of administracions and yet but one lorde.
6 And ther are divers maners of operacions and yet but one God which worketh all thinges that are wrought in all creatures.
7 The gyftes of ye sprete are geven to every man to proffit ye congregacion.
8 To one is geven thorow the spirite the vtteraunce of wisdome? To another is geven the vtteraunce of knowledge by ye same sprete.
9 To another is geuen fayth by ye same sprete. To another ye gyftes of healynge by the same sprete.
10 To another power to do myracles. To another prophesie? To another iudgement of spretes. To another divers tonges. To another the interpretacion of toges.
11 And these all worketh eve ye silfe same sprete devydynge to every man severall gyftes even as he will.
12 For as the body is one and hath many mebres and all the membres of one body though they be many yet are but one body: even so is Christ.
13 For in one sprete are we all baptysed to make one body whether we be Iewes or getyls whether we be bonde or fre: and have all dronke of one sprete.
1 Corinthians 12:20
20 Now are ther many membres yet but one body.
2 Corinthians 11:4
4 For if he that commeth preache another Iesus then hym whom we preached: or if ye receave another sprete then that which ye have receaved: other another gospell then that ye have receaved ye myght right wel have bene content.
Ephesians 1:18
18 and lighten the eyes of youre myndes yt ye myght knowe what that hope is where vnto he hath called you and what the riches of his glorious inheritaunce is apon the sainctes
Ephesians 2:16
16 and to recocile both vnto god in one body thorow his crosse and slewe hatred therby:
Ephesians 2:18
18 For thorow him we both have an open waye in in one sprete vnto the father.
Ephesians 2:22
22 in who ye also are bilt togedder and made an habitacio for god in the sprete.
Ephesians 4:1
1 I therfore which am in bondes for the lordes sake exhorte you that ye walke worthy of the vocacion wherwith ye are called
Ephesians 5:30
30 For we are members of his body of his flesshe and of his bones.
Colossians 1:5
5 for the hopes sake which is layde vp in store for you in heven of which hope ye have herde before by ye true worde of the gospell
Colossians 3:15
15 And ye peace of god rule in youre hertes to ye which peace ye are called in one body. And se that ye be thankfull.
2 Thessalonians 2:16
16 Oure lorde Iesu Christ hym silfe and God oure father which hath loved vs and hath geven vs everlastynge consolacion and good hope thorowe grace
1 Timothy 1:1
Titus 2:13
13 lokinge for that blessed hope and glorious apperenge of ye myghty god and of oure savioure Iesu Christ
Titus 3:7
7 that we once iustified by his grace shuld be heyres of eternall lyfe thorowe hope
Hebrews 6:18-19
18 that by two immutable thinges (in which it was vnpossible that god shuld lye) we myght have parfect consolacion which have fled for to holde fast the hope that is set before vs
19 which hope we have as an ancre of the soule both sure and stedfast. Which hope also entreth in into tho thynges which are with in the vayle
1 Peter 1:3-4
1 Peter 1:21
21 sakes which by his meanes have beleved on god that raysed him from deth and glorified him that youre fayth and hope myght be in god.
1 John 3:3
3 And every man that hath thys hope in him pourgeth him silfe even as he ys pure.