Ephesians 3:2 Cross References - Tyndale

2 Yf ye have hearde of the ministracion of the grace of god which is geven me to you warde.

Acts 9:15

15 The lorde sayde vnto him: Goo thy wayes: for he is a chosen vessell vnto me to beare my name before the gentyls and kynges and the chyldren of Israel.

Acts 13:2

2 As they mynistred to the Lorde and fasted the holy goost sayde: separate me Barnabas and Saul for ye worke where vnto I have called them.

Acts 13:46

46 Then Paul and Barnabas wexed bolde and sayde: it was mete that the worde of God shulde fyrst have bene preached to you. But seinge ye put it from you and thinke youre selfes onworthy of everlastinge lyfe: lo we turne to the gentyls.

Acts 22:21

21 And he sayde vnto me: departe for I will sende the a farre hence vnto the Gentyls.

Acts 26:17-18

17 delyverynge the from the people and from ye gentyls vnto which nowe I sende the 18 to open their eyes that they myght turne from darcknes vnto lyght and from the power of Satan vnto God that they maye receave forgevenes of synnes and inheritauce amonge the which are sanctified by fayth in me.

Romans 1:5

5 by whom we have receaved grace and apostleshyppe to bringe all maner hethe people vnto obedience of the fayth that is in his name:

Romans 11:13

13 I speake to you gentyls in as moche as I am the Apostle of ye gentyls I will magnify myn office

Romans 12:3

3 For I saye (thorowe the grace that vnto me geve is) to every man amonge you that noman esteme of him selfe moare then it becometh him to esteme: but that he discretely iudge of him selfe accordynge as God hath dealte to every man the measure of fayth.

Romans 15:15-16

15 Neverthelesse brethren I have some what boldly written vnto you as one that putteth you in remembrauce thorow the grace that is geven me of God 16 that I shuld be the minister of Iesu Christ amonge the gentyls and shuld minister the gladde tydynges of God that the gentyls myght be an acceptable offerynge sanctyfied by the holy goost.

1 Corinthians 4:1

1 Let men this wyse esteme vs eve as the ministers of Christ and disposers of ye secretes of God.

1 Corinthians 9:17-22

17 If I do it with a good will I have a rewarde. But yf I do it agaynst my will an office is committed vnto me. 18 What is my rewarde then? Verely that whe I preache the gospell I make the gospell of Christ fre yt I misvse not myne auctorite in ye gospel 19 For though I be fre from all men yet have I made my silfe servaunt vnto all men that I myght wynne the moo. 20 Vnto the Iewes I became as a Iewe to winne ye Iewes. To the that were vnder the lawe was I made as though I had bene vnder the lawe to wynne the that were vnder the lawe. 21 To them that were without lawe be ca I as though I had bene without lawe (whe I was not without lawe as perteyninge to god but vnder a lawe as concerninge Christ) to wynne the that were without lawe. 22 To the weake became I as weake to wynne the weake. In all thinge I fassioned my silfe to all men to save at ye lest waye some.

Galatians 1:13

13 For ye have hearde of my conversacion in tyme past in the Iewes wayes how that beyonde measure I persecuted the congregacion of God and spoyled it:

Galatians 1:15-16

15 But whe it pleased God which seperated me from my mothers wombe and called me by his grace 16 forto declare his sonne by me that I shuld preache him amonge the hethen: immediatly I comened not of the matter with flesshe and bloud

Galatians 2:8-9

8 for he yt was myghty in Peter in the Apostleshippe over the circumcision the same was myghty in me amoge the gentyls: 9 and therfore when they perceaved the grace that was geve vnto me then Iames Cephas and Iohn which semed to be pilers gave to me and Barnabas the ryght hondes and agreed with vs that we shuld preache amonge the Hethen and they amonge the Iewes:

Ephesians 1:10

10 to have it declared when the tyme were full come yt all thynges bothe ye thynges which are in heven and also the thynges which are in erthe shuld be gaddered togedder even in Christ:

Ephesians 3:8

8 Vnto me the lest of all sayntes is this grace geven that I shuld preache amonge the gentyls the unsearchable ryches of Christ

Ephesians 4:7

7 Vnto every one of vs is geven grace acordinge to the measure of ye gyft of christ.

Ephesians 4:21

21 if so be ye have hearde of him and are taught in him even as the trueth is in Iesu.

Colossians 1:4

4 sence we hearde of youre faith which ye have in Christ Iesu and of the love which ye beare to all sayntes

Colossians 1:6

6 which is come vnto you eve as it is in to all ye worlde and is frutefull as it is amoge you fro the fyrst daye in ye which ye herde of it and had experiece in ye grace of God in the trueth

Colossians 1:25-27

25 wher of I am made a minister acordynge to the ordinaunce of god which ordinaunce was geven me vnto you warde to fulfill ye worde of god 26 that mistery hid sence the worlde beganne and sence ye begynnynge of generacions: but now is opened to his saynctes 27 to whom god wolde make knowen the glorious riches of this mistery amonge the gentyls which riches is Christ in you the hope of glory

1 Timothy 1:4

4 nether geve hede to fables and genealogies which are endlesse and brede doutes more then godly edyfyinge which is by fayth:

1 Timothy 1:11

11 accordinge to the gospell of the glory of the blessed God which gospell is committed vnto me.

1 Timothy 2:7

7 wherevnto I am ordayned a preacher and an apostle: I tell the trueth in Christ and lye not beynge the teacher of the gentyls in fayth and veritie.

2 Timothy 1:11

11 whervnto I am apoynted a preacher and an Apostle and a teacher of the gentyls:

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.