Acts 25:11 Cross References - Tyndale

11 If I have hurte them or comitted eny thinge worthy of deeth I refuse not to dye. If none of these thinges are where of they accuse me no man owght to delyver me to them. I appeale vnto Cesar.

Acts 16:37

37 Then sayde Paul vnto them: they have beaten vs openly vncomdempned for all yt we are Romayns and have cast vs into preson: and now wolde they sende vs awaye prevely? Naye not so but let them come the selves and set vs out.

Acts 18:14

14 And as Paul was about to open his mouth Gallio sayde vnto ye Iewes: yf it were a matter of wronge or an evyll dede (o ye Iewes) reason wolde that I shuld heare you:

Acts 22:25

25 And as they bounde him with thoges Paul sayde vnto the Centurion that stode by: Ys it laufull for you to scourge a man that is a Romain and vncondempned?

Acts 25:10

10 Then sayd Paul: I stonde at Cesars iudgemet seate where I ought to be iudged. To ye Iewes have I no harme done as thou verely well knowest.

Acts 25:21

21 Then when Paul had appealed to be kept vnto the knowledge of Cesar I commaunded him to be kept tyll I myght sende him to Cesar.

Acts 25:25

25 Yet founde I nothinge worthy of deeth that he had comitted. Neverthelesse seinge that he hath appealed to Cesar I have determined to sende him.

Acts 26:32

32 Then sayde Agrippa vnto Festus: This man myght have bene lowsed yf he had not appealed vnto Cesar.

Acts 28:19

19 But when ye Iewes cryed cotrary I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of.

1 Thessalonians 2:15

15 Which as they kylled the lorde Iesus and their awne prophetes even so have they persecuted vs and God they please not and are contrary to all men

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.