Acts 24:2 Cross References - Tyndale

2 When Paul was called forth Tartullus beganne to accuse him saying: Seynge yt we live in great quyetnes by the meanes of the and that many good thinges are done vnto this nacion thorow thy providence:

Acts 24:26-27

26 He hoped also that money shuld have bene geven him of Paul that he myght lowse him: wherfore he called him ye oftener and comened with him. 27 But after two yeare Festus Porcius came into Felix roume. And Felix willinge to shewe ye Iewes a pleasure lefte Paul in preson bounde.

Jude 1:16

16 These are murmurers complayners walkynge after their awne lustes whose mouthes speake proude thynges. They have men in greate reverence be cause of a vauntage.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.