2 John 1:10 Cross References - Tyndale

10 Yf ther come eny vnto you and bringe not this learninge him receave not to housse: nether bid him God spede.

Genesis 24:12

12 and he sayde.LORde God of my master Abraha sende me good spede this daye and shewe mercy vnto my master Abraham.

Romans 16:17-18

17 I beseche you brethre marke them which cause division and geve occasions of evyll contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned: and avoyde them. 18 For they yt are suche serve not ye Lorde Iesus Christ: but their awne bellyes and with swete preachinges and flatteringe wordes deceave the hertes of the innocetes.

1 Corinthians 5:11

11 But now I write vnto you that ye company not togedder yf eny that is called a brother be a fornicator or coveteous or a worshipper of ymages ether a raylar ether a dronkard or an extorcionar: with him that is soche se that ye eate not.

1 Corinthians 16:22

22 Yf eny man love not the Lorde Iesus Christ the same be anathema maranatha.

Galatians 1:8-9

8 Neverthelesse though we oure selves or an angell fro heve preache eny other gospell vnto you the that which we have preached vnto you holde him as a cursed. 9 As I sayde before so saye I now agayne yf eny man preache eny other thinge vnto you then that ye have receaved holde him accursed.

2 Thessalonians 3:6

6 We requyre you brethren in the name of oure lorde Iesu Christ yt ye with drawe youre selves from every brother that walketh inordinatly and not after the institucio which ye receaved of vs.

2 Thessalonians 3:14

14 Yf eny man obey not oure sayinges sende vs worde of him by a letter: and have no copanie with him that he maye be ashamed.

2 Timothy 3:5-6

5 havynge a similitude of godly lyvynge but have denyed the power ther of and soche abhorre. 6 Of this sorte are they which entre in to houses and brynge into bondage wymmen laden with synne which wemen are ledde of divers lustes

Titus 3:10

10 A ma that is geue to heresie after the fyrst and the seconde admonicion avoyde

2 John 1:11

11 For he that biddeth him God spede is parttaker of his evyll dedes.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.