1 Samuel 22 Cross References - Tyndale
Hebrews 11:38
38 which ye worlde was not worthy of: they wadred in wildernes in moutaynes in dennes and caves of the erth.
Matthew 9:12-13
Matthew 11:12
12 From the tyme of Ihon Baptist hytherto ye kyngdome of heve suffreth violence and they that go to it with violence pluck it vnto them.
Matthew 11:28
28 Come vnto me all ye that laboure and are laden and I wyll ease you.
Matthew 18:25-34
25 whome be cause he had nought to paye his master commaunded him to be solde and his wyfe and his chyldren and all that he had and payment to be made.
26 The servaunt fell doune and besought him sayinge: Sir geve me respyte and I wyll paye it every whit.
27 Then had the Lorde pytie on that servaunt and lowsed him and forgave him the det.
28 And ye sayde servaut wet oute and founde one of his felowes which ought him an hundred pence and leyed hondes on him and toke him by the throote sayinge: paye me yt thou owest.
29 And his felowe fell doune and besought him sayinge: have pacience with me and I wyll paye the all.
30 And he wolde not but went and cast him into preson tyll he shulde paye the det.
31 When his other felowes sawe what was done they were very sory and came and tolde vnto their lorde all yt had happened.
32 Then his lorde called him and sayde vnto him. O evyll servaut I forgave the all that det because thou prayedst me: was it not mete also yt thou
33 shuldest have had copassion on thy felow even as I had pitie on ye?
34 And his lorde was wrooth and delyuered him to the iaylers tyll he shnld paye all that was due to him.
Hebrews 2:10
10 For it becam him for whom are all thynges and by whom are all thynges after that he had brought many sonnes vnto glory that he shuld make the lorde of their saluacion parfect thorow sofferynge.
Genesis 47:11
11 And Ioseph prepared dwellinges for his father and his brethern and gaue them possessions in the londe of Egipte in the best of the londe: eue in the lande of Raemses as Pharao commaunded.
Exodus 20:12
12 Honoure thy father ad thy mother, that thy dayes may be loge in the lode which the Lorde thy God geueth the.
Matthew 15:4-6
4 For God comaunded sayinge: honoure thy father and mother and he that cursseth father or mother shall suffer deeth.
5 But ye saye every ma shall saye to his father or mother: That which thou desyrest of me to helpe ye with: is geven God:
6 and so shall he not honoure his father or his mother. And thus haue ye made yt the comaundment of God is with out effecte through youre tradicios.
Philippians 2:23-24
1 Timothy 5:4
4 Yf eny wyddowe have chyldren or neves let them learne fyrst to rule their awne houses godly and to recompence their elders. For that is good and acceptable before God.
Matthew 10:23
23 The disciple ys not above hys master: nor yet ye servaut above his lorde.
Genesis 21:33
33 And Abraham planted a wodd in Berseba and called there on the name of the LORde the everlastynge God:
Matthew 26:59-61
59 The chefe prestes and the elders and all the counsell sought false witnes agenste Iesus for to put him to deeth
60 but founde none: in somoche that when many false witnesses cam yet founde they none. At the last came two false witnesses
61 and sayd: This felowe sayde: I can distroye the temple of God and bylde it agayne in .iii. dayes.
Numbers 27:21
21 And he shall stonde before Eleazer ye preast which shall are councell for him after ye maner of the lighte before ye Lorde: And at the mouth of Eleazer shall both he and all the childern of Israel with him and all the congregacion goo in and out.
Romans 3:15
15 Their fete are swyfte to sheed bloud.
Luke 23:2-5
2 And they beganne to accuse him sayinge: We have founde this felowe pervertynge the people and forbiddynge to paye tribute to Cesar: sayinge that he is Christ a kynge.
3 And Pylate apposed him sayinge: arte thou the kynge of the iewes? He answered him and sayde: thou sayest it.
4 Then sayde Pylate to the hye prestes and to the people: I fynde noo faute in this man.
5 And they were the moore fearce sayinge. He moveth the people teachynge thorowout all Iewry and beganne at Galile even to this place.
Genesis 20:5-6
5 sayde not he vnto me that she was hys sister? yee and sayde not she herself that he was hir brother? wyth a pure herte and innocent handes haue I done this.
6 And God sayde vnto him in a dreame. I wot it well that thou dydest it in the purenesse of thi herte. And therfore I kepte ye that thou shuldest not synne agenst me nether suffred I the to come nygh her.
2 Corinthians 1:12
12 Oure reioysynge is this the testimony of oure coscience yt in synglenes and godly purenes and not in flesshly wysdome but by the grace of God we have had oure conuersacion in the worlde and most of all to you wardes.
1 Peter 3:16-17
Deuteronomy 24:16
16 The fathers shal not dye for the childern nor the childern for the fathers: but euery ma shall dye for his awne synne.
Matthew 2:16
16 Then Herod perceavynge yt he was moocked of the wyse men was excedynge wroth and sent forth and slue all the chyldren that were in Bethleem and in all the costes there of as many as were two yere olde and vnder accordynge to the tyme which he had diligetly searched oute of the wyse men.
Acts 12:19
19 When Herode had called for him and founde him not he examined the kepers and comaunded to departe. And he descended from Iewry to Cesarea and ther abode.
Exodus 1:17
17 Notwithstonding the mydwiues feared God, and dyd not as the kinge of Egipte commauded them: but saued the menchildern.
Acts 4:19
19 But Peter and Iohn answered vnto them and sayde: whether it be right in the syght of God to obeye you moare then God iudge ye.
Exodus 28:40
40 And thou shalt make for Aarons sonnes also cotes, girdels and bonettes honourable and glorious,
Acts 26:10-11
10 which thinge I also dyd in Ierusalem. Where many of the sainctes I shut vp in preson and had receaved auctorite of ye hye prestes. And whe they were put to deeth I gave the sentence.
11 And I punysshed them ofte in every synagoge and compelled them to blaspheme: and was yet more mad apon them and persecuted the even vnto straunge cities.
James 2:13
13 For ther shalbe iudgement merciles to him that sheweth no mercy and mercy reioyseth agaynst iudgement:
Matthew 24:9
9 Then shall they put you to trouble and shall kyll you: and ye shalbe hated of all nacions for my names sake.
John 10:28-30
John 15:20
20 Remember the sayinge that I sayde vnto you: the servaute is not greater then his lorde. Yf they have persecuted me so will they persecute you Yf they have kept my sayinge so will they kepe youres.
John 16:2-3
John 17:12
12 Whyll I was with the in ye worlde I kepte the in thy name. Those yt thou gavest me have I kepte and none of the is lost but that lost chylde that the scripture myght be fulfilled.
John 18:9
9 That ye sayinge might be fulfilled which he spake: of the which thou gavest me have I not lost one.
Hebrews 12:1-3
1 Wherfore let vs also (seynge that we are copased with so great a multitude of witnesses) laye awaye all that presseth doune and the synne that hageth on and let vs rune with paciece vnto the battayle yt is set before vs
2 lokynge vnto Iesus the auctor and fynnyssher of oure fayth which for the ioye that was set before him abode the crosse and despysed the shame and is set doune on the right honde of ye trone of God.
3 Consider therfore how that he endured suche speakinge agaynst him of synners lest ye shuld be weried and faynte in youre myndes.