1 Kings 6 Cross References - Tyndale
Numbers 1:1
1 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wildernesse of Sinai in the tabernacle of witnesse the fyrst daye of the seconde moneth ad in the seconde yere after they were come out of ye londe of Egipte sayenge:
John 2:19-21
Acts 7:47
47 But Salomon bylt him an housse.
1 Corinthians 6:19
19 Ether knowe ye not how that youre bodyes are the temple of ye holy goost which is in you who ye have of God and how that ye are not youre awne?
2 Corinthians 6:16
16 how agreeth the temple of god wt ymages? And ye are the temple of yt lyuynge god as sayde god. I will dwell amonge the and walke amoge the and wilbe their god: and they shalbe my people.
Ephesians 2:20-22
Colossians 2:7
7 roted and bylt in him and stedfaste in the fayth as ye have learned: and therin be plenteous in gevynge thankes.
Hebrews 9:11
11 But Christ beynge an hye prest of good thynges to come came by a greater and a moare parfecte tabernacle not made with hondes: that is to saye not of this maner bildynge
Hebrews 11:10
10 For he loked for a citie havinge a foundacio whose bylder and maker is God.
1 Peter 2:5
5 and ye as lyvynge stones are made a spretuall housse and an holy presthode for to offer vp spretuall sacryfice acceptable to god by Iesus Christ.
Revelation 21:16-17
16 And the cite was bylt iiii. square and the length was as large as the bredth of it and he measured the cite with the rede .xii M. fur longes: and the lenght and the bredth and ye heyth of it were equall.
17 And he measured the wall therof. an cxliiii. cubittes: the measure that ye angell had was after the measure that man vseth.
Matthew 4:5
5 Then the devyll tooke hym vp into ye holy cite and set hym on a pynacle of the teple
John 10:23
23 and Iesus walked in Salomons porche.
Acts 3:10-11
Exodus 25:22
22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.
Leviticus 16:2
2 And he sayde vnto Moses: speake vnto Aaron thy brother that he go not at all tymes in to the holy place, that is whithin the vayle that hangeth before the mercyseate which is apon the arcke that he dye not. For I will appeare in a clowde vpon the mercyseate.
Numbers 7:89
89 And when Moses was gone in to the tabernacle of witnesse to speke with hi he harde the voyce of one speakinge vnto him from of the mercy seate that was apon the arcke of witnesse: euen from betwene the two cherubyns he spake vnto him.
Exodus 20:25
25 But and yf thou wilt make me an alter off stone, se thou make it not of hewed stone, for yf thou lyfte vp thy tole vpon it, thou shalt polute it.
Deuteronomy 27:5-6
Acts 9:31
31 Then had ye congregacios rest thorowoute all Iewry and galile and Samary and were edified and walked in the feare of the lorde and multiplied by the comforte of the holy gost.
Romans 9:23
23 that he myght declare ye ryches of his glory on the vessels of mercye which he had prepayred vnto glorie:
2 Corinthians 5:5
5 He that hath ordeyned vs for this thynge ys god which very same hath geven vnto vs the ernest of the sprete.
Colossians 1:12
12 gevynge thankes vnto the father which hath made vs mete to be part takers of the enheritaunce of sainctes in light.
James 1:20
20 For the wrath of man worketh not that which is ryghteous before God.
James 3:17-18
Colossians 1:23
23 yf ye continue grounded and stablysshed in the fayth and be not moved awaye from the hope of the gospell wher of ye have herde howe that it is preached amonge all creatures which are vnder heven wher of I Paul am made a minister.
Exodus 25:8
8 And they shall make me a sanctuarye that I maye dwell amonge them.
Leviticus 26:11
11 I will make my dwellynge place amonge you, and my soule shall not loothe you.
Deuteronomy 31:6
6 Plucke vpp youre hartes and be stronge, dreade not nor be aferde of them: for the Lorde thi God him selfe will goo with the, and wil nether let the goo nor forsake the:
Deuteronomy 31:8
8 And the Lorde he shall goo before the ad he shall be with the, and wil not let the goo nor forsake the, feare not therfore nor be discomforted.
Hebrews 13:5
5 Let youre conversacion be with out coveteousnes and be contet with that ye have all redy. For he verely sayd: I will not fayle the nether forsake the:
Revelation 21:3
3 And I herde a grett voyce out of heaven sayinge: beholde the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with the And they shalbe his people and God him sylffe shalbe with the and be their god.
Acts 7:47-48
Exodus 25:21-22
21 And thou shalt put the mercyseate aboue apon the arke, ad in the arke thou shalt put the wytnesse which I will geue the.
22 There I will mete the and will comon with the from apon the mercyseate from betwene the two cherubyns which are apon the arke of witnesse, of all thynge which I will geue the in commaundment vnto the childern of Israel.
Exodus 26:23
23 ad two bordes moo for the two west corners of the habitacio:
Exodus 26:33-34
Hebrews 9:3
3 But with in the secode vayle was ther a tabernacle which is called holiest of all
Exodus 40:20-21
Hebrews 9:3-4
Exodus 30:1-3
1 And thou shalt make an alter to burne cese therin, of sethim wod:
2 a cubet longe, and a cubet brode, euen fouresquare shall it be and two cubettes hye: with hornes procedyng out of it,
3 ad thou shalt ouerlay it with fyne golde both the roffe ad the walles round aboute, ad his hornes also, ad shalt make vnto it a crowne of gold roude aboute,
Exodus 26:29
29 And thou shalt couer the bordes with golde and make golden rynges for them to put the barres thorow, ad shalt couer the barres with golde also.
Exodus 26:32-33
32 And hange it vppon .iiij. pilers of sethim wodd couered with golde ad that their knoppes be couered with golde also and stonde apon .iiij. sokettes of syluer.
33 And thou shalt hage vp the vayle with rynges, and shall brynge in within the vayle, the arke of wittnesse. And the vayle shall deuyde the holye from the most holye.
Exodus 36:34
34 and ouerlayde the bordes with golde, and made the rynges of golde to thrust the barres thorow, and couered the barres with golde.
Exodus 30:1
1 And thou shalt make an alter to burne cese therin, of sethim wod:
Exodus 30:3
3 ad thou shalt ouerlay it with fyne golde both the roffe ad the walles round aboute, ad his hornes also, ad shalt make vnto it a crowne of gold roude aboute,
Exodus 30:5-6
Genesis 3:24
24 And he cast Ada out and sette at ye enteringe of the garden Eden Cherubin with a naked swerde movinge in and out to kepe the way to the tree of lyfe.
Exodus 25:18-22
18 And make .ij. cherubyns off thicke golde on the .ij. endes of the mercyseate:
19 and sett the one cherub on the one ende and the other on the other ende of the mercyseate: so se that thou make them on the ij. endes there of.
20 And the cherubyns shall stretch their wynges abrode ouer an hye, ad couer the mercy seate with their wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: eue to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubyns be.
Exodus 37:7-9
7 and made two cherubyns of thicke golde apon the two endes off the mercyseate:
8 One cherub on the one ende, and another cherub on the other ende of the mercyseate.
9 And the cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered the mercyseate therewith, And their faces were one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, were the faces of the cherubins.
Hebrews 1:14
14 Are they not all mynistrynge spretes sent to minister for their sakes which shalbe heyres of salvacion?
1 Peter 1:12
12 vnto which Prophetes it was declared that not vnto them selves but vnto vs they shuld minister the thinges which are now shewed vnto you of them which by ye holy goost sent doune fro heven have preached vnto you the thinges which the angels desyre to beholde.
Exodus 25:20
20 And the cherubyns shall stretch their wynges abrode ouer an hye, ad couer the mercy seate with their wynges, and theyr faces shall loke one to another: eue to the mercyseate warde, shall the faces of the cherubyns be.
Exodus 37:9
9 And the cherubyns spredde out their wynges aboue an hye, and couered the mercyseate therewith, And their faces were one to another: euen to the mercyseate warde, were the faces of the cherubins.
Exodus 36:8
8 And all the wyse harted men amonge them that wroughte in the worke of the habytacyon made: euen .x. corteynes of twyned bysse, Iacyncte, scarlet and purple, and made them full of cherubyns with broderd worke.
Luke 2:13-14
Ephesians 3:10
10 to the intent that now vnto the rulars and powers in heven myght be knowe by the cogregacion ye many folde wisdome of god
Revelation 5:11-14
11 And I behelde and I herd the voyce of many angylles aboute the trone and about the bestes and the elders and I herde thousand thousandes
12 saynge wt a lowde voyce: Worthy is the lambe that was killed to receave power and riches and wisdom and strenghte and honoure and glory and blyssynge.
13 And all creatures which are in heven and on the erth and vnder the erth and in the see and all that are in them herd I sayinge: blyssinge honour glory and power be vnto hym that sytteth apon the seate and vnto the lambe for ever more.
14 And the .iiii. bestes sayd: Ame. And the .xxiiii. elders fell apon their faces and worshypped him that lyveth for ever more.
Revelation 7:9
9 After this I behelde and lo a gret multitude (which noma coulde nombre) of all nacios and people and tonges stode before the seate and before the lambe clothed with longe whyte garmentes and palmes in there hondes
Revelation 21:18-21
18 And the byldinge of the wall of it was of iaspar. And the cite was pure gold lyke vnto cleare glasse
19 and the foundacions of the wall of ye cite was garnisshed with all maner of precious stones The fyrste foundacion was iaspar the seconde saphyre the thyrde a calcedony the fourth an emeralde:
20 the fyft sardonix: the sixt sardeos: the seventh crysolite the ayght berall: the nynth a topas: the tenth a crysoprasos: the eleventh a iacyncte: the twelfe an amatist.
21 The xii. gates were xii pearles every gate was of one pearle and the strete of the cite was pure golde as thorowe shynynge glasse.
John 10:9
9 I am the dore: by me yf eny man enter in he shalbe safe and shall goo in and out and fynde pasture.
John 14:6
6 Iesus sayd vnto him: I am ye waye ye truthe and ye life. And no man cometh vnto the father but by me.
Ephesians 3:18
18 myght be able to comprehende with all sayntes what ys that bredth aud length deepth and heyth:
Hebrews 10:19-20
Exodus 27:9-19
9 And thou shalt make a courte vnto the habitacion, which shall haue in the south syde hagynges of twyned bysse, beyng an hundred cubettes longe,
10 and .xx. pilers thereof with there xx. sokettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pilers and their whopes shalbe syluer.
11 In like wise on the north syde there shalbe hagynges of an hundred cubettes longe and .xx. pilers with their sokettes of brasse, and the knoppes and the whopes of syluer.
12 And in the bredth of the courte westwarde, there shalbe hangynges of fyftye cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. sokettes.
13 And in the bredth of the courte eastwarde towarde the rysynge of the sonne, shalbe hangynges of .l. cubyttes.
14 Hagynges of .xv. cubittes in the one syde of it with iij. pilers and .iij. sokettes:
15 and likewise on the other syde shalbe hangynges of .xv. cubettes with .iij. pilers and .iij. sokettes.
16 And in the gate of the courte shalbe a vayle of .xx. cubettes: of Iacyncte, scarlet, purpul and twyned bysse wroughte with nedle worke, and .iiij. pilers with their .iiij. sokettes.
17 All the pilers rounde aboute the courte shalbe whoped with syluer, and their knoppes of syluer, and their sokettes of brasse.
18 The length of the courte, shall be an hundred cubettes, and the bredth fiftye, and the heygth fyue, and the hangynges shalbe of twyned bysse and the sokettes of brasse.
19 And all the vessels of the habitacion to all maner seruyce ad the pynnes there of: ye and the pynne also of the courte, shalbe brasse.
Exodus 38:9-20
9 And he made the courte with hangynges of twyned bysse of an hundred cubettes longe vppon the southsyde,
10 ad .xx. pilers with .xx. sokettes of brasse: but the knoppes of the pilers, ad the whoopes were syluer.
11 And on the north syde the hanginges were an hundred cubettes longe with .xx. pilers and .xx. sokettes of brasse, but the knoppes and the whopes of the pilers were of syluer.
12 And on the west syde, were hangynges of .l. cubettes longe, and .x. pilers with their .x. sokettes, and the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were syluer.
13 And on the east syde towarde the sonne rysynge, were hangynges of .l. cubettes:
14 the hangynges of the one syde of the gate were .xv. cubettes longe, and their pilers .iij. with their .iij, sokettes.
15 And off the other syde of the court gate, were hanginges also of .xv. cubettes longe, and their pilers iij. with .iij. sokettes.
16 Now all the hanginges of the courte rounde aboute, were of twyned bysse,
17 ad the sokettes of the pilers were brasse: but the knoppes ad the whoopes of the pilers were syluer, and the heedes were ouerlayde wyth syluer, ad all the pilers of the courte were whoped aboute with syluer.
18 And the hanginge of the gate of the courte was nedleworke: of Iacincte, scarlet, purple, and twyned bysse .xx. cubettes longe and fiue in the bredth, acordynge to the hangynges of the courte.
19 And the pilers were .iiij. with .iiij. sokettes of brasse, ad the knoppes of syluer, ad the heedes ouerlayde with syluer and whoped aboute with syluer,
20 ad all the pynnes of the tabernacle ad of the courte rounde aboute were brasse.
Revelation 11:2
2 And then was geven me a rede lyke vnto a rodd and it was sayd vnto me: Ryse and mete the temple of god and the aultre and them that worshippe therin
John 2:20
20 Then sayde the Iewes: xlvi. yeares was this temple abuyldinge: and wylt thou reare it vp in thre dayes?