1 Kings 12 Cross References - Tyndale

Genesis 12:6

6 Abram went furth in to the lade tyll he came vnto a place called Sychem and vnto the oke of More. And the Canaanytes dwelled then in the lande.

Genesis 33:18-19

18 And Iacob went to Salem to ye cytie of Sichem in the lande of Canaa after that he was come from Mesopotamia and pitched before the cyte 19 and bought a parcell of ground where he pitched his tent of the childern of Hemor Sichems father for an hundred lambes.

Acts 7:16

16 and were translated into Sichem ond were put in ye sepulcre that Abraham bought for money of the sonnes of Emor at Sichem.

Matthew 11:29-30

29 Take my yoke on you and lerne of me for I am meke and lowly in herte: and ye shall fynd rest vnto youre soules. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Matthew 23:4

4 For they saye and do not. Ye and they bynde hevy burthes and grevous to be borne and ley the on menes shulders: but they themsylfes will not heave at them with one of their fyngers.

1 John 5:3

3 This is ye love of god yt we kepe his comaundemetes and his comaundementes are not greveous

Mark 10:43-44

43 So shall it not be amonge you but whosoever of you wilbe greate amoge you shalbe youre minister. 44 And whosoever wilbe chefe shalbe servaunt vnto all.

Philippians 2:7-11

7 Neverthelesse he made him silfe of no reputacion and toke on him the shape of a servaunte and became lyke vnto men 8 and was founde in his aparell as a man. He humbled him silfe and became obediet vnto ye deeth even the deeth of the crosse. 9 Wherfore god hath exalted him and geve him a name above all names: 10 that in the name of Iesus shuld every knee bowe bothe of thinges in heve and thinges in erth and thinges vnder erth 11 and that all tonges shuld confesse that Iesus Christ is the lorde vnto the prayse of God the father.

Exodus 1:13-14

13 And the Egiptias helde the childern of Israel in bondage without mercie, 14 and made their lyues bitter vnto them with cruell laboure in claye and bricke, and all maner worke in the feldes, and in all maner of service, which they caused the to worke cruelly

Exodus 5:5-9

5 And Pharao sayde further more: beholde, there is moch people in the londe, and ye make them playe and let their worke stonde. 6 And Pharao commaunded the same daye vnto the taskemasters ouer the people and vnto the officers saynge: 7 se that ye geue the people no moare strawe to make brycke with all as ye dyd in tyme passed: let them goo and gather them strawe them selues, 8 and the nombre of bricke which they were wont to make in tyme passed, laye vnto their charges also, and minysh nothinge therof. For they be ydill ad therfore crye saynge: let vs goo and do sacrifice vnto oure God. 9 They must haue more worke layed vpon them, that they maye laboure theryn, and than will they not turne them selues to false wordes.

Exodus 5:18

18 Goo therfore and worke, for there shall no strawe be geuen you, and yet see that ye delyuer the hole tale of brycke.

Revelation 9:3-10

3 And there cam out of the smoke locustes vpo the erth: and vnto them was geve power as the scorpions of the erth have power. 4 And it hurt ye grasse of the erth: nether eny grene thinge: nether eny tree: but only those me which have not ye seale in their forhedes 5 and to the was comaunded yt they shulde not kyll the but yt they shulde be vexed v monethes and their payne was as the payne yt cometh of a scorpion whe he hath stoge a ma. 6 And in those dayes shall men seke deeth and shall not fynde it and shall desyre to dye and deeth shall flye fro the. 7 And the similitude of the locustes was lyke vnto horses prepared vnto battayll and on their heddes were as it were crownes lyke vnto golde: and their faces were as it had bene the faces of men. 8 And they had heare as the heare of wemen. And their tethe were as the tethe of lyons. 9 And they had habbergions as it were habbergions of yron. And the sounde of their wynges was as the sounde of charettes when many horsses runne to gedder to battayle. 10 And they had tayles lyke vnto scorpions and there were stinges in their tayles. And their power was to hurt men v. monethes.

Genesis 16:6

6 Than sayde Abra to Sarai: beholde thy mayde is in thy hande do with hyr as it pleaseth the.And because Sarai fared foule with her she fled from her.

Genesis 42:7

7 When Ioseph sawe his brethern he knewe them: But made straunge vnto them and spake rughly vnto them saynge: Whence come ye? and they sayde: out of the lande of Canaan to bye vitayle.

Genesis 42:30

30 The lorde of the lade spake rughly to us and toke us for spyes to serche the countte.

Exodus 5:2

2 And Pharao answered: what felowe is the Lord, that I shulde heare his voyce for to let Israel goo?

Exodus 10:28

28 And Pharao sayde vnto him: get the fro me ad take heade to thy selfe that thou see my face no moare, For whesoeuer thou comest in my syghte, thou shalt dye.

James 3:17

17 But the wisdom that is from above is fyrst pure then peasable gentle and easy to be entreated full of mercy and good frutes without iudgynge and without simulacio:

Exodus 1:14

14 and made their lyues bitter vnto them with cruell laboure in claye and bricke, and all maner worke in the feldes, and in all maner of service, which they caused the to worke cruelly

Exodus 5:16-18

16 there is no strawe geuen vnto thy servauntes, and yet they saye vnto vs: make brycke. And loo, thy servauntes ar beaten, and thy people is foule intreated. 17 And he answered: ydill are ye ydill and therfore ye saye: let vs goo ad do sacrifice vnto the Lorde. 18 Goo therfore and worke, for there shall no strawe be geuen you, and yet see that ye delyuer the hole tale of brycke.

James 3:14-4:2

14 But Yf ye have bitter envyinge and stryfe in youre hertes reioyce not: nether be lyars agaynst the trueth.

Deuteronomy 2:30

30 But Sihon the kinge of Hesbon wolde not let vs passe by him, for the Lord thy God had hardened his sprite and made his herte tough because he wold delyuer him in to thy hondes as it is come to passe this daye.

John 19:23-24

23 Then the soudiers when they had crucified Iesus toke his garmentes and made foure partes to every soudier a parte and also his coote. The coote was with out seme wrought vpon thorowe out. 24 And they sayde one to another. Let vs not devyde it: but cast loostes who shall have it That the scripture myght be fulfilled which sayth. They parted my rayment amonge them and on my coote dyd cast lottes. And the soudiers dyd soche thinges in dede.

John 19:28-29

28 After that when Iesus perceaved that all thinges were performed: that the scripture myght be fulfilled he sayde: I thyrst. 29 Ther stode a vessell full of veneger by. And they filled a sponge with veneger and wounde it about with ysope and put it to his mouth.

John 19:32-37

32 Then came the soudiers and brake the legges of the fyrst and of the other which was crucified with Iesus. 33 But when they came to Iesus and sawe that he was deed already they brake not his legges: 34 but one of the soudiers with a speare thrust him into the syde and forthwith came ther out bloud and water. 35 And he that sawe it bare recorde and his recorde is true. And he knoweth that he sayth true that ye myght beleve also. 36 These thinges were done that the scripture shuld be fulfilled: Ye shall not breake a boone of him. 37 And agayne another scripture sayth: They shall looke on him whom they pearsed.

Acts 2:23

23 him have ye taken by the hondes of vnrightewes persones after he was delivered by the determinat counsell and foreknoweledge of God and have crucified and slayne:

Acts 3:17

17 And now brethre I wote well that thorow ignorauce ye did it as dyd also youre heddes.

Acts 4:28

28 for to do whatsoever thy honde and thy counsell determined before to be done.

Acts 13:27-29

27 The inhabiters of Ierusalem and their rulers because they knewe him not nor yet the voyces of the Prophetes which are redde every Saboth daye they have fulfilled them in condepninge him. 28 And when they founde no cause of deeth in him yet desyred they Pylate to kyll him. 29 And when they had fulfilled all that were written of him they toke him doune from the tree and put him in a sepulcre.

Luke 19:14

14 But his citesens hated him and sent messengers after him sayinge: We will not have this man to raygne over vs.

Luke 19:27

27 Moreover those myne enemys which wolde not that I shuld raigne over them bringe hidder and slee them before me.

Exodus 17:4

4 And Moses cried vnto the Lorde saynge what shal I do vnto this people? they be al most redye to stone me.

Numbers 14:10

10 And all the whole multitude bade stone them with stones. But the glorie of the Lorde appered in the tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the childern of Israel.

Acts 5:26

26 26. Then went the ruler of the teple with ministers and brought the with out violence. For they feared the people lest they shuld have bene stoned.

Acts 7:57-58

57 Then they gave a shute with a loude voyce and stopped their eares and ranne apon him all at once 58 and caste him out of the cite and stoned him. And the witnesses layde doune their clothes at a yonge mannes fete named Saul.

Hebrews 6:6

6 yf they faule shuld be renued agayne vnto repentaunce: for as moche as they have (as concerninge them selves) crucified the sonne of God a fresshe makynge a mocke of him.

Deuteronomy 33:1

1 This is the blessinge where with Moses gods man blessed the childern of Israel before his deeth

1 Timothy 6:11

11 But thou which arte the man of god flye soche thynges Folowe rightewesnes godlines love pacience and meknes.

Numbers 14:42

42 goo not vpp for the Lorde is not amonge you that ye be not slayne before youre enemyes.

Genesis 32:30-31

30 And Iacob called the name of the place Peniel for I haue sene God face to face and yet is my lyfe reserved. 31 And as he went ouer Peniel the sonne rose vpon him and he halted vpon his thye:

Mark 2:6-8

6 And ther were certayne of ye scribes sittinge there and reasoninge in their hertes: 7 how doeth this felowe so blaspheme? Who can forgeve synnes but God only? 8 And immediatly whe Iesus perceaved in his sprete yt they so reasoned in the selves he sayde vnto them: why thynke ye soche thinges in youre hertes?

Luke 7:39

39 When the pharise which bade him sawe that he spake with in him sylfe sayinge: If this man were a prophete he wolde surely have knowen who and what maner woman this is which toucheth him for she is a synner.

John 11:47-50

47 Then gadered the hye prestes and the Pharises a counsell and sayde: what do we? This ma doeth many miracles. 48 Yf we let him scape thus all men will beleve on him and ye Romaynes shall come and take awaye oure countre and the people. 49 And one of them named Cayphas which was the hieprest yt same yeare sayde vnto them: Ye perceave nothinge at all 50 nor yet consider that it is expedient for vs that one man dye for the people and not that all the people perisshe.

John 12:10-11

10 The hye prestes therfore held a counsell that they myght put Lazarus to deeth also 11 because that for his sake many of the Iewes went awaye and beleved on Iesus.

John 12:19

19 The Pharises therfore sayde amonge them selves: perceave ye how we prevayle no thinge? beholde the worlde goth awaye after him.

Acts 4:16-17

16 sayinge: what shall we do to these men? For a manifest signe is done by the and is openly knowen to all them that dwell in Ierusalem and we canot denye it. 17 But that it be noysed no farther amoge the people let us threaten and charge them that they speake hence forth to no man in this name.

Genesis 12:12-13

12 It wyll come to passe therfore whe the Egiptians see the that they wyll say: she is his wyfe. And so shall they sley me and save the. 13 saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule maye lyue for thy sake.

Genesis 26:7

7 And yt me of the place asked hi of his wife and he sayde yt she was his sister: for he feared to calle her his wife lest the me of the place shulde haue kylled hym for hir sake because she was bewtyfull to ye eye.

Deuteronomy 12:5-7

5 but ye shall enquere the place which the Lorde youre God shall haue chosen out of all youre trybes to put his name there and there to dwell. 6 And thyther thou shalt come, and thyther ye shall brynge youre burntsacryfices and youre offerynges, youre tithes and heueofferynges off youre handes, youre vowes and frewillofferynges and thy fyrst borne off youre oxen and off youre shepe. 7 And there ye shall eate before the Lorde youre God, and ye shall reioyse in all that ye laye youre handes on: both ye and youre housholdes, because the Lord thy God hath blessed the.

Deuteronomy 12:14

14 but in the place which the Lorde shall haue chosen amonge one of thy trybes, there thou shalt offer thi burntofferynges and there thou shalt doo all that I commaunde the.

Deuteronomy 16:2

2 Thou shalt therfore offer passeover vnto the Lorde thi God, and shepe and oxen in the place which the Lorde shall chose to make his name dwell there.

Deuteronomy 16:6

6 But in the place which the Lorde thi God shall chose to make his name dwell in, there thou shalt offer Passeouer at euen aboute the goyngdoune of the sonne, euen in the season that thou camest out of Egipte.

1 Corinthians 1:19-20

19 For it is written: I will destroye the wysdome of the wyse and will cast awaye the vnderstondinge of the prudet. 20 Where is the wyse? Where is the scrybe? Where is the searcher of this worlde?

Exodus 1:10

10 Come on, let vs playe wisely with them: lest they multiplie, and then (yf there chaunce any warre) they ioyne them selues vnto oure enimies and fyghte ageynst vs, and so gete them out of the lande.

Exodus 20:4

4 Thou shalt make the no grauen ymage, nether any symilitude that is in heauen aboue, ether in the erth beneth, or in the water that ys beneth the erth.

Exodus 32:4

4 And he receaued them of their handes and facyoned it with a grauer and made it a calfe of molten metall. And they sayde: This is thi god O Israel, whiche brought the out of the londe of Egipte.

Exodus 32:8

8 haue marred all they are turned at once out of the waye whiche I comaunded the, ad haue made the a calfe of molten metall, ad haue worshipped it ad haue offred therto and haue saide: This is thy God thou Israel, which hath brought the out of the lande of Egipte.

Deuteronomy 4:14-18

14 And the Lorde commaunded me the same season to teache you ordynaunces and lawes, for to doo them in the londe whether ye goo to possesse it 15 Take hede vnto youre selues diligently as pertayninge vnto youre soules, for ye sawe no maner of ymage the daye when the Lorde spake vnto you in Horeb out of the fire: 16 lest ye marre youre selues and make you grauen ymages after what soeuer likenesse it be: whether after the likenesse of ma or woma 17 or any mane beest that is on the erth or of any maner fetherred foule that fleth in the ayre, 18 or of any maner worme that crepeth on the erth or of any maner fysh that is in the water beneth the erth:

2 Peter 2:19

19 They promys them libertye and are them selves ye bonde servauntes of corrupcion. For of whom soever a man is over come vnto ye same is he in bondage.

Genesis 12:8

8 Then departed he thence vnto a mountayne that lyeth on the east syde of BETHEL and pytched hys tente: BETHEL beynge on the west syde and Ay on the east: And he buylded there an aulter vnto the LORde and called on the name of ye LORde.

Genesis 14:14

14 When Abram herde that his brother was taken he harnessed his seruantes borne in his owne house .iij. hundred and .xviij. ad folowed tyll they came at Dan.

Genesis 28:19

19 And he called the name of the place Bethell for in dede the name of the citie was called Lus before tyme.

Genesis 35:1

1 And God sayd vnto Iacob aryse ad get the vp to Bethell and dwell there. And make there an aulter vnto God that apeared vnto the when thou fleddest from Esau thy brother.

Deuteronomy 34:1

1 And Moses went fro the feldes of Moab vpp in to mount Nebo which is the toppe of Pisga, that is ouer agenst Iericho. And the Lorde shewed him all the londe off Gilead euen vnto. Dan,

Numbers 3:10

10 And thou shalt appoite Aaro and his sonnes to wayte on their preastes office: and the strauger yt cometh nye shall dye for it.

Deuteronomy 24:15

15 Geue him his hyre the same daye, and let not the sonne goo doune thereon. For he is nedye ad therewith susteyneth his life, lest he crye agenst the vnto the Lorde ad it be synne vnto the.

Leviticus 23:33-44

33 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 34 speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye: the xv. daye of the same seuenth moneth shalbe the feast of tabernacles .vij. dayes uto the Lorde. 35 The first daye shalbe an holy feast, so that ye shall do no laborious worke therein. 36 Seuen dayes ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde, and the .viij daye shalbe an holy feast vnto you ad ye shall offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde. It is the ende of the feast, and ye shall do no laborious worke therein. 37 These are the feastes of the Lorde whiche ye shall proclayme holy feastes, for to offer sacrifice vnto the Lorde, burntofferynges, meatofferynges, and drinkoffrynges euery daye: 38 besyde the sabbathes of the Lorde, ad besyde youre giftes, and all youre vowes, and all your frewillofferynges whiche ye shall geue vnto the Lorde. 39 Moreouer in the .xv. daye of the seuenth moneth after that ye haue gathered in the frutes of the lande, ye shall kepe holy daye vnto the Lorde .vij: dayes longe. The first daye shall be a daye of reste, and the .viij. daye shalbe a daye of rest. 40 And ye shall take you the first daye, the frutes of goodly trees and the braunches off palme trees and the bowes of thicke trees, ad wylowes of the broke, and shall reioyse before the Lorde .vij. dayes. 41 And ye shall kepe it holy daye vnto the Lorde .vij. dayes in the yere. And it shalbe a lawe for euer vnto youre childern after you, that ye kepe that feast in the seuenth moneth. 42 And ye shall dwell in bothes seuen dayes: euen all that are Israelites borne, shall dwell in bothes, 43 that youre children after you maye knowe howe that I made the childern of Israel dwell in bothes, when I broughte them out of the lande of Egipte: for I am the Lorde youre God. 44 And Moses told all the feastes of the Lorde vnto the childern of Israel.

Numbers 29:12-40

12 And the .xv. daye of the seuenth moneth shalbe holy daye and ye shall doo no laboryous worke therein and ye shall kepe a feast vnto ye Lorde of .vij. dayes longe. 13 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: xiij. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. labes which are yerelynges 14 and pure with oyle iij tenthdeales vnto euery one of the .xiij. bollockes .ij. tethdeales to ether of the rammes 15 and one tenthdeale vnto eche of the .xiiij. lambes. 16 And one he goote vnto a synofferynge besyde ye dayly burntofferynge with his meate and drynkofferynges. 17 And the seconde daye .xij. younge bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. yerlynge lambes without spot: 18 and their meateofferynges and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and lambes acordynge to the numbre of them and after the maner. 19 And an he goote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge ad his meate and drynkofferynges. 20 And the thyrde daye .xi. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot: 21 and their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and lambes after the numbre of the and acordynge to the maner. 22 And an he goote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges. 23 And the fourth daye .x. bollockes .ij. rammes and .xiiij. labes yerelynges and pure: 24 ad their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rames and labes acordynge to their nubre and after the maner. 25 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge ad his meate and drynkofferynges. 26 And the fyfte daye .ix. bollockes .ij. rames and .xiiij. lambes of one yere olde a pece without spott. 27 And their meat and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rames and lambes acordynge to the numbre of them and after the maner. 28 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges. 29 And the syxte daye .viij. bollockes .ij. rammes ad .xiiij. yerelynge lambes without spot 30 And their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and lambes acordynge to the maner. 31 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges. 32 And the seuenth daye .vij. bollockes .ij. rames and .xiiij. lambes that are yerelynges and pure. 33 And their meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollockes rammes and labes acordynge to their numbre and to the maner. 34 And an hegoote for a synofferynge besyde ye dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges. 35 And the eyght daye shalbe the conclusion of ye feaste vnto you and ye shall doo no maner laboryous worke therein. 36 And ye shall offer a burntofferynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde: one bollocke one ra and .vij. yerelynge labes without spott. 37 And the meate and drynkofferynges vnto the bollocke ra and labes acordynge to their nubres and acordynge to ye maner. 38 And an he goote for a synofferynge besyde the dayly burntofferynge and his meate and drynkofferynges. 39 These thinges ye shall doo vnto the Lorde in youre feastes: besyde youre vowes and frewyll offerynges in youre burntofferinges meatofferynges drynkofferynges and peaseofferynges. 40 And Moses tolde the childern of Israel acordynge to all that the Lorde commaunded him.

Matthew 15:8-9

8 This people draweth nye vnto me with their mouthes and honoureth me with their lippes howbe it their hertes are farre from me: 9 but in vayne they worshippe me teachinge doctrines whiche are nothing but mens precepts.

Numbers 15:39

39 And the garde shall be vnto you to loke apon it that ye remembre all the commaundmentes of the Lorde and doo them that ye seke not a maye after youre awne hertes and after youre awne eyes for to god a whooringe after them:

Matthew 15:6

6 and so shall he not honoure his father or his mother. And thus haue ye made yt the comaundment of God is with out effecte through youre tradicios.

Mark 7:13

13 makinge the worde of God of none effecte through youre awne tradicions which ye have ordeyned. And many soche thinges ye do.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.