2 If eny man thinke that he knoweth eny thinge he knoweth nothynge yet as he ought to knowe.
1 Corinthians 8:2 Cross References - Tyndale
Romans 11:25
25 I wolde not that this secrete shuld be hyd fro you my brethren (lest ye shuld be wyse in youre awne consaytes) that partly blyndnes is happened in Israel vntyll ye fulnes of the gentyls be come in:
1 Corinthians 3:18
18 Let no man deceave him silfe. Yf eny man seme wyse amonge you let him be a fole in this worlde that he maye be wyse.
1 Corinthians 13:8-9
1 Corinthians 13:12
12 Now we se in a glasse even in a darke speakynge: but then shall we se face to face. Now I knowe vnparfectly: but then shall I knowe even as I am knowen.
Galatians 6:3
3 If eny ma seme to him silfe that he is somwhat whe in dede he is nothynge the same deceaveth hym silfe in his ymaginacion.
1 Timothy 1:5-7
5 for ye ende of the comaundemet is love that cometh of a pure herte and of a good conscience and of fayth vnfayned:
6 fro the which thinges some have erred and have turned vnto vayne iangelinge
7 because they wolde be doctours the scripture and yet vnderstonde not what they speake nether wherof they affirme.
1 Timothy 6:3-4
3 These thynges teache and exhorte. Yf eny man teache other wise and is not contet with ye wholsome wordes of oure lorde Iesu christ and with the doctryne of godlines
4 he is pufte vp and knoweth nothynge: but wasteth his braynes aboute questions and stryfe of wordes wherof sprynge envie stryfe raylinges evyll surmysinges